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Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-06-28 18:14:47
Parents are wonderful to have, but some parents can't handle the opions we have for our life. My parent does not respect my decision for my religion. I believe in God, but i don't like going to church. My mom can't respect my decision for my life and what i don't want to do.Has anyone elses lifed isions been disrespected by your parents? Why can't they respect our life decisions? I am not doing anything wrong.

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by gendou on 2007-06-28 18:31:24 (edited 2007-06-28 18:41:36)
First off, I must say that god is a delusion, and religion poisons everything.
At first, it is the job of a parent to make decisions for their child.
Once their child starts to be responsible, their role changes from dictator to friend.
This is a difficult transition.
Any source of tension, like health, school, work, or religion, can start a disagreement.
Handling disagreements in a mature and respectful way is difficult for both kids and their parents.
My advice to you is to surprise them.
Say something mature sounding (wether you mean it or not!) like, "gosh mom, i see what you mean", or "you know dad, i never thought of it that way".
It can be painful, but the reward is more freedom.

Alternatively, you can put your foot down, if your parents are out of line.
It is my opinion they should not FORCE you to go to church. That's child abuse.
Should you refuse to go, during the inevitable argument that follows, you might tell them that you respect their religious choices and wish they would do the same for you.
From there, you'd have to talk to them seriously to figure out what they want and how to come to a compromise.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-06-28 19:24:43 (edited 2007-06-28 19:27:06)
I agree with what you are saying. I have tried many tactics, evens omeyo u have stated. My mom is hardcore. She doesn't care. The thing that makes it worse is when she talks to her friends and lie about what she says to me. My mom said to one of her friends "Oh I respect every opion and fecision my daughter makes. She has her own life tol ive andi have never tried to control her choices" That is a lie!! I told her i am moving outs oona nd shes aid no because i am her child. Well I am going to be moving soon...hehehe i showed her. I told her she raised me to always follow my instincts and do what i feel is right. I thankned her for all she has doen for me. I am ready to live now just as she was when she was younger. We must have a mind of our own. I am a warrior and no one controls my mind.

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-06-29 22:41:50
@Isis. How old are you by the way? Cuz I wasn't able to move out until I was 20. My parents had problems with my choices, music, no religious beliefs, exc. However if me and my parents stayed out of each others way, we were ok. We get along just fine now that I'm on my own. I think they respect how more mature I am then my older brother.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-06-29 22:53:35
I am 20 and I am saving up to move. I am mature for my age and my mom agree with my level of maturity, but she said she will always have control over what i believe in because she is my mother andi f i go against her decision for religion or whatever i am not respecting her. I don't argue with her anymore. When it ry toa void the rough topics, she just tries to force it out of me.She contredicts what she says too. It is pure he** sometimes. Now I useually go to my room and get on to relax and calm my mind. I find peace here, and i can take a break from my mom. She will useually forget after a while until my pesky rat little sister reminds her that i didn't do what she wanted me to. I agree with what your signature says.

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-06-30 01:00:08
I live with my mom, and we are equals. My parental unit is not present at all. Basicly we work on a system that simulates the real world of "karma", and yes I am make this sound beter/smarter then it rlly is. But I do something it might make some people mad, and some people happy. Easy way to say it, my mom doesn't do anything at ALL in raising us. She hardly cooks now, and the house is a mess. But I don't have to do anything, but instead I should do things.

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Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-07-14 16:48:46
I love my parents. After you reach ac ertain age and go offo n your own, it is time for you tog uide andh elp the parents. My mom is just getting up in age. She listens to no one really anymore and she thinks she is right one verything wheni tco mes to my life.

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-07-14 18:45:14
I agree with what da Gendouness has to say. Parents aren't the perfect role models all the time. The fact is, they start out as teenagers, maybe a bit more responsible than we are at this time and place, but still. In that, they have never cared for a child before, so what do they know of how to raise a child and acquire the necessary skills to raise one to perfection?

In this time of age, there are so many different types of influences that it's mind boggeling. But the fact is, parents are like a Kingdom.

Parents give you a place to live, shelter you and feed you. As a king would to his subjects. All you have to do is be loyal to them. But that is where many parents mistaken Kingly rule with parenting.

A child may be eternally indebted to a parent, but that does not give the parent the right to forcebly withold the child and seclude them to other beliefs.

Then again, some evil renowned kings used to do that as well. >.>

Anyways, parents aren't the perfect example. no one is. The only thing they know is how life works now that they have more experience.

Experience itself is also taken for granted to use against a child. because of the serious age gap, a parent always thinks that they are more intelligent than you since they know more because they have the experience by age.

But now these days, kids also have that experience through controlled environments. :33

Ah...well, basically that's it. >.>

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-07-15 21:15:40
Parents indeed aren't the best role models all the time. I've learned a lot from them, of course, but they don't know it all.

In spanish there is a quote that says: "el diablo sabe mas por viejo que por diablo"... oddly translated it says: "the devil is smarter for being older than for being the devil". We must recognize parents have lived more than us and maybe have experienced the same things that we are at a certain moment of our lives.

Gendou-san said:
"My advice to you is to surprise them."

Indeed, that works!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-09-12 02:57:17
Well, as we grow older and mature, we realise that our parents were ther for us when we were young.. forcing us to do things which we disliked.. Yet, those things are beneficial to us and we should be thankful that they did intervene in our lives before we mixed with some company.. god knows where we would be without any parents.. O.o

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-09-12 04:40:18
i agree.. parents are there to help u when u are down. they are always there for u.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2007-10-03 10:25:08
Parents are the one who raised you.

Of course they did mistakes, everyone did so.

But your bond withthem can't be cut off forever. their blood is in yours.

Re: Parent Pressure (Is your life being invaded?)
Link | by on 2007-10-13 20:52:20
Mothers know best ^.^
i dont hev a father i dunno y xD

maybe we shuld just understand them when they make mistakes.. hu wuld wish for sumting bad for their child.. and when they r against r decisions there must be a good reason y..

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