Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
People dont understand why do we live and for what purpose I think we are hear to serve god for what god has given us...Life he allowed us to live in this world but why did god give us life
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
One's purpose is usually not well defined, they are often subject to change as well. I suppose if you beleive that god gave us life, then we live to serve him. Some people live their lives without even having a purpose. Characters in many animes and books have obvious and definite purposes, such as revenge or some other accomplishment. A lot of times a purpose is a bad thing. After you complete it, what do you have left to do in your life? If you are a solider, what do you do when the fighting stops? If you assimilate back into society then your purpose clearly isn't just to fight and once again I'm back on the subject of one having an unclear purpose. Personally, my purpose at the moment seems to be to find a purpose, that however is subject to change. ^_^
The next witty thing I think of and remember will likely end up here.
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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by zparticus27
on 2007-04-07 20:45:46
purpose in life? hmmm how deep...religiously our purpose is to serve God in return for giving us life...we are on earth to take care of his creations as he originally intended for adam and eve but in other perspective...most of us came to life as the physical manifestation of the love our parents has for each other...our lives are created as a symbol of the union between two people....so our purpose is to survive but i never really put to much thought on it...sure it would be nice to have a purpose but that purpose is to actually fulfill your desires and dreams to our hearts content...so fullfill that contentment becomes our purpose as for me im just glad im alive....hahaha |
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To have no purpose is a purpose in itself. There is always a purpose. There is always a reason for something to exist. Life takes no exception. It is just that most of the time that reason/purpose is not clear or has not been revealed to us because we are not ready to receive it. There is not one thing this in the universe, physical or not, that doesn't have a purpose. And like Draconic said, the purpose of life or things will change over time. Sometimes, when the purpose is serve, that life/thing becomes "useless" and it will cease to exist. The only thing that differentiate us (human) and all other creatures or things is that we have the free will to choose to accept our purpose or to deny our purpose. And even if someone chooses to deny his/her purpose, that could be the reason why he or she exist in the first place. ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
each individual has a unique purpose to fulfill before their lives will end, most think fulfilling their dreams, ambitions and having a wealthy family would be their purpose in this world. Some think they have no purpose in this world and expect to die early, just because they are screwed and full of emo-ness. Either way, I can't tell whether the path they choose is wrong or right, since it's their decision to choose. If I were to base in religion [part of it though], then one of the purposes of the people here in this world is to make nature balanced and complete, although that state is rare and highly doubted because of the phenomenons that are happening nowadays. There is no need to question what are the purposes of humans in this world, since that lies beneath on an individual's capacity and mind. ![]() |
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Hmmmmmm................i think we were given life so that we may do great things in order to make our home, Earth, a better place for all. It may just be by supporting some1 to the fullest so that he may do that "great" thing in life or help find out how you can change the lives of other people and change our world. The most important thing we must remember is that every descision we make there is an equal consequence so we must try to fufill our dreams and ambitions that we have and after that if we succeed, we must also help others to realize theirs and that i think is y we were given life.....the chance to prove who we are, why we are here, what purpose does our actions serve: good or bad , where and when to do something and how is it possible to make it happen. p.s i do not think religion has anything to do with it......if u are a bad guy who just cant face the music and turn over a new leaf but claims to be a christian who follows, loves and worships god, i dun think there is a point to it. It depends on oneself and what we choose to do when the time comes. ![]() ![]() |
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the proud first knight of project koganei. From now on, you will have my word and loyalty. Your destiny shall be my destiny. I'll sacrifice everyting but will desire nothing in return because this will be the path I choose to be with you. I pledge my word, I will protect you with all my life and power." I'll answer it simply: I live to search for someone for me to protect with all my life de arimasu~. that is my only wish desu~. ahahaha~! sounds corny & unbelievable but this is what I really believe in desu~. ^^ ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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by SuicidopoliS
on 2007-04-11 07:46:33
The only single reason we live is to eat food, digest it, give waste products back to earth so as to feed the soil beneath our feed, so that fauna and flora can grow, so we can eat again, and so forth... All the rest is utter nonsense, just so as to make ourselves look way more important then we truly are... .oO° Life's THE CURE, the rest are details! °Oo. |
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There is one thing (kind of important I might add) that you forgot to mention and that is procreation. The world need more people like you to fill up the empty space with. Unless you don't like to procreate, in which case, I am sure your presence will be missed. ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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by SuicidopoliS
on 2007-04-11 10:44:55
You see... People are unable to accept the way we are. From the moment you stop pretending we're super important, brilliant, and divine; and start taking things at face value, you get attacked. The thought of not being unique and irreplaceable, scares people to death. It's amazing how much effort we put in denying our organic nature. .oO° Life's THE CURE, the rest are details! °Oo. |
