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Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-01-31 22:21:22
In days now past, America was a beautiful nation; filled with hardworking people and morals taught in schools, small neighborly communities where people helped each other out (according to my likely-biased textbook, that is :D)... A utopia in those senses (yeah, it wasn't perfect back then either, I know).

Now, America is hesitant to solve major problems (immigration, for one) for fear of not being "politically correct" or offending people. Schools, from my experience, have far more violence and drugs than they should. Obesity is becoming more and more commonplace... And now, many people argue of the letter of the law, rather than the spirit of the law.

Why? Why steal? Why kill? Why lie? Why allow yourself to be lifted up on your pride, which could collapse at a mere sentence?

Then there are also less noticeable, but still potent, things... Such as kids teasing each other because they're different in some way, having the "cool" group that everyone needs to mimic because it's the "cool" thing to do, and the like... Which doesn't really benefit you or anyone else.

In days I hope will be revived, people give what excess they have without thinking, "What's in it for me?" Children will be taught how theft won't benefit you, as you can easily get caught, and if you manage to get away with it you're only helping the store meet its demise (then where would you steal from?). Things like cigarettes and alcohol will be abolished, and in its stead will be planning for the future. Where three cars per family is, one car will be there instead, with bicycles and skateboards in its place. Public transportation will be used more than personal transportation, much to the environment's happiness.
Where one-night stands are, meaningful relationships will be.
Where drugs are in schools, healthy diets will be.
Where pregnant teens and pr0n on TV are becoming commonplace, how to live life to its fullest will be.
Where factory farms produces cheap meat at the price of cruelty, organic farms will be there, giving more expensive food I know, but no guilt to come along with it.
Where kids need to lock their bikes when going inside Wal-Mart for a few minutes, mutual trust will be.
Heck, even where soda pop and beer are, healthier alternatives will be.

Now, I'll bet that 99% (at minimum) of readers here are thinking "Uhh, duh? People are people, they'll always take the easier route and care for themselves more than others... Something like that's not gonna happen, buddy."
You're probably right; that world isn't gonna happen unless heaven itself intervenes. Everything won't be perfect.

But isn't a place like that worth getting? At the least, we could make a small community like that... A neighborhood, a school, *cough* an online forum...

Happiness isn't that hard to give, really! Helping your neighbor carry his or her groceries may seem kinda easy and trivial, but to them it might brighten an otherwise-bleak day. If we all do this and that here and there, who knows what will be accomplished?

Sure, this "World of Forms" is unrealistic...
But what about a Neighborhood of Forms?

Re: Utopia
Link | by rrr on 2007-02-01 01:41:22 (edited 2007-02-01 01:42:32)
-there will naturally be a mentally disabled person that will screw up

-there is gonna be a person that will be jealous of another person because of his hot wife.

Re: Utopia
Link | by SinWeaver on 2007-02-05 16:35:40
"Humans are Lucifer's personal pupets." I answered to a past question in Religion Class. This utopia you speak off, Sach, will never happend. Even by divine intervetions, humans will not stop dancing to Lucifer's own whim. Humans are like that. I belive that. That is why we deny it. And try to cover it up. But for me not to get killed too early on for speaking "blasphemy"... I will enjoy this artifical peace. A forum comunity... yeah, that is as close to a utopia as you can get.....



Re: Utopia
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-06 17:33:26
the only way that would happen is when man decides to let go of every personal agenda he has and decides to live life equally among men...

the sad truth is man has this mentality to "one up" each other

maybe if all things are distributed equally in this world then my friend the world will be a better place

as for the "forum utopia" aside from some minor bickering and arguing gendou is quite close at that!nyahahahahaha

Re: Utopia
Link | by hello on 2007-02-06 17:53:34 (edited 2007-02-06 17:56:53)
All humans desire 3 things: greed, power, immortality. If a human is able to have a change to grasp those things, they will, without hesitation. If its right infront of them, most likely, killing is involved. As long humans want those 3 things, we can never have an utopia.

As from George Orwell's Animal Farm, you read that the animals attempt to make an utopia, however, pigs much like humans, use their knowledge and understanding to overcome the other animals and work under them. As Benjamin always said (something like) "we will end off the same as the beginning, that is, terribly"


Re: Utopia
Link | by on 2007-02-06 18:26:21
Life is true in many ways in showing the true colors of humans. The meaning of Utopia is virtually possible, but impossible as well in the means of how each individual acts.

The meaning of Capitalism and Socialism plays a part in the creation of Utopia and the ways we wish to govern ourselves to achieve such a status. Capitalism in one way is to create our own inventions and call it our own. It is one of the few reasons we are capable of creating new invention and innovations which progress us through technology. And those who have created has gained an easier life because of the extra hard work they have done, but those who look upon them from a lower position never see it from that way. They object to the fact their able to lounge around unlike them, despite the fact they worked in order to get to the position they were in.

