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about thegundam seed Stargazer_-_Hoshi_no_Tobira
Link | by Rockmanfreedom on 2006-08-26 04:55:10
where is the gundam seed Stargazer_-_Hoshi_no_Tobira full version song . ithought it is out of the release list. but when i went into the download list i can`t find the gundam seed Stargazer_-_Hoshi_no_Tobira full version song . i hope the gundam seed Stargazer_-_Hoshi_no_Tobira full version will quick be in the download list so that i can downlo0ad it because i really want to listen to it

Strike for the ultimate victory

Re: about thegundam seed Stargazer_-_Hoshi_no_Tobira
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-26 05:21:22
Oh please-!! Just wait for it!

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Re: about thegundam seed Stargazer_-_Hoshi_no_Tobira
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-08-26 09:25:50
i suggest that you hold on to your seat and be patient, dear. gendou is a human being. he's got his job, his girlfriend, and HIS WEBSITE to take care of, owkie? so, i gues you could munch on something for a while and chill before he bans you, owkie? please read the faqs and rules... thanks!


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