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Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Detente on 2007-02-06 05:05:16
So I just finished watching the top 50 best anime count down and realized real quickly that all of the artists were female!! The only male appearances were in either duets or backup. Female artist's songs are fun too, I love ali project and horie yui is cute, but I crave to hear good anime songs by males!! So please help me out, or discuss personal male artist favorites. Sorry if this is a repeat. I searched first to make sure there isnt but I might've missed.


Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by karuzo on 2007-02-06 05:46:04
Weiss Kreuz songs- all of them are males

Trinity Blood- Dress by Buck- Tick, male

Erementar Geard- Ending song, male

X/1999- eX Dream, Kesshou, Forever Love, male

Naruto- Viva Rock, male

xxxholic- 19sai, male

DN Angel- Byakuya ~True Light~, male

Ergo Proxy- Kiri, male


Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by skYe on 2007-02-06 08:54:06
DN Angel- "Byakuya ~True Light~", male-
love it

FMA - 4th opening "Rewrite" - I used to be so obsessed with this one, for some's so awesome! I liked the 3rd and 1st opening as well, but I don't remember their names at the time...

Hikaru No Go - 1st Ending, main theme I think, "Bokura no Boken"
-just LISTEN to the flute solo...whoever did that one is hecka good! The song is really nice and I like the guy's voice.

Det. Conan - "Kimi ga Inai Natsu" - i thought it was ok. I like it somewhat. I really like the lyrics.

GSEED - First opening, "Invoke".

Dragon Ball GT (I don't like the show one bit) - 1st Opening, "Dan Dan Kokoro"

I have to admit...most of my fav's are sung by women...^^; I never really took any notice of it before though. I usually never have preference to any particular gender's works. Music: I listen to what sounds nice and has nice lyrics! Movies: Watch what's nice and has good story line! Favorite characters: People that I think have unique personalities...
I never had preference...and I hardly take notice.

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by NGE4eva on 2007-02-06 12:08:44 (edited 2007-02-06 12:36:55)
Naruto - Wind, by Akeboshi
(Many Naruto Songs are sung by men, and they're all pretty good, this is just my favourite)

Death Note - Intro and Outro, by Nightmare

Hunter X Hunter - Openings and Ending (very nice songs)

And as mentioned by skYE the first Ending of Hikaru No Go! It's just so great!
Almost better then the NGE Opening!

Neon Genesis Evangelion Intro rules for ever. (Cruel Angel Thesis/TV Version)

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-06 20:02:56
tonight tonight tonight- beat crusaders

the world - nightmare

miserable- gackt

to all the dreamers-yakitate japan

voices-cloud (yugi-oh)

cautionary warning-black heaven

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by on 2007-02-06 20:15:20
@Zparticus: Innit Mizerable? Who really cares, but yeash.

Anything by Orange Range, Asian Kung-fu Generation, Gackt, Hyde, L`arc~en~ciel..... herm.... uh.... thats it for now >< but yeah, those are some of my favourite male artists.

Also check out
"Colours of the Heart" from Blood+

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Lee on 2007-02-07 03:30:23
What is the top 50 best anime count down? It sounds interesting

If You Add Salt And Butter, It Tastes Like Salty Butter

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by on 2007-02-07 22:49:09

1. Michisurube + Caged Bird - DNAngel (Shunichi Miyamoto)
2. Kimi ga Suki Dato Sakebitai - Slam Dunk (BAAD)
3. Driver's High - GTO (L'arc en ciel)
4. Ohayou - HxH (???)
5. Kaze no Iti + Migite - I'll CKBC (Ellegarden)

Yup.. i think that's all for now ^^

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2007-02-08 16:57:31
Anything by Flow is pretty good. And Uverworld and Aqua Timez are some of my favz. Also BOWL is pretty good, I've loved both their songs for yugioh GX.

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Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Detente on 2007-02-09 03:39:47
Thanks everyone! The songs listed were very helpful ^^
I especially liked Uverworld's songs and well pretty much everything. For anyone who's interested the top 50 anime songs is on youtube at this link -> It's worth watching, if only by curiosity.


Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by on 2007-02-10 14:19:46
L'Arc~en~ciel songs are great!.... Driver's high...etc.
Why do I like the Hironobu Kageyama songs?... hahaha specially the ones from DBZ and Saint Seiya XDD.

Female voices rock, I guess that's why they mayor the anime songs... =D

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by sai on 2007-02-10 15:11:21
Anything by UVERworld... And i think Nightmare sings well too... l'arc en Ciel yes... Then Koyasu Takehito, he's a seiyuu but he's got a nice voice!

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-02-10 15:37:22
yes! -UverworlD's great
songs like...Colors of the Heart + D-technolife etc etc
-Last Alliance
-Kotani Kinya for all the songs in Gravitation
-Miyano Mamoru..altho only hav one song itz funny-- Guilty Beauty Love
-Nightmare! Death note OP, The World^^ etc

guess that's about all the ones i like^^


Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Rui on 2007-02-11 07:14:04
Of course there's UVERworld...^^
I'll also suggest:
Ikusawa Yuichi (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
CHEMISTRY (Gundam SEED)... and I think they're a popular J-R&B duo too ^^
Porno Graffiti (Full Metal Alchemist and GTO)
Kageyama Hironobu (Dragon Ball Z ^^...and he's also the lead singer of JAM Project)
Doa (Gensoumaden Saiyuki Reload Gunlock)
Tokuyama Hidenori (Gensoumaden Saiyuki)
WANDS (Slam Dunk and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Keitaro Keiichi on 2007-02-11 22:51:41
Chain by BACK-ON (Air Gear)
Wonderful Days by [a lot of different people] (Prince of Tennis)
Baby It's You by June
Change The World by V6
Bokura no Bouken from Hikaru no Go
Nami Kaze Satellite by Snorkel
Yellow Moon by Akeboshi

hey...can someone make me a sig with Urashima Keitaro from Love hina next to Mutsumi and Belldandy and on the right of it has Belldandy next to Keiichi. AAH!! fergot his last name

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by Mokona, a slightly important patato (not a mod) on 2007-02-11 22:57:25 (edited 2007-02-13 11:13:40)
D-Techolife (bleach)
Innocent Sorrow (D. Grey-Man)
True light (DNAngel)

Hikari ga umare yami ga umareta fuatsu wa hitotsu :P Shikamaru

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by infiltrate on 2007-02-12 11:19:20
Generally anything by the pillows is good, but I also like the song "Kimi to Iu Hana" by BOO BEE BENZ.

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by ibi001000 on 2007-02-14 11:40:47
I know exactly what you mean. The artists you're looking for are:
Nightmare (deathnote's opening and closing)
Arc en Ciel
(MAYBE T.M.Revolution but you get sick of his songs after a while, they all sound the same.)

Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by on 2007-02-15 16:10:06
I like.

Invoke(Gundam Seed)

Ready, Steady, Go!(FMA)

Zips (Gundam Seed)

I have others, can't remember the exact names.


Re: Great anime songs sung by MALES.
Link | by on 2007-02-15 16:31:49
"Lithium Flower", "Be Human", and "Beauty Is Within Us" all by Scott Matthew from Gits.

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