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an Inuyasha question
Link | by Throgmoth on 2006-12-20 13:23:57
Im a huge fan of Inuyasha, however, i just realized something.

does it ever explain how Inuyasha can go through the well and into Kagomes "universe"? i honestly dont remember, though he has done it quite a few times.

as far as i know, none of the other characters can enter or exit the well other than Kagome and Inuyasha. now, i can see why Kagome can do it, she had the sacred jewel, but i dont see hwo Inuyasha can!

does it ever explain?

he mostly goes through on filler episodes, i cant recall him ever going through on a non filler. but still, it should of been explained.

please someone enlighten me on this :3

sig made by brightdarkness

Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by on 2006-12-20 13:34:27
I don't think it outright explains it. I don't even think any of the characters even notice the oddity of it.

Only explination I could think of would be his 'attachement' to Kagome and the half demon thing, etc etc. Might be explained in the manga though.


Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by Killer Rabbit on 2006-12-20 13:58:51
I haven't finish the anime yet,but I don't think there's an explanation for that. I might be wrong though....
Yeah, what Jonathon said, read the manga, it probably has it

Nothing pleasures me more than the sight of blood...

Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by Throgmoth on 2006-12-20 14:59:47
lol, well okay then. ive been saving up for the manga for a bit now, so i might as well start.

its expensive though :P

sig made by brightdarkness

Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by zenkyorex on 2006-12-20 15:23:27
I remember Inuyasha had gone through the well in the third movie.


Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by Eiko on 2006-12-21 16:34:32
It has to do with their relationship to each other and the Shinkon Jewel.

Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by kazekenshinkazeken on 2006-12-21 19:06:06
yeah... U know... maybe there is some connection between their souls... or someting... and besides, Inuyasha had been pretty much attached to the shikon jewel right? uhh...

!3Jpuv o7ovd

Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by Throgmoth on 2006-12-21 19:25:45
yeah, i thought it was becuase he was stuck to the tree that is like very close to the well. it has to be something like that, or that he is connected to kagome through teh shikon no tamma. i dunno. :3

sig made by brightdarkness

Re: an Inuyasha question
Link | by angel on 2006-12-23 11:29:40
YAY i'm a fan of inuyasha also

and to answer your question my friend told me that Inuyasha can go through the well because of the beads of subjugation he wears around his neck

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