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The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-08-24 09:28:30 (edited 2007-01-07 21:09:03)
*copy and pasted from one of my threads on another forum, ignore the comments on depression as we already have a depression thread here XD*

*ignore this thread if you don't like questions and some serious reading*

We have all had problems with depression sometime in life... So why are you depressed? What's making you depressed? Why do you feel that you're alone? Talk away here, I'll see if I can help with ye :D

And now for something I thought about when I was depressed, quite a lot: Why are we here? What are we supposed to do with this life?

So, I have a few comments on those questions... Ignoring religion (as many of those here are atheists), how did we get here? Scientists say that life can not come out of nothing... if so, how did we get here? No spontaneous generation means there was always a first, but then if there was no first, either it's always been here since the beginning of ever, the theory is not right, or... We aren't here at all. What if no one is here but you? What if the earth began when something/someone decided to have a dream of the earth and everyone in it, and as soon as you die the earth is not here?

Some dude (can't remember who he is :P) said "I think, therefore I am." You can think in dreams, right? You can reason "Hey, if the dinosaur's in the store, then what's keeping the people safe?" or whatever's happening in your dream... So if you think, are you really here? You aren't there in your dream, you're inside your head in a dream. So... are we someone's dream?

What made the universe? What made the decision of "We'll have some helium here, some hydrogen there, and maybe some iron and uranium there... Oh, and carbon, we need carbon..." If the universe was never here, there'd be... well, nothing right? Like a big waste of everything... So how did all the elements get there?

Then something really confusing like time; how did time come to be? Why are things moving at the speed they are instead of extra slow or extra fast? If it was moving extra slow or extra fast, would we notice it?

Obviously, all of this had to come from something... and before I hear "The big bang!", I ask you this: what made the big bang? How did the big bang make all those elements and such without something being there to make the big bang?

And for a quick comment, what if the big bang was just a really REALLY big star? See, when big stars explode, they create all/most of the elements we are familiar with... and after it explodes and everything stops moving outward, gravity takes over and everything starts moving back to the middle, where most of the elements remain.
Isn't that what the universe is doing? In theory, there was an explosion, and people believe the universe was expanding, but maybe now it's shrinking. You see what I'm getting at? Anywho, back on topic...

It's apparent at least YOU are here... And so if everyone was just a figment of your imagination, no one was sad, happy, angry or anything except you... Would life mean anything?

Well, people other than you are most likely here... so yeah. I am of the vote there are billions of people here, I just said what I did up there to get you thinking XD

Why are the laws of physics here at all? What was the start of life? What was the start of the beginning? WAS there a beginning at all? Or are we even here?
What's your purpose in life? Why were you brought here?

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by Jakkin on 2006-08-24 09:31:55
I don't believe that people are really depressed. I believe that people merely like to complain about things... because there are people that will listen to the meaningless complaints of said complainer.

So I'm not depressed, and I see that you are someone that cares, or is merely bored, and your going to listen, read, and respond to these said problems... which is commendable.

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-08-24 09:38:39
Believe me, I have been depressed. There is very little worse than the feeling of "No one likes me, I have no worth in this life," and honestly believing it even when it's not true.

And I suppose I do care... I must change the world for the better! :D

Boredom... Why are people bored? Why not clean your room when it's dirty instead of complain about there being nothing to do?

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by Sekami on 2006-08-24 09:51:48
Wow...that's deep...but I think there really is no true answer. Many people think of one idea and stick with it. Personally, I believe that's wrong to assume since there are so many interpretations of how the world was created and why life itself exists.

As for the big bang theory, there really isn't enough information to justify the complete truth of it. Then again, I really haven't studied an enormous amount into that theory to completely argue for/against it. =P

Elements and the Laws of Physics just Water (H20) just seems to have a density low enough for it not to completely freeze a lake (making marine life possible). Carbon is needed for everything in life like cellular respiration and phototsynthesis...but in the end it's just an element that was "picked" out of all the other ones. Physics...the fact that a heavy ball and a lighter ball can drop at the same time always seemed weird to me (maybe I just lack some common sense..not sure). I doubt anyone really knows the true answers, but in the end I believe it'll be mostly speculation =)


Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-08-25 01:21:03 (edited 2006-08-25 01:23:55)
OMG! Sachiel is trying to get people to think!!! The utter horror!

Well I find the concept of firsts to be little dimming. If there is a first then does that mean there is an end? I mean does there need to be a first and end really. I mean what is the language of the universe? NUMBERS!!! Yay numbers! Do numbers have a first?

Little Bobby in the back row: Ya the number zero fool!

Shut up little Bobby!! Zero is not the first number, it is the middle number. We have positive numbers and negative numbers. All negative numbers come before zero and positive numbers come after. They never end either. There are infinite numbers and infinite numbers in between numbers.

Little Bobby in the back row: How do you know zero isn't the beginning of both positives and negatives you moron!

Quiet little Bobby before I wash your mouth out with soap! How do you know the beginning wasn't just from infinity and counting backwards? Perhaps we have it all backwards and we shouldn't be counting from zero to infinity, but rather from infinity to zero. Good luck with that.

Little Bobby in the back row: Well let's say zero is the beginning of the numbers. Doesn't zero itself mean nothingness.

Yes little Bobby you are on the right track. We can define zero as being the void number for zero amounts to nothing.

