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Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Mike on 2007-01-25 16:32:17
NOTE: My other thread was created BEFORE the Wii and PS3 came out. This Thread is for those that have actually PLAYED ON ONE, for opinions alone consult the other)

Wii: Love system, will be the first I own. Controller feels comfortable in hand, and is fun to use (Reccomend buying rechargable batteries) Yeah paying for the classics is a bum, but in the end makes perfect business sense. And besides, ever try to buy them used at a gamestop (when they were carried) or Funcoland (When it still existed) Now there ya spent a fortune, and many times I had to clean the games (~$5 per game) the console could quit on ya due to age (Happened to me), or the game could just not work(also happened to me). Never had problems with Nintendo reliability issues....EVER.

Xbox360: Graphics good, Game response good, Microsoft went with the basics, and it appears to work well. Old style control with new-tech execution. Some games interest me. Kinda avrage, but the good kind of average.

Ps3: Unimpressed with BOTH game play and graphical abilities (those I seen on a playing system, not screen shots). Seen systems hang up, been returned. Gameplay fels awkward (sluggish, iffy) on the racing title. Price very much an issue. (Higher console price = less sales) + (Blue-Ray only = Higher development costs = more expensive to produce = higher game cost = less game sales)= Less profit all aroung for game companies.

"I'm just a cook!" Akido Tenkawa

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Janus on 2007-01-28 15:38:33
360 blows because it has the same damn design flaw that the pre-slimline PS2s and original Xbox have, it can't deal with mild levels of dust. I have had to replace my Xbox numerous times due to the dust issues. If M$ had made a top loading system, this problem wouldn't exist. PS3 MIGHT not have this problem but no guarantees. The Wii is least likely to have this problem because knowing Nintendo, they have probably found a way around it like PC manufacturers have done for ages.

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Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2007-01-28 20:04:14
Mike, a lot of your concearns regarding the PS3 are related to the fact that it has just launched. Like every system when it initialy comes out, you're bound to see a lot of people talking about the units they've returned because of defects, it happined with the 360, the original xbox, and pretty much every disk-based console ever churned out to the public.

Inversely, I don't see you complaining about launch-related problems with the Wii, such as the remote-style controlers being recalled because of that whole arm-strap issue.

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by on 2007-01-29 11:21:56 (edited 2007-01-29 16:50:25)
@Captain- Exactly as you said. Every console has release problems and you can't judge a console on that alone.

Alright, first things first. Mike, higher cost does not mean worse game sales, if I remember correctly the GC cost less than both the PS2 and XBox but sold much less than those two. Higher cost doesn't mean worse sales. Also, you say your unimpressed with the PS3's graphics and gameplay. Tell me, do you think that the developers have already mastered the inner workings of the console and fully utilized every part of it? No. The true extent of a console doesn't even start to show until months after launch. Look at the PS2 and XBox when they first came out, compare the games on the systems then to the games now and you'll see that they look much better than when the system was first released.

Now, in my opinion and being as unbiased as possible(You can't be 100% unbiased), all three consoles suck(at the moment), here's why.

Wii- Alright, yeah, console is cheap, fun and takes a new turn on gaming. It's not as innovative as everyone praises it though. Keep in mind the motion/light sensor technology has already been used in a lot of peripheral devices. So this 'innovation' your all hailing is actually just enhancement. Second of all, the Wii is cheaper than the other two because it's made from cheaper parts and has less high end stuff in it. So in the long run it's power as a gaming machine (graphics, sound and multi-purpose wise) won't hold out against the other two. It's also likely that the system won't make it through the next few years until the next gen consoles without running into age issues. I also have my doubts that the novelty effect of the Wii will hold out over the years. Sure, dancing around waving a wand at the TV and making yourself look like an idiot may be fun now, but in a years time will you still get the same enjoyment from it? Probably not. My friend has a Wii and after about a week or two he stopped standing up in front of the TV and getting into it because it just didn't have that same fun factor.

