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one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by Heiress.angel08! on 2006-08-16 21:53:37 (edited 2006-08-19 09:59:27)
i really don't know why MANY people despise the existence of gays and lesbians....

why are there discriminations on their existence?

whats in them that fuels your anger?

Into the Abyss
Forsaken forever


to everybody who considers me as their friend...and also at musashi(whoever you are and i hope you consider me as a friend)...please read the marquee!i lo0o0o0ove y0u all!!

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-08-16 21:58:13 (edited 2006-08-16 22:20:30)
You should of been here a couple of days ago. Gendou was a really gay forum for 3 days.

Not many people discrimate against them here. Especially since there are many yaoi fans around.

Perhaps I should post one of their sigs...

Naw I don't think they want me to do that.

Just keep yourself entertained with this.

social improvement

Gays are good for the community.

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Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-16 22:14:27
Gay marriage is frowned upon by many because marriage is supposed to be a holy bond between a man and a woman. Also, Catholics shun gays/lesbians because 2 men can't make babies and 2 women can't make babies, only a man and a woman can make babies.

Those are the bits and pieces that I have picked up on. I don't care so I haven't really followed the dispute.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by Heiress.angel08! on 2006-08-16 22:27:54
just checking....

jomunga::::i understand yaoi fans....

how come in our society there are these people...

who discriminate?...


to everybody who considers me as their friend...and also at musashi(whoever you are and i hope you consider me as a friend)...please read the marquee!i lo0o0o0ove y0u all!!

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by Heiress.angel08! on 2006-08-16 22:31:28 (edited 2006-08-18 00:20:32)


to engineer:::

right on!!!

are you a roman catholic???(i believe so....hehehehe...)


your really right,....

but so and so...

who are we to judge them for who they want to be???


Living life as it is!


to everybody who considers me as their friend...and also at musashi(whoever you are and i hope you consider me as a friend)...please read the marquee!i lo0o0o0ove y0u all!!

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-08-16 22:55:53
I think people would discriminate against Gays or Lesbians (men and female) is maybe because they just can't accept that fact that their own gender would do such a thing. There's Yaoi and Yuri in the Anime/Manga world and also in real life as well. Those words "as long as you're happy" would be said, and be truthfully told as well. If you're happy, do you care what other's think of you, should you?

I'm straight but I have friends that are tipsy along the borders of same gender lovin' but I'm ok and we're still friends.

God creates all people, it's just a natural part of life...

It's like that show, the Real World (XVII I think; just ended it's season this past Tuesday), where there's one gay guy in the house (Tyler) but people just got mad at him because he had an attitude here and there, but he was a friend deep inside of him. At first, John (another roomate), had a problem, but he expressed himself freely infront of Tyler and let him know about his feelings and whatnot. In the end they were "brothers" and left the house...

Just tend to ignore it and try not to make a HUGE fit about it.


Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by on 2006-08-17 03:55:34
that's a really hard to answer question coz I really don't discriminate them. Well yeah I'm a yaoi fan and I don't mind yuri but that does not mean that I approve of gays and lesbian. Well I don't hate them either, just as long as they 'real gay person' don't dress like a woman that I don't approve (It's really not a good sight^^), woman dressing up as a man is not that bad.

Okay back to the question why does some people discriminate them, (Religious)well as they say God only created man and woman, and gays and lesbians are practically in the middle, so there cannot be any another type other that a man and a woman. (scientific)and some say that nothing come out of same sex relationship and they cannot contribute to the survival of our species^^.

anyways we are in no position to judge them coz that is there life and their choice, we should respect them because they are also human like us with emotions that can be hurt only they have a different views in terms of love partners.


Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by on 2006-08-17 05:44:35
First of all I do not descriminate gays and lesbians and I am not a gay or lesbian (just to clarify things out). Anyway I thing people who descriminate them(gay and lesbians) could have a reason for the fact that they believe on something (that God only made WOMAN(Eve) and MAN(Adam), and NO GAYS and LESBIANS). Also other people did not like them for the fact that society continue on looking down to them, and so their family could not accept who and what they are. I know not everyone cannot accept Gays and Lesbians, but we do not have a right to descriminate them. Remember DESCRIMINATION is one of the problems that we are having in our society and it NEVER did good to us, NEVER. We SHOULD respect everyone for what they are. THESE ARE PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU.

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-08-17 06:08:40
basically, this gay and lesbian is wrong in religious aspect. people who believes in religions would say this group of people as sinners, thus they are discriminated.

then, like you guys have said, man is made for woman and vice versa. and womanxwoman and manxman is "abnormal" to the human's nature. as human, sometimes we cant accept abnormalities, thus we pushed away the possibilities and despise those gay people.

so yeah, thats some of the reasons why people hate homosexuality.

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-17 06:12:49
I really have nothing against them. But just as Angelyuki said, religion is against it. That's mainly the reason they are discriminated.


Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by lady kotori on 2006-08-17 06:24:49 (edited 2006-08-17 06:28:53)
*kotori: can i butt in?*

I just have to say something... actually most of our society today accepts these so called homosexuals... not to say something bad but in todays era, religion is fading... people are starting to see gays and lesbians as something that's sort of normal...
and their still people... we can't judge them 'coz we see them as wrong doers... there really is nothing right or wrong doing... we ourselves create these so called right cause we only think of ourselves and cast out those who we think is wrong...

nya~!!! that sure was long...

