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Link | by jeongso1 on 2006-11-18 04:59:54
A weather service plane flew 2100 km/h with the jet stream as a tailwind and back again. The eastbound flight took 3 hrs and the westbound one took 4 hrs and 12 minutes. Find the speed of the jet stream and the air speed of the plane

Re: airplanes
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-20 19:44:24
600=jet stream

that is assuming you weren't being completely vague and the average speed of the plane was 2100 in both directions.

Re: airplanes
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-11-20 19:58:35
d-ninja, is it possible for you to show your workings?
because, with the use of s=d/t, i got the plane for 700. and, how do you
get a different air speed for the jet stream? if the jet stream decreases
the speed of the plane by 30 minutes...
okay. i am lost in translation.


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: airplanes
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-11-20 21:54:26
I'm assuming the jetstream was with the plane on the eastbound, and against it on the westbound.

The whole trip is 6300 km. 3 hours on the eastbound gives 2100 km/h (given). 4.2 hours on the westbound gives 1500 km/h.

So, 2100-1500=600. But, D-ninja, on the way there it was with the plane and on the way back it was against. So we have to divide 600 in 2, leaving 300 km/h as the speed of the jetstrem.


"jetstream" + "plane" = 2100

300 + "plane" = 2100

"plane" = 2100 - 300

The plane was moving at 1800 km/h


"plane" - "jetstream" = 1500

"plane" - 300 = 1500

"plane" = 1500 + 300

"plane" = 1800 km/h

Plane airspeed is 1800 km/h

Jetstream speed is 300 km/h

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: airplanes
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-11-23 03:08:27
okay... i did my very best to work this one out, and i didn't get anywhere near
any of the answers given, so i decided to unlock the thread and plaster my workings.
it get's me bogged down if i don't at least try, so here it is. if someone could
comment on this, please do.



beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: airplanes
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-23 06:18:39
The plane travels at 2100km/h, so the the distance from A to B is 6300. Also when you divided by 180 your answer should be in km/minute.

Other than those two errors, it's done correctly. You did it right, with the wrong stuff.

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