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I was simply pointing the fact that eat, sh!t, and sleep isn't the only things life that is deemed neccessary. Unless you are single cell organism (which I am sure you are not) and capable of cell division (which I am sure you can't), you will probably need to procreate in some ways. As to my comment about empty space, the world, indeed the entire universe does have a lot of empty space (99.999% or more). Although the percentage number may not be verifiable, I can assure you that it is close to being a fact. You are perfectly entitle to your opinion. I am glad you share it all of us. ![]() |
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I velieve that we all have a certain purpose for being here on earth. We have a certain job to complete and we must get it done. If we mess up and don't complete the task we were sent here to do..well we miss out and suffer the consicenses. ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
Interesting question I must admit. The idea of servitude to a higher power never sits well with me. It always seems to spawn extreme duality and we begin to curse the physical bonds we are currently in. I can't accept that, I've become quite attached to my meatsack. Not to stray too far, life really doesn't need a reason or purpose. You can technically do whatever you want with it. To say that we should dilute the meaning down to the neccessary tasks needed to stay in said meatsack just doesn't sit right either. Whether you like it or not we are just a little bit special. We can't communicate with other species to the point where we can gain first person perspectives so this next bit is an assumption. A tree is a tree and it never realizes it will one day wither and die. Nor can it dream or love or adapt its own environment to suit its needs. This 3 lb wad of pre-chewed gum we have stuck between our ears allows us to do that much more. There are no limits to what we can imgaine. That being said, I think it is the self that gives purpose to life. It is in our choices, our actions or inactions, our dreams or nightmares. They drive us towards something more than subsistence and procreation. Towards what? Well that's up to you. |
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As a human, I think that we live on earth is to contribute something, anything, however small that will be, for the benefits of human and of this earth. We need to carry out the responsibilities in life, as a family member, as a friend, as an employee and so on. What purpose? To make earth and all lifes a better one. But from a bird's eye point of view, we live on earth because we need to ensure the balance of ecosystem. We live on earth because we, as any other species on the world, are the generations of the human species so that the homo sapiens species will not extinct. Not that I see it in the near future anyway. But still the purpose is there. If you think on a larger scale, in this universe, we are insignificant at all. Or, let me put it into a simile. We are just like a colony of microorganisms thinking why are we living in the pond. ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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by hemoglobin666
on 2007-04-13 16:47:37
From a biological standpoint, the meaning of life itself is to grow to maturity, procreate and have children. This apply to most animal for the sake of preserving the species. Due to the obscene human overpopulation that our planet faces today, it really makes no (genetic) difference whether your or I die tomorrow, for the change in the gene pool would be insignificant. For humans, as stated above, life itself has no porpuse beyond the "animal" porpuse, but one can assert one's worth in society through the improvement of one's knowledge, and in turn, the improvement of society as a whole...for the brigthest. In conclusion: Most people, on their lifetimes, will only accomplish their animal goals of life. They are merely walking bags of organs. The "true people" are the ones who, through knowledge, can give some advancement to society through their intellect and hard work. ^^; PS:kill the punny humans~desu :3
hell is coming to save us...
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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by SuicidopoliS
on 2007-04-16 15:37:26
@ Without You: in that case, sorry, i misinterpreted your words! In a way i think the idea of a "higher purpose" to life is quite funny... I mean, in a few billion years, the entire world will probably disappear anyway, and a bit later, even the entire universe, so what "immortal thing" could we possible achieve? Just be glad you're alive people, and make the best out of it, even if it's not always easy. Do justice to those people out there who struggle to survive everyday again ( go tell them there's a higher purpose to life! ). Even if i don't believe in a higher purpose, i do believe mankind has some serious potential... and that we waste most of it doing utter silly stupid nonsense egoistic things. A pity, truly... "Oh, arrogant humanity, you are an ignorant race. How foolish it is to believe your kind rules the Earth." And of course, you all know where that one comes from... ;) .oO° Life's THE CURE, the rest are details! °Oo. |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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Purpose: Live! ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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@Suicidoplis: you know, I used to have the exact attitude. My favorite saying was:"a million years from now, no one really care about ______ anyway. What does it matter." And you fill the blank. Now I realize that I don't and won't be living a millions years from now. So what I said was really meaningless. I realized I was really a meaningless person who is ignorant of everything around me. I was commiting suicide in my mind. I might as well be dead. But somehow, I realized the simple truth that celeriter mentioned. To have a life is to live. If you don't live it, you don't have a life. I will leave you with this saying: "To save one life is to save the world entire." That is a quote from the movie "Schindler's List". ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
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Why do we live on earth? That's a hard question, probably the hardest question asked on the face of the Earth. Science has never (at least I thought so...) been able to supply an answer to that question. Religion did. But to say you only live to serve God is downright outrageous...
What if I jump out
of this speeding jeepney? Fly without wings Reach for the grey-painted heaven And out into the sea of infinity? ![]() |
Re: Why do we live on earth and for what purpose?
personal legend...as the author of the Alchemist identifies it... whatever our purposes may be, i believe we should stick to it. That way, the world wouldn't be the way it is now.
if life gives you shit,
make fertilizer.