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Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-04-08 08:05:03
Nuebos profesores!! ^-^v

Ahora solo faltan alumnos >.<


no tengo mjucho que decir...
disfruten de sus huevos ^-^v

@KK: Que bien... espero que a Pame le guste el proyecto "chala" XD
si no... que se le hace... buscaremos mas proyectos XD

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-08 10:51:07
Proyecto "Chala?" Donde donde!!!!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-08 10:54:36
paame, y mi karaoke? o.o

A fresh Beginning

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-08 11:50:31
Luvi ya te mande tu karaoke! ^-^ Te llego?? Lo mande a tu gmail.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-08 11:56:21 (edited 2007-04-08 11:56:40)
hmm ahroa me fijo...

edit// sii me llego TT_TT graxx =D

A fresh Beginning

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-08 11:57:53
Yaaaaaay! Entonces te escucharemos cantar la cancion de Ricardo Arjona muy pronto cierto? ^-^

Yo no se q cantar en español! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-08 11:59:59 (edited 2007-04-08 12:04:10)
sii, ahora estoy medio resfriado, asique cuando me cure la canto >_<
y vos pdoes cantar... eto...algo de julieta venegas? paulina rubio? errrr...noc no conozco a muchas cnatates efmeninas >_<

DIOZZZZZZZZZZZ pame te amouuuu el karaoke es espectacular >w< /hug xD

A fresh Beginning

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-04-09 07:14:09
@Pame: Todavia esta en Proyecto... asi que no veras el proyecto
todavia :3

y... para que cantes??
que paso con la de Bon Jovi??
No la queres cntar??

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-09 13:47:35
DN: sIII T-T Pero aun no consigo el karaoke!! Waaaaah, tengo la pista en midi, pero no suena bien! Buaaaa

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-04-09 15:12:19
No te preocupes Pame!!
Drqaogn asl rescate!!


Tratare de buscarla en el ares... cuando la encuentre te la mando a G-mail ^^


Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-09 17:10:55
Yaaaaay...ahora asegurate q sea la version de Yuridia y no la de Bonjovi q es mas baja en registro! GRACIAS!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-09 18:00:52
Que bueno que todos disfrutaron la Pascua ayer!!!

Ya esta semana volvemos a la rutina... (si es que tienen)
Falta mucho para Diciembre...ya quiero que sea el Festival Matsuri!!!

@Pame: Sigo esperando....A este paso creo que voy a tener un niño primero antes de que me lleguen los karaokes...supongo que me dedicare a esperar...

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-09 18:02:28
que es el festival matsuri? =·3

A fresh Beginning

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-09 18:22:23 (edited 2007-04-09 18:28:12)
Es un festival de anime y manga que se realiza en Costa Rica!!!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-04-10 06:22:39
Festival... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

@Pame: >.< voy a tratar
Deberias cantar algo de Juanes ^^
Que tal mala gente...
Tal ves tu si le puedas coger el tono ^^"

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-10 19:54:00
*walks in*

Ummm... soo.. I can learn Spanish here?? or?? ummm...


*runs away*

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-10 20:08:15
maybe, spanish is ratehr difficult, but we can always try teaching you =)

A fresh Beginning

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-10 20:10:49
waH~ gracias ^^ (obvious that rEi only knows that word) >.<

I really love to learn... just daily conv. ish okay ^o^

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-10 20:13:21
Siiiiiiiiii REI! Te enseñaremos español!!!!

Yessssss Rei!!1 We will teach you Spanish!!!

*Hugs Rei

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Latinos Aqui (FREE spanish Lessons)
Link | by on 2007-04-10 20:20:25
*hugs Pame*

waH~ thankies ^o^


you're all so kind ~,_~,

I'll try to be active in this thread.. ^^

me really want to learn >.<

dunno why @_@;

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