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-08-17 06:30:05
Not that i have ANYTHING against them but they're just too weird.....
but.....INCEST IS BEST!(Out of topic i know)

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-08-17 06:32:56 (edited 2007-04-05 08:19:05)
Well...they cant help it if they are born homosexual..

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-17 09:40:34 (edited 2006-08-17 09:41:48)
No, I'm not Catholic. Catholics are the one's who are helping to overpopulate the earth. All they do is pop out babies. They also tell the African people not to use condoms because God wants them to have lots of babies, even if it spreads HIV and raises poverty in Africa.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-08-17 11:19:29

right on, brother. i'm roman catholic, but i'm against what they are teaching the africans. i have nothing against homosexuality, because sometimes, we really just DO end up in the wrong bodies. i think i'm one of them though... but THAT doesn't mean i'm lesbian or bisexual or gay or whatever you want to call it. the point is, it's how every person feels comfortable being what he or she is... that who they are, and we're supposed to respect that and love them for being real. ^_^

now about those africans and condoms, i could have sworn to want to do something about it. most africans are either catholic or muslim, and there's that BIG differences in some of their beliefs... but, uhm, engineer, we don't just POP out the babies. =P


uhmmm... ren...????!!!??? incest?!?!?!?! 0_O


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by gendou on 2006-08-17 15:07:44
"(scientific)and some say that nothing come out of same sex relationship and they cannot contribute to the survival of our species^^.

This is probably one of the more scary things i have read today.
Let me be absolutely clear: SCIENCE CANNOT MEASURE MORALITY.
Science and moral philosophy are absolutely non-overlaping.
There is no scientific way to calculate morality.
There can not be a moral point of view which is based on science alone.
Sure, if the human population of earth chose to marry same sex, and never cheat, then the race would die out.
If you are actually afraid this might happen, look up, because the sky is falling!

Nobody would DARE tell a person they may NOT have a child should they choose!
It seems equally unthinkable to tell a person they MUST have a child!

It is quite sad indeed when a person is FORCED to marry someone they did not themselves choose.
How is that so different from telling a person they may NOT marry who they choose?

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-08-17 19:25:57 (edited 2006-08-17 19:26:15)
i agree. there's just NO WAY that science and morality are overlaping. in fact, they totally contradict each other! (argh. i was super sleepy when i typed what i typed and read the above, so i only realised now that i didn't say everything i wanted to say... -_-") science DOES NOT state whether or not it is okay to marry the same sex, but it DOES state that you can't have a kid if you two are of the same sex. on the other hand, moral values DOES NOT ALLOW it, for very obvious moral reasons. we were taught that we are only to get married and have a family of the opposite sex.

and who are we to know what NORMAL trully is? what if WE are NOT normal, but the HOMOSEXUALS are the NORM? we do NOT know what really is and what really isn't, because we are merely people with no omnipotent power.

about the whole forcing thingy, it's the same thing as marrying someone you don't love or you don't choose. so (in agreement with gendou-sama), are you not being forced to get married to the norms of society if you cannot marry someone you love of the same gender?

beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-08-17 20:10:14
The term "Homophobia" denotes fear. That's what a phobia is, it's fear. People who discrimate against it... fear it. Probably for the same reasons that people fear lizards.. they're just not sensible to a human.

Lesbians and gays defy nature (which humans have been doing since learning to walk on two feet), it isn't the religious aspect of it. It's a thing in the back of your minds, almost instinct, that makes you think "That's... not right" because in terms of biology, it isn't. The same-sex pairing produces no offspring, and doesn't prolong the life of the species (which is what having offspring is for). That's why the people developed this fear of this idea into their religion (yes, developed, humans built that.)

Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by on 2006-08-17 20:47:32 (edited 2006-08-17 21:02:15)
Hmmmm...interesting topic. I have no discrimination at all on gays,lesbians or bi's. I'd have to agree with prior comments that people judge because of what they're taught in church and by their parents/peers to be "correct". Many people tend to judge harshly what they fear or don't understand. My mom often called them sinners and said they would be damned. I beg to differ. You don't CHOOSE to be that way, you are BORN that way. Bi's can choose which way to go, but all the gays I have ever known where always like that and had no choice. That being taken into consideration, I believe that God wouldn't allow someone to be born that would be damned from the start with no chance of salvation. As for the fear of humans fading out, not going to happen. Not everyone is born that way and the earth is already way overpopulated. That's nothing to be concerned about. If only people would view it as this. Not everyone will get married or have babies. It's always been that way. I really don't see a huge impact being made with same sex couples. They have always been there, but hidden. People are just in a panic because suddenly it's become more acceptable so all these people are "coming out" at once.

(i could probably go on and on, but i won't)

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Re: one disturbing question: gays and lesbians
Link | by desertpunk on 2006-08-17 20:53:04
Not going to get into the discrimination issue or the moral equivalence of "what is normal", but I did want to point out a couple of things regarding the Catholic church and Africans. First, Catholics teach Natural Family Planning, which is sex based around menstrual cycles. It's got a pretty good success rate if strictly followed. And the lack of/unwillingness to use condoms is not responsible for the spread of AIDS-it's promiscuity or rape.

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