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childhood memories
Link | by summerday on 2006-08-02 22:52:30
konnichiwa minna san! let's talk about childhood memories here. anything fun, sad, etc. ^^

i'll start. when i was a kid, (when i was 5/6)i accidently swallowed an ice cube. then i asked my brother what will happened to me. he said that the ice cube will get bigger and bigger and finally i will die. i was so scared that i cried for hours and finally he came to me and said that the ice cube will dissolve. ^^ funny huh? (a bit dumb though)

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-03 00:55:39
Your brother is so bad-!! He scared you-!!

Hmm.. when I was 5 years old I followed my parents with my sisters for a holiday near a beach. At night, my sisters are missing so my parents and I went looking for them. Cos' it was so dark at night, I didn't see a chain between a door. So I walked passed it but fell on the ground. I hit my knee and my palm. Both hands and legs. We actually did found my sisters. They were playing in a playground. Heessh.. sisters..

It was really hurt that time. But now, I think when I put my palm on the ground I got weak for sometimes there.. I wonder why..

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by summerday on 2006-08-03 02:17:59
atemu_mana san! you're a responsible big brother aren't you?^^ (i'm guessing big brother coz u said Heessh.. sisters..) when u put ur paln there u got weak huh? it's probably has something to do with psychology effect thingy i guess^^

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by on 2006-08-03 02:58:03 (edited 2006-08-03 07:51:23)
my childhood?hmm..
I spent most my childhood in the island(my father work there)the funny thing is i'm so friendly that kept on making friend with the foreigners who came for vacation.talking about this and that...(-__-')

and now when i think about it again,feels that i'm so annoying(-_-')

Re: childhood memories
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-08-03 04:16:28
Remembered my little sis(1 year younger than me)
Use to dress me with a Skirt when i was like 5?
And she keeps patting my head and bouncing a Ball on me head...
Annoying times....

Re: childhood memories
Link | by Muunraito on 2006-08-03 04:45:44
I remember when I was so little that no one will care if I play all day from morning till night.

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

Re: childhood memories
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-03 05:51:00
@ summerday

Hahahahahahahahahahaha--!!! *laughs hysterically* Summerday, I'm not a boy-! I'm a girl-!! The only reason why I said heesh to my sisters because they're the cause for my injuries.. and I'm the younger sis there..

Very funny when you thought I'm a boy--!! MINNA, I'm a GIRL--!!

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-08-03 08:00:50
Of course your a girl XD
I knew you were a girl

Re: childhood memories
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-03 08:04:11
Well, some people know I'm a girl, some not.

Anyway, I always use male nicknames, so I don't mind if people thought I'm a boy.

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by on 2006-08-03 09:06:22
Well, no memories to share, but when I saw the words "childhood memories", it made me think of FMA. >_< Ed and Al's memories are so sad!!

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by BabyBoiBlue on 2006-08-03 09:42:09
Nothing here.. just stalking Suzaku... hmmm.... who's next? ^_^

BabyBoiBlue, Your Friendly Neighborhood ONII-SAN!

Re: childhood memories
Link | by sai on 2006-08-03 11:02:07
Now that i read the first post, i remember that i swallowed a zipper when i was like 5...O.o That was scary... My parrents brought me to a doctor right away... Luckily the zipper came along with my poop -_- hohohoho

Re: childhood memories
Link | by Ai-chan on 2006-08-03 13:34:59
childhood memories...when i was a kid,i was very mischievious n hyper,along wth my bro.we jump here n there running wild.unlike me,my elder sis was ladylike ever since aunt couldnt help but comparing us day,she asked me,

aunt:what will u be when u grow up?ur a girl,u shud behave urself.
me: *thinks(behave=sit still=not fun-->dont like the idea =.=')* when i grow up,i wanna be a boy *continues jumping around*

im straight.

Re: childhood memories
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-03 17:32:33
Ai-Hime.. You're still a girl, right? XD

Childhood memories huh..

I've fell from the roof of my house, And I didn't cry (I was 7/8 years old that day) instead, I laughed...! I dunno why... Everytime I wanna cry, I altered it to a smile / laugh.. It makes me seemed like a happy person XD

oh, and another one.. I can't swim, and I almost drowned into the ocean when I was playing on the beach. The wave's already taking me deeper into the ocean.

My head's already drowned, and I can't stand higher ("Time to die" that's what I really thought that time) But somehow, an unknown force is pushing mw forward to the beach.. (And I REALLY Thank God for that)
I think I got a little trauma bcause of that.. I've never go out to the beach ever since that day XD... And I still can't swim either XD

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: childhood memories
Link | by Mesousa_san on 2006-08-03 22:10:52
hmmmmm.... lets see oh when i was around 4 or 5 my neihgbors snake got loose in the sewers and a couple days later it came up our toilet and into our house. it was a really big snake and it was in our hall way. My mom and dad are completely teriffied of snakesand my mom was screaming and running out side. eventually every one on our block was at our house trying to get the snake out side of the house.
It gave me nightmares about toilets and snakes for a while. [wow thats a long story]

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by Rikyuchan on 2006-08-04 05:52:05 (edited 2006-08-04 05:53:35)
then mine....

when i was about 7 or 8.. at holiday time, i went to other city with my mom and then my aunt and uncle invited us to go to a mall. we went to a glass shop n because i was so happy so i touched each of that glass,

but when i put it back the glass is broken... so i cried... cried loudly... and the waitress came with my mom and asked what happen, and then they saw there was a broken glass beside me...

and the end is my mom bought that thing, b'coz i broke it.. and in home, my mom so angry... =P

幸せはどこ? 神様、わたしに幸せをあげてくれてください。。

Re: childhood memories
Link | by augg. on 2006-08-05 10:00:03
i remember when i was 8 i pee in my class..
luckily those sitting around me dint even realise that and all of them thought that my water bottle had leaked.

Re: childhood memories
Link | by summerday on 2006-08-07 06:21:07
@ atemu_mana san
GOMEN NASAI!!! for saying dat u r a boy. i'm a girl too..
hehe ^__^

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Re: childhood memories
Link | by night_link on 2006-08-07 10:35:20 (edited 2006-08-07 14:30:24)
I remember I had a childhood friend long time ago before I moved. She was about my age and her parents were friends of my parents. Of course I was about 3 or 4... I remember going to their apartment a lot to play and there was Halloween.

And it took me a while to find out she was a girl... Not that she was ugly or anything, just her hair was short like a boy's.

After she moved back to Taiwan, the only time I saw her was once I think when we were 10 or something... can't remember... Definitely looked like a girl then.

Anyways, I thought it was funny for a Chinese boy to have a Chinese girl's name...

Re: childhood memories
Link | by anong tingin mo ha! jokes lang! San-san po toh...(^_^v) on 2006-08-08 02:59:52
I miss a lot of em

but past is past I'm more happier now..^^

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