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Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by on 2006-11-11 13:45:24
Kingdom Hearts III: The RP
Story: This story is set in the past, before the time periods of the previous Kingdom Hearts.
It is in a time when the keyblade wasn't a magical, mystical, or rare weapon. It was as commom
as a katana, or shuriken. There were four "Chasers" that led the different sides of the war.
They each followed a seperate path at the "Cross roads". They were the Lords of the road to
Light, the road to Darkness, the Twilit road to Nightfall, and the Twilit road to Light. Three of
the four "Chasers" were more or less on the Light's side, but at the same time three of the four
were more or less on the Darkness's side. The war began because the four nations were at a
disagreement: Who would rule all of the land?

RP: As you fight in this war, you can "level up" in ranks. The ranks symbolize power, not what
side you are on. IE: Shadow: You have the strength of that of a shadow, this does not mean
you are on the Dark side. The ranks are:
Little Sora, Little Riku, Island Sora, Island Riku, Keyblade Sora, Dark Riku, Heartless Sora,
Xehanort-Riku, Roxas, Double-keyblade Sora, Double-keyblade Roxas, Valor, Wisdom, Master,
Anti, Final
You may not be any of the characters in the previous games. All new characters. You can only use
keyblades from the previous games, but you may create one. You can only obtain other keychains
if somebody gives you theirs before they leave, or if they kill of their character. You may have a
maximum of three active characters. You may not create a character to get their keychain. If you do
create a keyblade, you must also make a sheet for it. Do not create an enemy, then destroy it immediately.

Character Sheet: Name: (Example character) Bob
Age: 59
Ability(ies): Can turn any moisture in the air into ice
Keyblade(s): Bond of Flame and Bob's Blade.
Appearance: Long white hair, red eyes, fuzzy goatee, curly french moustache etc.
Side: Darkness
Background: Hates the Light, was orphaned. Has a son of his own. blah blah.

Keyblade Sheet: Name: (Example keyblade) Bob's Blade
Ability(ies): Raises weilder's strenght ten fold, can tap into the darkness in people's
Keychain: Bob's face
Appearance: Long curvy black blade, red hilt
Typically used for: Darkness
Background: Created by Bob himself, in order to turn the other "Chasers" against
one another. Can only be weilded by relatives of Bob

Any suggestions, please PM me. I will also make a small site that can be accessed from the first
page with everybody's usernames, characters, sides, keyblades, etc. if the RP is popular and hard
to keep track of. Also, page summaries will be found, so that new characters don't have to read every
page to know what is going on.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by imppy on 2006-11-12 04:23:01 (edited 2006-11-18 20:03:27)
Name: Tasuki
Age: 15
Ability: Summoner of the Gods, can call for them at crucial moments
Keyblade: Bahamut's Fang Blade
Side: None, an alone traveller who seeks his memories
Background: His memories were lost, and hopes to retrieve them by looking for the one who stole them. The only thing he remembers was his name, and he noticed that the Gods are at their service to protect him, and gained powers to summon them at any time, and gave him the keyblade to defend himself.

Keyblade: Bahamut's Fang Blade
Ability: Increase Summon power, Obtain Bahamut's powers
Keychain: Bahamut's Skull
Appearance: [to be added soon]
Typically used for: Light/defensive purposes
Background: Given by the gods, the keyblade is too different than any other keyblade, it has the power of Bahamut, the dragon.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-11-12 08:40:54 (edited 2006-11-13 21:21:35)
Character Bio Sheet

Name: Kirio
Age: 10
Ability: Unnatural ablility to be able to feel what is going on around him.
Keyblades: Normal Keyblade, Dark Heart, Oblivion
Side: None. Family has stayed neutral to the warring states
Appearance: Covered in a tatered cloak, most bandits who try to steal from him has met their demise. A kid who has brown hair and silver eyes, never shown his face to strangers...
Bio: Even though his parents where neutral to the conflicts, they where killed in a skirmish that destroyed their home. The house colapsed on them and Kirio is the only survivor. The loneliness and saddness in Kirio's heart on that day created the Dark Heart. Now, he is only traveling, doing the odd jobs here and there to get some bread to eat... He is also a bounty hunter who already killed 10 high class people for their bounty. He knows that children are viewed as harmless and used this advantage greatly. He rarely talks and is anti-social. Only will accept help in dire need and most of the time will not chose a mission with a partner...