PS3- Ok, first thing that comes up is price. It's high. The technology is new and hasn't been around enough for the production and price to be lowered. It will drop after they get the hang of it though so stop whining about the price, I'm tired of hearing Wii fanboys say that. Now, every console has a bad launch and problems, like Captain Joystick said, but yes the PS3 launch was done poorly, at least here. Also currently it has no good games out aside from RFOM. DMC4 and MGS4 are on the way, and there are games coming that look great, but at the moment there's nothing to get excited about. Also Blu-Ray is a little iffy, Sony is pushing it and it's doing alright but we'll see how things go. The rumble issue is a let down but really is it that damn important? If you were around when there was no rumble feature, or you needed a rumble pack then you shouldn't mind this. The tilt thing is just stupid, but then again it's just stupid on every console. Liar makes good use of it but that's it. Also, you need a good TV to really enjoy it fully, which is something I personally don't want to shell out money for at this point in time.

XBox360- First thought that comes to your mind, Gears of War. First thought that comes to my mind, get the hell over it. This is like Halo all over again. People who get so crazed about the game that your disgusted to even play it because of the insane fanboys who tear you apart with bad grammar every time you knock the game. Yes, Gears of War is the only game out at the moment that looks Next Gen. However it did take a year to get a game like this. That's fine if your an idiot that thinks the 360 just launch and that GoW is a launch title, but releasing a game a year after the launch and thinking the 360 is the best console because of it is just plain moronic. Overall the 360 is the middle ground, stronger than the Wii, but not as strong as the PS3. More expensive than the Wii and cheaper than the PS3. It's average, that's all there is to it. Online play is great, but you have to fork out extra money besides your internet bill to play online where as the PS3's is free (Wii has none yet). If your one of the people that whine about the PS3's price then you should be whining about this online fee too, if you don't then shut up about the PS3's price. If you love playing games online then this is the one to get, if you have other things to do though (Like eat, sleep, breathe and bathe) then get a console with free online play.

So personally I say screw the so called next gen consoles. They all suck at the moment. I'm going to wait a few months and see how things play out rather than waste my money. I'm perfectly content with the last gen consoles, at least they have their footing.


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-06 19:31:10
amen to that brother!

personally ive only seen the 360 in play and itsd good but graphicas alone wont make me wnt to buy the system...

i'll do what ive always done when new consoles arrive...

wait for the massive price drops!nyahahahaha

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by inuyasha on 2007-02-06 19:55:30
@ jonathon - the wii does have an internet system, its just not that great and as far as i know, u need wireless internet and a strong connection in order to connect to the internet on the wii

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by on 2007-02-08 11:13:45
@Inuyasha- "to play online where as the PS3's is free (Wii has none yet)"

I meant gaming online, not browsing. The Wii has no online games as of yet because they haven't gotten the network up.


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2007-02-08 16:54:40
I think the Wii will probably stay away from the internet based gaming market for a while, As nintendo's goal with their major consols has been to get everyone gt get together and play as a group. The DS on the other hand is their major internet based gaming system9hand held if you must).

I can honestly say that I dont see much coming out for Wii that I want(i never got into Mario and I hate the FPS on the new Metroids). AS for the PS3 I think It did worst out of the launch games. But 360 will probably go strong for a while.

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Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by on 2007-03-13 17:00:42
There was apparently a market statistic done up and it projected that the PS3 could be winning the console by 2010 with the Wii coming in 3rd and the 360 in second. It was mostly looking at marketing and sales strategies, past performances and data, and where game developers of all parties are shifting to.


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Silent Predator on 2007-03-13 19:28:10
I think I'll focus my reply on the Nintendo Wii, as it's the only one of the three I've had a chance to play around with.

Nintendo recently signed a deal with GameSpy to provide the technology for the internet (they also provide it for the Nintendo DS). The first game to make use of the feature will be Pokemon Battle Revolution, which is set to come out June 25th of the current year.

I really enjoyed the time I spent playing Wii Sports. There were a couple of people playing Tennis and Baseball. It was a lot of fun. I think the Wii's strength will be with getting a bunch of people together to play. As far as Jonathan's comment about the style of play getting old, that's what a lot of people said about the DS and it's still insanely popular. People are still lining up in Japan for the DS Lites. It continues to outsell the PSP (and everything else for that matter) despite being the technologically inferior system. As long as developers can keep pumping out the fun games, it will last.

