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Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by Baka monster on 2007-04-01 21:43:08 (edited 2007-04-01 21:43:20)
Just name a battle that you think is epic

exemple: the battle between Spike and Vicious in the last episode of Cowboy Bebop or the battle between Monkey D. Luffy and Crocodile in One Piece

Gomu Gomu no... HUG! lol

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-01 21:47:43
sasuke and naruto hands down the most epic in my eyes.


Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket on 2007-04-01 22:36:22
Well.. i dunno which battle from someone against others that is epic..

But so far i know that most battles (not all) in law of ueki, trinity blood are epic for me..

and also, a bit from bleach, too..

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by faye on 2007-04-01 22:37:10
for me arh

i think is blaech

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-04-01 22:39:05
kenshin vs saito

naruto vs sasuke

ichigo vs byakuya (bankai)

wing vs epyon

alucard vs incognito

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by faye on 2007-04-01 22:41:44
i think trinity blood is also

there are like blood every where

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-01 23:32:55
Sasuke vs naruto

Ichigo vs byakuya

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by Nagareboshii on 2007-04-01 23:37:34
hmm........All of the battle scenes in anime are epic...yet...ill go with Kira vs. Shinn Aska of Gundam Seed Destiny...^ ^

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-01 23:48:45
agreed with MagisterNegi, also Kira vs Athrun on GS & GSD

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by calvar on 2007-04-02 00:18:02
Kenshin vs. Saito
Kenshin vs. Shishio (but dragged kinda long)
Sasuke vs Naruto

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-02 08:07:37
na those arnt real battles the only real battle was

Takumi vs Bunta Fujimawara on Mt Akina

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-02 09:16:04
holy shiznit! the most epic battle is
Arika vs Nina (Mai Otome)
Naruto vs Sasuke (yeah calssic :P)
Mai's last battle in Mai HiME
and well.. there is one of rukia's battles... but its in the manga, so it doesnt fit :)

A fresh Beginning

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-02 09:33:15
I definitely agree with the Sasuke Naruto battle. The flashbacks sure were long!

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by kitw on 2007-04-02 14:12:58 (edited 2007-04-07 11:38:15)
Ah! Waited a while for something like this! :D:D

Inuyasha vs Naraku (final episode of Inuyasha.)

Jin vs Mugen (one of the beginning episodes of Samurai Champloo. Crazy sword skills.)

Inuyasha vs Bankotsu (Bankotsu has a cool sword, but Inu has better skills!)

The final battle of Gundam Seed. That was one of the best battles ever!

Ugh, plenty more but I can't think of them right now.

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-02 14:22:58 (edited 2007-04-02 14:24:31)
Let's see.

The battle in the final two phases of Gundam Seed. The ZAFT vs. EAF vs. TSA battle. As well as Rau vs. Kira.

The opening fight scene in Karas.

The fight between Goku and Freeza in Dragon Ball Z. The first time Goku goes Super. That was great.

I'll think of some more later that I remember.


Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by justpassingby on 2007-04-02 15:53:07
ummm.... what do you mean "the most epic"? XD

i'd say basically any "final battle" in any shounen fighting series i have ever seen XD
like ippo vs. sendoh in HnI
goku vs. freezer in DBZ
alucard vs. incognito in Hellsing
yuusuke vs. toguro in YYH
vash vs. his twin brother (forgot his name) in Trigun
spike vs. vicious in Bebop
etc., etc....

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by Kaze No Kami on 2007-04-02 16:48:58
kenpachi versus Ichigo


Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by on 2007-04-02 16:56:57
definitly goku vs freeza

A fresh Beginning

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by lad on 2007-04-02 16:59:11
One of the best epics i would say is chrono and aion in chrono crusade... just a powerful thing.. Dragonball z has alot its basically a whole but Kenshin he has good ones and the Newest... Naruto-Shippuuden... they are gonna have some but..... Busou Renkin final Episodes.... and Kiba Final Episodes... Basically the whole thing.... what yall think

Re: Most epic battle that you ever seen in an anime
Link | by Baka monster on 2007-04-02 17:53:47
I agree for DBZ's Goku vs Freeza battle, the battle itself is almost 3h30min long

Gomu Gomu no... HUG! lol

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