Keyblade Bio Sheet:
Name: Dark Heart
Abilities: Increase power 10 fold in the sacrifice of a fragment of the heart.
History: Created at the demise of Kirio's parents, it currently resides inside Kirio's heart. It runs on Kirio's anger and sorrow.
Appearance: Bracelet form- Has a dark metal shaped into a heart.
Blade form- The hilt is thin and is shaped to as a heart. There are vines that connect to Kirio's main arteries at his wrist. They consume blood to hold the fourm. The blade itself is thin and is made in a red substance (blood). It can lengthen into a blade and can do energy attacks when swung and willed to. The blood when used as a blade, is harder than mythril and very sharp.

When is this going to start? I am set to go.... And I feel empty inside right now, just like my character so I could really be like my charcter right now...


Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Ryu on 2006-11-12 14:34:27
Name: Akari Yamanaka
Age: 16
Ability: super human fighting ability
Keyblades: normal Keblade, Icy soul
Apearance: hooded cloak white hair and red eyes
Side: his own
Bio: he lost his parents in a freak incident when he was ten. it drove him insane that his eyes turned red and his soul made the icy heart key blade he is on no side because he only belives in him self he is a lost soul in the darkness who needs friends to pull him into the light

we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by on 2006-11-13 19:41:44
Character Sheet: Name: Kaze Atsuko
Age: 18
Ability(ies): Manipulates wind
Keyblade(s): Oblivion, Oathkeeper, Tornado Breeze
Appearance: ear length black hair with red streaks, green eyes, wears black
Side: Twilit road to nightfall
Background: Hates the Light, was orphaned. Has a twin brother

Keyblade Sheet: Name: Tornado Breeze
Ability(ies): Raises weilder's strenght ten fold, can produce a strong gust of wind from nowhere
Keychain: Tornado (like the tazmanian devil dust cloud)
Appearance: Long curvy black blade, green hilt
Typically used for: Darkness, but can be used for light
Background: Created by Kaze's ancestors. Not many people weild it.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Sagara on 2006-11-13 21:07:52 (edited 2006-11-14 19:07:12)
Name: Kazuya
Age: ???(appears 24 yrs old)
Ability(ies): Avalon- Greatly increase user's attack, defense & speed.
Keyblade(s): Dark Will, Fenrir
Appearance: Short dark brown hair that slightly obscures right eye, red eyes with vertical scar over left eye, wears a black coat.
Side: His own.
Background: Finds the Light 'detestable', has no known relatives. He is devastatingly skilled in close-combat, ungodly strong and fast.Extremely resourceful & a genius at forming tactics to defeat his opponents. Prefers not to talk much to others. Rarely accepts help even in dire need and rarely chose a mission with a partner.

Name: Dark Will
Ability(ies): Razor Edge-Can cut through all but the strongest defense and greatly increase critical hit rate. Black Will-Area damaged by blade will be covered by a black parasitic energy that damages and weakens the target(Damage is controlled by user)
Appearance: Bracelet Form-Has a black metal shaped like a cross with a red crystal in the centre.
Blade Form-The hilt is thin and covered with black bandages. There is black energy that covers most of arm wielding it. The blade consumes the black energy to hold the form. The blade itself looks like a katana's and is made in a Black substance (darkness). It can release dark energy when swung and willed to. The black energy when used as a blade, is harder than gold.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-11-13 21:23:52
@ Gackt Lover
When will the RP start? I like the concept....


Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by on 2006-11-14 18:06:53
As soon as you want to start. I'll just set the mood. Sorry it took so long, I've either been at school, or my mom cuts my post short. Okay. *sorry about spelling!*
Dark clouds swirled around the moon, suppressing its light. A heavy fog blew into the huge fortress. Thousands of silhoettes of people could be seen as a flash of lightning lit the streets. Two lone figures were on top of a podium, side by side, (one seated) prepared to make an announcement. The one on the right raised his arms high into the air, and from them a brilliant light shone. The entire area was illuminated, as if it were the middle of the day.

Speaker 1: "Good evening, everybody." His voice was deep and booming. "As you all well know, there has been some.... 'minor' conflict between us chasers."
Somebody in the crowd called out in protest: "'Minor'? What the hell is wrong with you?!"
The speaker sent out guards to take care of him. "And, we are gathered here to decide what would be best for our region." He indicated to the surrounding area. "Who would help to lead this battle?"
Everybody glanced around at one another.
Cloaked figure: "I will help to fight this battle, and over-throw the light!"
Speaker 2: "Show yourself!" He stood from his chair and glared at the crowd. "What is your name?"
The cloaked figure lowered his hood. "Kaze Atsuko."