Little Bobby in the back row: Let's say the first number is zero, does that mean all the numbers start from nothingness? How can nothing be the start of everything?

Little Bobby you have a good imagination however it is faulty to just assume things. We know that zero is nothingness; however we have no clue if zero is the beginning. In the sea of infinite numbers how can you say zero is the beginning?

Little Bobby in the back row: Maybe one is the first number that started everything and it is not actually zero that is the middle number.

Maybe it is one. Maybe it is 2. Maybe it is -2. Maybe it is 42! Maybe it is 1337. Maybe it is pie, I mean pi, I mean 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375..., I mean π. Hell, maybe it is 0 or maybe you're nuts for thinking there is a first number or a middle one. The truth is neither you, nor I, nor does anyone else know.

*The almighty voice of the grand force appears.*

I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



*Waves bye-bye to the grand force.

Little Bobby in the back row: Wow I learned something today, thanks for instructing me Sensei.

That's the right attitude little Bobby! You are on your way to vast knowledge by knowing that you know nothing. Now let us leave the kindergarten! We must ninja in the night!


*The rest of the kids in the class are like "WTF! Weren't we talking about the beginning of the universe?"

Yes we were...


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by on 2007-08-19 22:40:04 (edited 2007-08-19 22:40:38)
thanks. didn't clarify but it sure refreshed the thoughts I had in mind but hadn't put down anywhere.

(: Somewhat nice to know I'm not the only one thinking these thoughts.

Somehow, it makes me feel happy... :D

in the intangible
for what is more intangible than a god
but God himself?

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by on 2007-08-20 04:34:22
I've never belived in the big bang theory or creationism or any other theory. I've never tried to figure out how we came here. It doesn't matter. I'm here now and that's what I have to focus on. I have however thought about what I'm here for. So far besides for being used I can't really come up with an answear.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by on 2007-08-25 01:27:23
Well yes that is the problem with the scientific theories thus far, the orgin of existence, i mean for the big bang theories to work you have to have something that was there, which in essence means we are unable to explain anything. If the primordial atom just exploded, where did it come from? It was there. How, things can't have just always been there, everything has to come from something doesn't it?
some try to explain that away by saying that it was caused by some phenomena in another universe in our infinite multiverse, but of course if you get down to it, where'd that one come from, another universe, then that one, etc. etc. no explanation for how it started.
The question of existence bothers me greatly, since, how i figure, nothing should exist, no time no space, just nothingness, yet, that isn't so, and...well that is, i think, the greatest question there is, and it is unfortunately, unanswerable by anyone. Since even the followers of religions assume that something (God) was always in existence, so you essentially still retain the same paradox posed by science.

To deal with a few of the other questions you asked, life came about by luck, it just so happened that that one in a zillion chance of everything working out and forming life went perfectly. However unlikely it seems, it is a mathmatical possibility, and we struck the jackpot.

Why are we here? No reason. As Jean-Paul Sartre aptly put it "We are born without reason, prolong ourselves out of weakness, and die by chance."

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by Kenpachi on 2007-08-26 15:09:42
"Isn't that what the universe is doing? In theory, there was an explosion, and people believe the universe was expanding, but maybe now it's shrinking."

The expansion of the universe is accelerating. It's not going to shrink down:

@Dark Stranger:
Have you ever thought that knowing how we came here
might help you understand what you're here for?

Still busy,
but trying to
stop by more.

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by on 2007-08-28 13:03:45
@Kenpachi: hmmmm well that's an interesting concept. But I try not to focus on the past because then I can't concentrate on the present.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-17 20:16:01
how did all the elements accumulate to produce the earth and everything anyway?

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by on 2012-09-11 07:41:45

From what I've heard, the Creation Theory states that something came from nothing, essentially breaking the law that states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

I've heard one take on the Big Bang Theory that says that while everything existed in one condensed ball, everything could not expand into the universe we know without some form of energy being transferred into that ball of matter.

This begs the question: Where did that energy come from?
And is energy considered matter? Because if it too is considered matter, then the Big Bang Theory also breaks the law that says that matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

in the intangible
for what is more intangible than a god
but God himself?

Re: The first of the first/other thoughts
Link | by jesungg on 2013-09-16 09:34:58
I am depressed from the day before, yesterday , today and maybe tomorrow because i feel alone, lonely (i'm a freshman and don't get along well with others, my bad) and super sad cause the day before was the 100th day that my father pass away (dunno how to write this).
but it doesn't mean i'll be forever depressed.
my mom (the one who's by myside for 18 years) told me that i'm depressed cause i am thinking too much
and have problems with people around me like friends,studies etc.. (since i'm studying abroad, and she's totally correct)
but no matter what you,I have to fight those feelings ,
never give up to negativity or you/I'll be sucked in (wow..)

and about the reason why we here, i'm a religious person, and human is created to believe in something called Gods
( i read it somewhere that there's a part in the brain that let people believe in sth )
and i remember someone told me that every human wonders about
"is there really a God? or does God really exist?" at least once in their lifetime.

so i believe that God creates the world and every thing within :)

*just sharing my thought~and tomorrow is a new day so i'll try again tommorrow *big smile* *

" When you're 10 people call you a prodigy.
When you're 15 they call you a genius.
Once you hit 20 you're just an ordinary person "
~ 2 years left to the path of ordinary ~

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