My biggest concern right now is that it seems like the game companies see the Wii's unexpected popularity and will just dump a bunch of crappy ports on it (I'm looking at you, Ubisoft). I think there is a lot of potential there. And it's not like you have to use the remote, you can still use Gamecube controllers for it. But with the remote we might get to see some decent RTS action on a console. First person shooters can definitely benefit from the remote.

Out of all the consoles I'm really excited about what the future holds for the Wii. The controller opens up a whole lot of possibilities.

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-14 03:33:38
Well ill summarise it this way... Nintendo has won the new gaming wars around the war.

Wii has allowed us to get back to the basics of game playing - playing with others is fun then just ur own. With also its unique game playing control and most importantly the price tag on it compared to the other two, Wii is definantly the best console game going around.

Xbox360 is alright... but they can do alot more with the games, theyve got Halo 3 which is coming and thats about the only game im looking foward to, but then agen thats the only game that i find interesting. Xbox series doesnt hav its own game range to compete with the ps3 and the wii giants, but atleast again, the price is sort of alright.

PS3? now thats just ridiculous. Ill tell u guys what, its ps3... so wat? blue-ray disks? wats the whole point of having a game console when all the games r not that interesting? Hopefully some of the game makers will pull out a good game ranges, and dont just rely on the name `playstation`. AND THE PRICE TAG IS FRIGGIN REDICULOUS, $1000 for australia? SONY DO ME A FAVOR AND GO AND GET STIFFED! AND SONY PSP! DO ME A FAVOR AND GET ME MORE GOOD LINES OF GAMES! FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD! SONY GET URSELF BETTER GAME RANGE!


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by on 2007-03-14 13:28:07 (edited 2007-03-14 14:01:06)
@dh86- I'm not even going to bother replying to your closing comments and quite frankly, nobody else should bother paying attention to them. Maybe next time you should write in normal sized letters instead of using all caps.

Also, no, Nintendo is FAR, and I mean very far from winning the game war. So called, "innovation" doesn't just win a rivalry between consoles. Your exaggerating, heading down the road of the fanboy.

The Wii's game lineup is nothing to be proud of, they don't have that many good games out. Also, one of the reasons that the Wii is beating the PS3 at the moment is because there were supply problems, but now that those problems are fixed the PS3's are rolling right out into a lot of homes. One of the ONLY things I've heard from people in terms of complaints about the PS3 has been price, price, price. If you can't afford the console then fine, stop making it seem like the PS3 is not worth the money.


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Silent Predator on 2007-03-15 06:58:33 (edited 2007-03-17 16:48:49)
Shortages? Maybe when it initially launched. Now all I hear about is how they're just sitting on the store's shelves.

As it stands now, the PS3 isn't worth the money for the same reason you just trashed the Wii. It doesn't have a strong lineup and most of the titles that will be coming in the future will be multi-platform (RE5, Assassin's Creed, GTA IV). They've started to go in the right direction with the Home thing they just announced, but it's still far away from being worth $600.

I'd add that the reason for the Wii's lackluster lineup is because no one knew (aside from Nintendo) that it was going to be the major success that it is. That's why you see a lot of developers just dumping ports on there, trying to earn a quick buck. The real good third party games are probably still aways off.

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-16 01:34:45
@ jonathon

Mate, im saying this as looking from the stats of the sales, and that only, with my opinions along with my friends. But i still do believe that Nintendo also has won, combining with the handheld consoles. Part.
But people have thier own opinion


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by on 2007-03-17 13:16:55
Opinion yes, reality is different. Nintendo has not won. 360 is still ahead if you want to talk about sales and the PS3 has been behind due to supply problems (Which have been fixed). Nintendo hasn't won, not even close, opinion or not.


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Silent Predator on 2007-03-17 16:52:34
The PS3 is behind because people aren't buying it, because it isn't worth $600. That's the reality. The 360 is only ahead because it's been out for a year. The Wii has been out for far less time than the 360 and has already sold about half as many.

Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by on 2007-03-17 18:11:28
No, the supply problems caused lack of units here. Once again, the dried out issue of price comes back.


Re: Now that there out, What do wa think of the Big 3?
Link | by Silent Predator on 2007-03-18 16:11:48
Yes, initially. The system only sold out during its launch and around the holidays. Now that isn't happening. Geezus, Penny Arcade even did a comic about it. You can find it here.

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