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Type-moon ?
Link | by captaincrunchy on 2007-02-11 21:32:42
i just finished tsukihime: lunar legend an was wondering if anyone knew of other type-moon animes worth watching
i have also seen moon-phase as well as fate/stay night. or any suggestions on what to watch next would be nice. :D

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Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by on 2007-02-15 05:35:53
Well you basically watched both of them already. So far only Tsukihime & Fate/Stay Night have been turned into anime series.

These 2 are the most popular Type-moon 'visual novel' games....there are side stories based on these two but so far no word on whether they will be anime series.

The next best bet is the 'fan disk' to Fate/Stay Night....Fate/hollow ataraxia. However the game is very depressing (the main story line) that is. Almost everybody eventually dies in the game....mostly the servants. Yes even Saber eventually gets killed in the game.

By the way Moon-Phase is not an anime based on Type-moon games. It's a cute series but the creators have nothing to do with Typemoon.

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-15 05:37:48
what type of games are does? rpg games?

im quite curious...

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by on 2007-02-15 05:50:07
Well Z....mind if i call u that? ^^

visual novel games are basically "choose your own adventure" books. The majority of them are H-games/Ero-games. You know....adults only.

Anyways the games are basically you reading ALOT of a novel....then at certain may have to answer questions or decide what to do next. Of course the text is accompanied by some very beautiful CG. However when you are talking to a character....they are shown in "still pics".

Some games like the company who made GREEN GREEN (Groover) the character actually are animated/ move their lips. There are many MANY varieties of these sort of games. Each company who makes them experiment with different ideas....

That's the simplest way i can describe them....if you need more info...fell free to ask or there is always wikipedia to explain it in detail.

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-15 22:31:21
ahhh kinda like a dating you mean to say fate/stay night is a H-game? isthere any chance that these games are in english?

thanks izumo...yup just call me Z most of em do anyway

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by on 2007-02-16 19:40:17
@ Z :)

Well you could say that...kinda like a dating-sim. Like i said these companies experiment with a whole lot of ideas.

The company Typemoon is originally a doujin company....but since both Fate & Tsukihime got so big the company went mainstream. Yes...Fate & Tsukihime are originally H-games. When it was release it became the highest selling PC game in Japan. For a H-game that is very impressive.

There are english patches available on the net that you can download to the game. Anyways since the game is so big now...there are a few versions of the H-game. There is a PS2 version as well as a prequel to the series.

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-17 00:56:49
i see...well that does look interesting...i wanna play it..for the story of course...nyahahahaha but the anime is good right?

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by sai on 2007-02-17 03:31:10
Wait wait... There's a Fate game for ps2??? All i know until know is Tsukihime's Act Cedenza... What kind of game is it??

If you wanna see some cool story and concept, watch those animes... You won't be disappointed! Not to mention Fate/Stay Night has nice ending songs... :D

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-17 05:53:22
ok gonna check fate/stay night....and moon-phase thanks guys!

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by on 2007-02-17 07:27:09 (edited 2007-02-17 08:00:34)
@ Z

The anime series for both the games are quite good....personally both are a little short cause there is alot of content in both that were left out.

Fate had 3 possible endings but of course they used the Saber ending cause she's such a popular character. If you know the story of King Arthur you'll know what happens at the end T_T. Personally i would've like the series to be maybe 30+ episodes cause some of the stuff were Rider getting eliminated in just a few do Archer...not much character building.

Like i said Moon-Phase has nothing to do with's a cute little series...if you like a VERY cute little gothic-lolita/vampire/neko girl (Hazuki) you'll enjoy it.

@ Sai

Yup...the PS2 version of Fate [retitled Fate/stay night Realta Nua] will be released sometime in '07. The release date was delayed some time's the link to Himeyashop with the details...

Fate/stay night Realta Nua.

Basically its a port of the PC game minus the 'adult content'....i'm trying to find a copy of Fate/Zero the prequel which stars Emiya's father as the master of Saber. The anime dived into the story abit...remember the intro with Saber fighting Gilgamesh? Well it basically shows what happened in the previous war....but so far it's sooooo hard to find. Not sure if it is even released yet.

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-17 07:30:57
gothic lolita vampire neko girl?! uhhh i'll pass that hehe i'll check out fate/stay instead....thanks for the info dude!

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by on 2007-02-17 08:06:27
@ Z

Heh hahaha...well Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase- is not all i said it's really cute especially the 'cute little gothic-lolita/vampire/neko girl'. Hazuki is one of the cutest characters in anime. Anyways the series does have its moments...there is a fair bit of action in it.

Here you can read all about it...Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase- from wikipedia

Of course i would recommend you try Fate first....but also give Tsukuyomi a chance. It's quite enjoyable if you don't take it seriously....a nice diversion. I just really like Hazuki.....she's just sooooo KAWAIIII!!!!!!

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by sai on 2007-02-17 10:58:49
Awww so it's a simulation game? Too bad, i was expecting a fighting game like act cedenza... Fighting genres matches type-moon's series more you know...

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by Akira on 2007-02-17 15:44:18
If you liked the anime, you should look into the Visual Novel.
It's very good. A translation patch was released not to long ago, but will require a copy of the game to work, of course.
Kinoko Nasu has such a unique writing style.
The Visual Novel is much better then the anime, IMO. Although for the most part.
Other Melty Blood players? O:
Who do you all use? I main Ciel, but use Akiha, Kurenai Sekishu Akiha, and Nanaya.

Re: Type-moon ?
Link | by on 2007-02-18 07:25:54
@ Sai
Sorry to disappoint you....well there are a number of doujin games based on typemoon games. You already know about Melty Blood & its many incarnations (based on Tsukihime)....there are also a few for Fate as well. Most of them aren't as good as MB....Fate/Sword dance & Fatal Fake are probably one of the better ones. Both of them are for the PC though.

@ Akira
When you say 'visual novel' i assume you mean the PC game right? or do you mean like "Kara no Kyoukai" the actual book. Well some people may be turned away by it with the 'adult content' i say though those are such minor aspects of the game. The story & characters are the main selling points.

Yeah both Kinoko Nasu-san & Takashi Takeuchi-san are geniuses! The 'sequel' to Tsukihime (Kagetsu Tohya) & Kara no Kyoukai (the bases for Tsukihime) are both masterful pieces of writing & storytelling. Which is why i'm so badly trying to find Fate/Zero.....(sigh)

Yeah i play MB all versions of it.

I mainly use Arucreid & Kurenaisekisyu Akiha for all versions.
I do for fun use Kohaku, Mech-HISUI, Satsuki Yumizuka & Len/Ren.
Highest combo is with Kurenaisekisyu Akiha....about 80 hits.

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