However, I believe that the Utopia which many of us seek is within Socialism, but this also has a dark side to it as well. Socialism causes everyone to be equal and that everything is shared among each other. As much of how this may seem good to everybody, as I quote, "There are lazy people among the world." If there were no such thing as a lazy person, then Socialism may just be the utopia we may seek. As within equal rights among everyone, everyone owns everything, but lazy people take advantage of this to be lazy, because why should they care if they do anything at all, since they will be getting the same things anyway.

Then within Socialism, comes the people who are wishing to improve technology, but there is almost slim to none chance then because, who would wish to create something when everyone is just going to leech off of it? I believe that the only reason we progress, is because we wish to make it the benefit ourselves.

the meaning of Utopia is a perfect society. We all wish to have one, but also continue to have technology continue as it always was.

So it comes to the reason why we do is simple, we do everything at the benifit of ourselves. I'm not saying that everone does this, most likely most who read this may feel that this does not describe them, but it does ring truth.

Re: Utopia
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-06 18:38:29
@WinterCherry: I do not desire power so badly that I would kill... I don't think of myself as a truly greedy person... And immortality scares me, in a sense. I want to die... However, I want to die when I'm at least 80 :D

@Mr. TakeItEasy: Yeah, that's kinda what I think about socialism. If only there was... No money, possibly. I haven't given this much thought, but if people would trade what they own for what others own... Then what would things be like then?

One family in a small area would be farmers, another family might be tailors, etc., etc... (You'd probably need more than one family for at least farming, though...)
Then, you'd trade what you own for what others own; if you want to get more clothing than you should by giving a small amount of food, you'd end up with no clothes. That was halfly thought-up on the spot, but... yeah.

Also, I disagree with your comment... "it is simple, we do everything at the benifit of ourselves."

We do act only for ourselves... 'Tis my belief. Check out "Personal Gain" (you can reach it from my profile) if you want more info :D

Re: Utopia
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-06 18:47:01
socialism will have no effect if people will continue to desire for things that can benefit them the most. if one has a super fast computer,another one would want one but superior to the other.

as for lazy people. in an equal world laziness must be eliminated because hardships and benefits must be equally distributed. but this will be impossible unless every man will go for his personal gain but the benefit of all.

Re: Utopia
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-06 20:31:09
Soooo~~...? Instead of talking about this, why not have us be the examples for others to follow? It only takes a few people to be like this, then greed or who-knows-what might make them think "Hey, he's getting all the chicks!! I'll have to be like him, but BETTER!" :D

Re: Utopia
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-06 21:03:52
right...gah now im confused....O.O

bottom line is we cant just equally accept each other, there will always be someone,something better than what we are and what we have...


Re: Utopia
Link | by on 2007-02-06 21:38:51
That's another proverb haha, there is no such thing as being the best, for as long as you live, there will always be someone stronger.

My reasons are to why Utopia is virtually impossible and the societies that we live in which complicate.

After all...think of this saying as also to why new things come into existance

The only reason to why things change, is because someone hates how it was before.

And laziness most obviously will never be totally eliminated, because everyone at times, does not wish to work. Most of the time they will force themselves for the greater good, but what happens when they don't want to and don't work? That just means their being lazy for one day, but think of all the others who also may want to be lazy that same day.

And just repeated what I had said. Saying that we do act only for ourselves and doing everything for the benifit of ourselves is the same, differnt wording, but the same implications.

Re: Utopia
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-06 22:07:30
@Zparticus, Mr. Takeiteasy: Are you two saying that even you can't accept each other? That you'll be more lazy then not? :D

@Mr. Takeiteasy: Ehh... My bad, I forgot to include "I'm not saying that everone does this, most likely most who read this may feel that this does not describe them, but it does ring truth."
So yeah, you say "Not quite everyone does stuff for themselves," but I say we all do :D

@Anywho: So, if you dislike the way things are in any society... What can you do to fix it, at least in your own areas? :D

Re: Utopia
Link | by on 2007-02-06 22:20:53
The fact and matter of Utopia, is whether you are able to accept everyone or not. There will always be people that you will accept, but in a utopia, there can be no one to which you do not accept. And yes, there are people who are more lazy then hard-working, it may not be us, but there are.

And...for the part where we ALL do things ONLY to benifit ourselves, there is something called a self-less act. Those are the rare times where we actually do things for the benifit of others disregarding our own. There are those who are known for those type of acts such as Mother Theresa and Ghandi, but I cannot say everything for sure, for I do not know them or ever have met them.

If the chances of a person who was self-less was under a billion, then we would at least have 1 person out of our whole population according to statistical analysis.

And if someone hates something within their society, they try to fix it...These things come into mind whe you are actually displeased on how something is, until that moment comes, one cannot actually say for sure. There are many examples for these, like how the telephone was invented because many of us were unwilling to move across the land to meet up with a person in order to send them one sentence before going back. Or how getting across from one place to another was too much of a hassle, so we invented the car.

