help for download tv variant of slayers song
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by [Xtreme] Pufy
on 2006-09-04 09:59:45
hi everibody my name is budui alexandru iulian i watch for long time slayers [lina inverse adventures witch bla bla bla] a specilay i love her becase she is the one ho sing the songs [she is in reality megumi hayashibara] well i only find midis [gr gr] and here is fuul version..and i want tv version of slayers song THE POINT IS FROM WERE CAN I GETT TV VERSIONS OF SONGS BREEZE DONT BE DISCOUREGED GETT ALONG GIVE A REASON [all songs from slayers/slayers next and slayer try [maybe slayers for the future?? my email is |
Re: help for download tv variant of slayers song
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by S-a-c-h-i-e-l
on 2006-09-04 10:03:44
*cough* Doth not the rules say to NOT request songs in the forum...? You could either A: check this link or B: Request the songs you want and hope someone uploads them... |