The sun shone brightly between the houses as it set behind the village. A large gathering was being held by the houses. People were crammed together, shoudler-to-shoulder, trying to see and hear what their respected leaders were talking about. They stood at the front of the crowd, smiling and conversing with villagers. Just then, they ordered for everybody to settle down, and announced they had something to say.
Speaker 1: "As you are all well aware, there are four deities of this land. The Chasers of Light, and of Darkness. You also know that we are two of the four. For hundreds of years, Darkness has been at peace with Light. However, due to recent events, we are at a disagreement. Now, here's the decision we have to make. Shall we participate in a great battle, or try to work things over?"
The crowd shook their heads. "They will never listen to reason."
Speaker 2: "If we engage in war, who would risk their lives to save our region?"
Several people volunteered strait away.
Speaker 1: "But who will lead us to victory? Surely not us chasers, we are becoming much too old. I believe it is time to pass on the legacy. The most powerful, most benevolent warriors in our region will become the new chasers."

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Sagara on 2006-11-14 19:06:22
A unknown figure hidden in the shadows hears what the Chasers of Light has to say and laughs slightly to theit words.
Unknown Figure: "..I will assist you to fight this battle even if i find the Light slightly 'detestable'...because you need all the help you can get.."
The figure reveals himself from the shadows looking directly at the Chasers of Light.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-11-14 19:47:38

It was a windy day. My Cloak is not sufficient enough to warm me up properly but since the 'disagreements' started, Merchants that usually put up small stands here has abbandoned it for fear for their lives. I brushed off a lose bang from my face as I look at the clouds. ".... The darkness in people's hearts is brewing. The world knows that. It howls in rage and concern for its children. But the thing I want answered... Will the children stop and listen to her?" he asks the wind. A strong gust of wind is the answer to his question...."... sigh..." He walks around, trying to stay at an inn for the day and night....


Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Ryu on 2006-11-14 20:00:54
it was a stormy day Arari had just finished fighting some people who wanted to jump him " heh do you think that you and your buddies could defeat me... you fools are pathetic not even worth killing" Akari spits and walks off " i want a new opponent to kill"

we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by imppy on 2006-11-15 03:43:24 (edited 2006-11-18 20:05:31)
-Scene: Cross Roads-

The wind is getting harsher, it swells Tasuki's eyes. However, his priority to find his shattered memories pulls him forward to any direction that his instincts tell him.
He wiped off the leaf that smacked his face, and sighed deeply as his keychain swirled in different directions.
"I swear there are shops here somewhere." He uttered with wonder, glancing around the area, "I believe we should find some merchants, we're running out of supplies."
A girl dressed with such complexity popped out smiling, as if she was enjoying this moment.
"Don't worry, Tasuki-chan, we'll find one soon!" She uttered with cheerful words, dancing around with psychotic behavior.
"Neh, Liya-san, don't get too much energetic, you might--" Tasuki cut his sentence when he heard a loud bump as Liya tripped down with his head.
"Ow! That hurts." Liya reacted rubbing her head thoroughly.

New Character Sheet:

Name: Liya
Age: 14
Ability: Healing Powers
Keyblade: Giant Scissors
Side: With Tasuki
Background: She came from a different dimension, but although it was unknown and unusual for her to carry a weird keyblade that its shape looks like a giant scissors. Her pasts were unknown, her memories were also shattered, and planned to get back to her own dimension, so she started to meet up with Tasuki and followed him.

Name: Giant Scissors
Ability: Increase Speed and Magic Ability
Keychain: Small scissors
Appearance: [see Liya's personal picture]
Typically used for: Cutting and Slashing and Magic
Background: Unknown [to be revealed as the story goes]

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by on 2006-11-15 04:04:50 (edited 2006-11-15 04:11:46)
can i join?
Character Sheet:
Name: Key
Age: 19
Abilities: make replica with water and move like lighting
Keyblades: lock & Key
Appearance: black hair, hooded, black outfit (like the organization XIII outfit)
Side: Twiglight road to Nightfall
Background: life on his own, travel through the world

Keyblade Sheet: pair keyblades name LOCK & KEY
Name: Lock
Abilitiies: Raises wielder acurracy and str can lock others moves (cancel) and others hearts
Keychain: lock
Appearance: Long black katana, silver hilt
Typically used for: Dark
Background: harness from key's heart

name : key
abilities: raise wielder magic and speed can unlock others moves (copy) and unlock others hearts
keychain: key
appearance: long bright white katana, noir hilt
Typically used for: light
background: harness from key's heart


"hm... the darkness still on, lingering the passage, yet they are not what they seems to be as there always darkness in every hearts" murmured key while walking through the road to the crossroad

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-11-15 05:22:55 (edited 2006-11-15 12:40:22)
He is walking, trying to find a merchant brave enough to do buissnes here at this particular time when he saw a pair. When he looked at the girl, he immidiately thought 'Shattered Memmories....' He was curious 'The girl is not of this world... and from my mother's bloodline, I know that she has lost her memories...' he thinks as he decided to hide in the shadows, observing the enigma that he had stumbled upon....


Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by on 2006-11-15 17:43:11
Kaze walked up to the podium, grinning a lop-sided grin. Everything was falling into place perfectly. "I intend to help the Darkness over-throw the Light once and for all!" He declared as he spun around, facing the crowd. "Darkness is the heart's true essence! For so long, the Light preached that 'where ever there is Darkness, there is Light. There is never one without the other.' Well, I plan to rid our country of all Light. How is there any proof of such nonsense? Why are we forced to side with one another? Well, I say, if there 'Light is never without Darkness' and vise-versa, then where is the evil that comes with the good?"

People looked from each other to Kaze, then back to each other and firmly nodded.

Kaze: "Oh mighty Chasers of the Darkness, will you allow me to lead your army to victory?" He bowed deeply before them.

Chaser: "We shall consider it. You must prove to us you faith in the Darkness, as well as your use of its powers."

Kaze stood and conjured a keyblade from nowhere. It was long, black and green and the chain resembled that of a dust cloud. He so much as twitched it, and a swirling cloud appeared above. A black funnel cloud slowly escaped the cloud's grasp, and touched down in front of the podium. Kaze slashed through it, eliminating it completely. "Who will join me?"

OOC: (out of character) Display your strength and try-out for the army. Is it okay if my character leads for now?

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Sagara on 2006-11-15 18:24:13
Kazuya leaves after receiving no reply by the Chasers of Light. He smirks "Let them fight the Darkness on their own, i find the Light detestable anyway so i guess i'll help the Darkness instead" Kazuya thought to himself then heads through the crossroad leading to the Darkness.

Once he arrives in the DARKNESS hears Kaze say "Oh mighty Chasers of the Darkness, will you allow me to lead your army to victory?" and Chasers of Darkness respond with "We shall consider it. You must prove to us you faith in the Darkness, as well as your use of its powers.".

Kazuya: "I'll join as well and prove my faith to in the Darkness, as well as my use of its powers."

Kazuya walked up to the podium and conjures a bladeless sword-like keyblade. It had black bandages covering it, no chain and a demonic red crystal in the centre of the hilt. He so slightly shakes the hilt and darkness formed on most of his right arm. He then formed the blade out of the black energy. He then slashes a extremely hard object, cutting right through it. A black parasitic energy appears where he cut the object & quickly dissolves the remaiding parts of the object until there wasn't anything left. "Who else will join us..?"

0CC: If your character leads for now, can my character be the second-in-command?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Ryu on 2006-11-15 18:44:10
" i heard about those chasers of light...maybe they can prove a worthy challenge for me " Takeshi laughed " this is going to be one hell of a ride"

we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-11-15 19:44:52
He was now thinking on who was that girl... Then, like lightning, thw balance had hit him like an anvil. '... The balance has now tipped...' He thinks as he contemplates on another matter. 'What do I do now? My family has remained neutral but has somewhat favoured the one at a disadvantage... to keep the balance at the scale of power... but now, big powers are rallying at the darkness... So big in fact... that I might disobey tradition...' He thinks as he meditates on the matter. 'But I cannot stand being with those light people... they are too naive for their own good. Those chasers of light has also became accostomed to the peace and naivity... I don't know what to do....' He meditates....


Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by Ryu on 2006-11-15 19:50:49
" the fight is about to start" Takeshi grined " i cant wait to begin.." takeshi licked his blade with an unstable look on his face " you will drink blood again icy heart " Takeshi spins his keyblades around his head and sheaths them he continues to walk

we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

Re: Kingdom Hearts III RP
Link | by imppy on 2006-11-16 02:35:24 (edited 2006-11-17 02:40:48)
Tasuki offered his hand to Liya, helping her get up. He was rather annoyed instead of worried, since he can see Liya vexing all the time.
"Why don't you try to calm down for a while?" Tasuki suggested with mere sincerity on the look of his face. "Listen, if we can get past by this area we might find a black market as it says so in this map. I heard there are so many valuables here that might be found useful through our journey."
"That would take time though!" Liya complained at the top of her voice, "Why don't we stay inside an inn for a while?"
He sighed deeply, not knowing what to do with her. He still needs to find the crystal shard beyond this area that might find answers to his memories. He got this information from a bar somewhere on the previous weeks, and he's tempted to look for the shard as quick as he can. The crystal shard can be found within the territories of the DARKNESS, which is risky for them to take.
"Fine." He finally agreed, playing with his keychain, "But I won't be charging the fee for the night this time."
"What?!" Liya asked with a loud voice in dismay, "You mean to say we'll use my money this time? But we abundantly share the same cash at all times."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we own both money." Tasuki replied, "Now, stop complaining and let's move."

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