Re: Utopia
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-06 22:39:44
Yeah, someone invented something... But many people just stew over the problem, never trying to solve it at all.

BTW... Before you talk about selfless acts and such, might you check my thread on Personal Gain? That states all my views, and while you may not be getting something apparently, you likely are getting something from doing anything you do :D

Re: Utopia
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-07 05:11:28
@sach i dont understand your saying that man will always try to be better than the other one...i dont get the lazy questions...

*going to read personal gain*

Re: Utopia
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-07 08:26:19
Huu... Yeah, I can see how my post was kinda confusing.

See, from my experience, girls dig guys that are all nice and selfless. So if, say, 5 guys are selfless, then they'll get the girls, then the greedy guys will be like "Hey, I want some chicks too!"
So then they'll try to be like the selfless people, and then ever better, (as it seems to be human nature to try to be the best at anything), and so you'd end up with a never-ending competition of "Who can be the nicest?"

Of course, then some people may realize that they're being greedy by trying to be better than someone just so they can get girls... And if the girl they like found out that they're nice just to get girls, then they'd be like "You derfwad!!" And leave him... So the guys have no choice but to be truly selfless :D

And about laziness... Huu, I don't have much to say on it besides "Just get off your butt and do what you have to do," whatever it is :D

And on being better than others... That reminds me of a quote from Fruits Basket, although I can't remember it exactly...

Something along the lines of... "The part of a person that's remarkable is like the umeboshi (pickled plum) on the back of an onigiri (rice ball). All around the world, there are different colors, shapes, and flavors of umeboshi, but because it's stuck to the back of the onigiri, they might not be able to see their precious umeboshi. "I'm not special," each one would think, "just plain old rice." Even though that's not true, and there is an umeboshi on their back. The reason people get jealous of one another is because they can see the umeboshi on other people's backs, but not their own. Even now, someone might be feeling envious of something you don't recognize in yourself."

Re: Utopia
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-07 18:00:25
that some quote you got there pal...hahaha but it does makes sense...
gah...the human emotion is just so hard to decipher..nyahahahaha

Re: Utopia
Link | by toushiro-10 on 2007-02-09 04:35:54
utopia should be make.

thats what i think, because utopia is kind of perfection that everyone/someone wants to realize. most scientist made his inventory from thinking about utopia.

Re: Utopia
Link | by on 2007-02-10 13:36:42
I did a chapter in my fanfic giving a light etymology of the word 'Utopia' Here's a thing that very few people realize, utopia is a pun. Which means nowhere also.

What you described in your opening post has been going on forever, people will always find a source of ridicule, it's human nature. Even the ones who claim they never do it, I'm one of the nicest people you can possibly meet, I hold a lot of people in disdain, but I'm a cynic.

To be redundant, everything you stated has been around for years, only now it have become commonplace where the person wouldn't be shunned from society.

Quite honestly, I don't care how my food is killed, it's all going to the same place, yummy!

Re: Utopia
Link | by dissonant_matsumoto on 2007-02-14 08:33:04
Utopia, is often seen as a relief from oppression. This is because everyone of us, I believe have different comfort levels. As people like different things, we all have our own satisfaction levels. It's a farsing fallacy to believe that a physical utopia exists because it will have to fulfill all the needs of its inhabitants in a very luxurious manner. Because, I believe a physical uptopia cannot fulfill every intangible needs of each person. Some people can find their own uptopia through love, social and so on. But love cannot be given just freely as love is between two people, but there are exceptions such as islam where you can have multiple wives, although for most cultures women do not have the polygamous choice men would have. Despite the cultural exceptions, Utopia cannot satisfy feelings such as loneliness and so on, because even there is a large social group, one still has the capacity to feel lonely. It's often one's psychology that makes the difference and defines what's his/her heavenly bliss. But since we have 6 billion people in the world, with more religions than all of us could ever count, ethnic groups that range in the millions - other than peace and infinite resources, what else can satisfy the whole world's population without one group opposing it? There are cultures that are oil and water between each other and don't mix.

I think what also spoils the concept of an utopia is competition. As long we have needs, unconsciously we might do bad onto others. to be superior? maybe, depends on one's upbringing. It's the variety of upbringings of each person that formulate and compose to a unique personality.

Going back to competition - A triangular relationship is a perfect example of how competition spoils. As you all know from anime and movies, love triangles often break friendships. You can say that much for countries who are searching for oil as supply dwindles. It's the fact that the world is finite in resources and even our time on this earth is finite. It sucks, I hate it.

That's what makes heaven sound so appealing to people, I think. Because there's no limit and the constraints of the universe don't apply in heaven or the metaphysical. For me, a utopia is some place 'I' myself would have control and of course for my own benefit, it will be rendered in a positive light if my desires are always fulfilled. Then again, I don't think I would find my own utopia. Even that doesn't exist - it won't stop me from savoring the small comforts I have in my life.

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