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Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by gendou on 2007-01-13 18:00:34 (edited 2010-10-03 19:23:07)
This thread is for discussion of the Cryptography Challenge #9.
Click the above link to view the challenge, get hints, and see the scoreboard.
Please do NOT post spoilers! You may post your ideas and strategies, but no actual answers, ciphers, or code.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-01-14 05:20:00
man...this is does our little chat with the Crypto-bot has clues in them?

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by K i D on 2007-01-14 06:08:04
hmmm..... tough!... i don't quite get the decoding of the message given by Crypt-bot...... my oh my!!!!!!

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by Ettenna Meil on 2007-01-14 10:42:13
Does it have anything to do with the first letter of every sentence?

Have you ever noticed that everyone who saves the world from complete and utter destruction has been a TEENAGER? We must lose our strength with age or something...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by gendou on 2007-01-14 11:02:53
no, it does not.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by Huy on 2007-01-14 12:23:35
It keep saying: "Nope. Try again."
What should I do? when he says "Enter a message" ?

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by Instagib on 2007-01-14 12:43:27 (edited 2007-01-14 12:47:18)
i have comed to the part where it gives me the encoded message, but i'm not good at this stuff :'(
anyone has some tips on how to decode?
i don't understand these language, if it is one at all XD

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by wolf_blood14352 on 2007-01-14 12:47:27
i have this feeling that crypto-bot is giving us hints... I dunno.. I'm not really good at this ^^;

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by Maddy on 2007-01-14 13:55:35
Hm, this is confusing, I don't really get it...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by on 2007-01-14 15:10:37
Whats the (abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) thingy... I dont like that... ^_^;

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2007-01-14 16:02:44
i think that's meant to be the clue. i'm stuck there as well. XD
and i think has something to do with maths...


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Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by Ettenna Meil on 2007-01-14 17:18:57
Why are things like this so hard...>_<

Does it have something to do with all the number questions being asked?

Have you ever noticed that everyone who saves the world from complete and utter destruction has been a TEENAGER? We must lose our strength with age or something...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by psoplayer on 2007-01-14 18:04:28
So is this just a cypher? Because then my frequency analysis would be worth something.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by shinigami_shadow on 2007-01-14 18:36:16
Yeah, when it says 'the first line is the KEY', does it mean the abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb line? Humm...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by progheal on 2007-01-14 18:51:54
and i noticed that the 'abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' thing has exactly 26 letters (i.e. 25 b's after the a). This may mean something....

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by shinigami_shadow on 2007-01-14 18:55:17
Yeah, I counted, I noticed that. But...nyeh...this is difficult...
Getting there...
I wonder if Engineer will be able to figure this out...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by psoplayer on 2007-01-14 19:10:41
Here's my frequency analysis of it (excepting the abbbbbbbbbb... part at the begining). I don't really know how to approach decoding a cypher with this though. I guess we can assume X is E, and move on from there, but I'm too lazy to do all that right now.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by on 2007-01-14 19:22:29
It seems that the (abbbb..) indicates a shift in the value of each letter from its first use to all other following uses. This, if true, would throw off a simple numerical analysis of appearences.

I may be simply overthinking it though.

Die frinste Freude ist die Shaudenfreude The greatest joy is the shameful joy

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by gendou on 2007-01-14 20:44:55
i will offer that the message must be decrypted in order (left to right, top to bottom, just like english text), and that the first letter of the decrypted message is always the same as the first letter of the encrypted message.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 9!
Link | by on 2007-01-14 22:04:36
Ah, so that is what it means. Thanks.

Die frinste Freude ist die Shaudenfreude The greatest joy is the shameful joy

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