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little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 17:29:04
you ever find that one flaw in anime like wait a minute didnt that guy have five fingers? or wasnt she left handed? well post it here

a flaw i found in bleach is that some of the characters live by themselves (like orihime and chad) but their in high school and its not a boarding school. hmm


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 17:47:04
@Ray- I also found that. It's like Japan has no social service people or laws like that.XD

There are a few in the Gundam Seed series. In Destiny when Kira first uses the Freedom he destroys the missile pods of a MS but their intact when shown shortly after.


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-14 18:06:18
I wouldn't call this a "flaw", but ever notice how in a lot of anime, mostly any girl has like, the ideal [SMASH MOUTH] body? XD
In some anime, their body seems a bit too "fantasy", "impossible", etc. to have in real life.
I usually get suspicious with the second "flaw" I said. ^_^'


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 18:12:28 (edited 2007-04-14 18:14:16)
@DAngel- There has to be a girl like that in every form of media.XD Otherwise there's no sex appeal and the show doesn't reach it's viewer potential. This is visual media 101. lol I wouldn't say impossible to have. XD

Well, there's also the thing about anime girls always having a crush on the guys who are moody or emo. It's kind of strange.


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 18:35:52
I have a question about Gundam Seed. Why is it that in GS, the Earth forces uniform is white, and the ZAFT have the red, but in GSD, it is the opposite?

Also, did anybody notice that throughout all of GS, Kira is still Ensign? You'd think he'd get promoted after all that he did. >_<

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 18:40:43 (edited 2007-04-14 18:44:28)
@Eureka- The first thing is because of rank.

Green- Normal Soldier
Red- Normal soldier, but graduated with high marks or something like that. Ace pilot.
White- Team Commander/Commander/Senior Ship Captain
Black- Ship captain, things like that.

Orange-ish pilot suits are shown a lot, their most likely just normal soldiers.
Blue- Specialty.
White- Pretty much all ranks wear this uniform.

I don't remember the uniforms switching between GS and GSD. They stayed the same.

As for the second thing, Kira stays an Ensign while he's with the EAF mainly because the Archangel is on the run half of the time and the Captain of the ship doesn't have the right to promote soldiers. After the point when the Strike gets destroyed he is no longer in the EAF so rank doesn't apply.


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 19:02:00
@Jon: Thanks for the explaination. ^_^ But, yeah. They swap uniforms. In GSD, the Earth Forces wear Zaft's uniform and vice versa.

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 19:05:33 (edited 2007-04-14 19:19:01)
@Eureka- Nope, they wear the same uniforms. If you take a look at the characters through Wiki pictures you can see they wear the same styles as in GS.

The EAF wear the 'insignia' of their rank on their collar. ZAFT have a ZAFT symbol on their collar. The EAF suits have a folded collar and the ZAFT have an unfolded collar. The EAF still have the 'traditional' styles of uniforms.


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 19:45:24
@Jon: Ah. I see. Sorry for making a pointless argument >< I could've sworn that they were different, though. My apologies ^^

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by bleucosmos on 2007-04-14 21:33:58
this pretty much looks like the implications of the Anime Laws (mainly defying the laws of Physics and kinda unlogical situations.....)

do ya guys consider those laws as flaws???

i cannot protect you without a sword.... but i cann't embrace while holding a sword...

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-14 21:37:17
no just lil things


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-14 23:44:01
Jon:: Yeah, it's not impossible.
Just buy a bunch of tissues for extreme nose bleeds. XD
Hmm, I wonder if you can really get a nose bleed from seeing extreme ecchiness in anime? o(=.=)o
Well, there's also the thing about anime girls always having a crush on the guys who are moody or emo. It's kind of strange.

Maybe most of the time, they speak poetry or something?
You know those girls love hearing things that reach out to the heart. *thumbs up*


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by sai on 2007-04-15 04:44:24
Flaws in animes are mostly about the breaking of the law of gravity...

Well, other than that, let's see, When Shishio punched sanosuke's head till' it's spurting blood all over the place, i thought there should be a hole in his head, or at least the skull should be smashed to pieces. But wow, he lived healthily till his old days without any nerve illness or problems... Not even brain damage...

Oh! I just remembered you can see a lot of flaws in naruto's fillers! You'd say "Is naruto really this weak?" all the time!

Oh... And here's a good one: in elfen lied, there's this woman who had half of her body ripped and had her ribcage along with her backbone removed from her body, along with some internal organs maybe. Then had the upper half of her body thrown accross the room... In that condition, one should be dead instantly, right? But noo, she still has a strength to pull an emergency lever, WHILE PANTING...

I don't think you can still move your arms or breath with your internal organs and backbone out of your body, let alone remaining conciousness... >_<

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by Uryuu on 2007-04-15 04:47:58
Yeah, its really illogical, but what can we say.....its anime style...

" I live so that my feelings will reach you.."

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-15 13:24:23
Here's something that bothers me.
In some anime (let's use BLEACH), the main character has to defeat like every character to reach his goal.

Ex: When they were trying to save Rukia in Soul Society.
He defeated Zaraki Kenpachi, which is ok [?], but I don't believe he could've defeated 6th Captain, Kuchiki Byakuya.
Maybe you can say Ichigo's Hollow defeated, or helped defeated Byakuya but I don't think that after all this time (to the latest episode), he could've beaten a few people without his hollow interfering and he doesn't know how to control it.
He didn't even train to control it yet; just hope he does soon or something...

Ichigo and InuYasha were the same starting out.
They had huge ass swords and they just defeated their enemies with strength and bold swinging; that's until later they learned a move or so and their attack plans were somewhat more strategically improved.


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-15 13:45:34 (edited 2007-04-15 13:47:42)
@DAngel- I wouldn't call using the Wind Scar/Backlash Wave on every single enemy strategically improving. In fact, in Inuyasha's case he used less strategy as the series went on.


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-15 14:04:18
very true jon


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-15 14:06:17 (edited 2007-04-15 14:06:57)
Why can't he be more like his brother? T-T
I never finished the entire anime, and a friend said the ending sucked.

Edit: Don't forget the Blood Bathe, or... Blades of Blade? move, too? XD


Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by on 2007-04-15 14:12:11
@Dangel: That's just is though. It DOESN'T end. It ends with "So, we are still on our journey to defet Naraku" Gawd. That mad me incredibly mad. Furious, really. When you watch a show for three years and it ends with absolutely no closure, it kinda ticks you off. But yeah. He is a moron with his Tetsusaiga.

Re: little flaws in anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-15 14:14:22
So all the episodes released just to they can... find Naruku again?
They didn't defeat him? (=.=)'
That does suck, but the anime's not that great anyways.


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