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Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by Ultimate Coordinator on 2006-07-01 07:14:36
Which MS do u like most in all Gundam sagas?I like the Strike Freedom of Gundam Seed Destiny the most.Maybe the Infinite Justice(Gundam Seed Destiny),the Freedom(Gundam Seed),the Justice(Gundam Seed) and the Destiny(Gundam Seed Destiny).But i dun suppose that the Wing Zero of Gundam Wing could be that bad...

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-07-01 07:20:30
Akatsuki (Gundam Seed Destiny)

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Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by urwLj6JI3K on 2006-07-01 08:58:55
My favorite MS would be: Nemo (Zeta), GM sniper II (Lost War Chronicles)and Z'Gok-E (0080). The Gundams I like are Alex Gundam (0080) and Gundam Mark II (Zeta).

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by AnimeFan on 2006-07-01 09:55:53
two words.....

full name: X20A-StrikeFreedom

this ms alone can destroy any ms in all world ^^

even wing, Zeta or other things ^^

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Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-01 10:40:44 (edited 2006-07-01 10:47:58)

let me educated you kiddo.
though strikefreedom is powerful but only in c.e. universe. which in fact is a copy of the u.c. universe.
and when it comes to u.c., zeta has an i-field that absorbs any form of energy based attacks and zeta gundam also has a psycom that makes newtype pilots powerful and also increases thier powers every battle. very powerful indeed but only depends on the pilot's newtype level.
so please kid, research first ok?!

anyway...i'll go with v2 gundam because of it's 'wings of light'. very powerful when it comes to offence and defence. not to mention v2's top speed is lightspeed because of the minovsky drive.
also turn a, with it's 'moonlight butterfly' it can end civilizations in an instant just like in the story.

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by HongyNgyWongy on 2006-07-01 10:47:45
i like:
wing custom (gundam wing endless waltz)
Gundam X (gundam x)
Destiny(gundam seed destiny)

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Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by RimudoGenbu Seshi on 2006-07-01 20:08:54
favourite mecha? i love the Infinte Justice unit, with MeTEOR attached!
well, another one is the Akatsuki, it's really quite cool, though Cagalli can't really use it well...

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by JuiceyHanz on 2006-07-01 21:00:36
Destiny (gundam seed destiny)
it so damn fast.. like when shinn fight one of the destroy gundam..
sword impulse (gundam seed destiny)
look at the sword. wow

i admit that i like strike freedom.. but it way too powerful, it can't be fun that ya always win..

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by nova-zero on 2006-07-01 23:23:16
I'd take the Freedom over Strike Freedom. Somehow, adding the DRAGOONs to Freedom doesn't feel right. Not that I don't like the DRAGOONs. I just thought Freedom was cooler.

Destiny Gundam ain't that bad, either. All silhouettes jam-packed into one MS, and the Wings of Light.
...and I like fast.

Now, putting the uber-powerful MS aside, I'll say that I like the Saviour Gundam. Transform-crazy MS.

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by AnimeFan on 2006-07-03 00:24:27
if zeta can absorb energy base atk so do strikefreedom got some new sheild (i donno wut the name )

if kira enter seed mode no matter how fast it is it just same to him, take destiny gundam for example ^^

if got some powerful atk from other gundam it dosent matter as strikefreedom also can move prety fast ^^

strike freedom got nucklear as his source energy, so if it destroy it destroy with his enemy hehe ( especially with ms that has no phase armour )

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Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-03 03:19:35 (edited 2006-07-03 10:50:05)
it's called positron reflector, animefan. it only bounces energy attacks not absorbing it...sigh.
u.c. newtypes are zero system on and seed mode on all the time plus most of their newtypes powers has special abilities depending on their level and performance and they can increases their abilities every battle and not to mention that all u.c. gundams and some mobile suits has psycom that also tripples thier powers.
kid, all mobile suits and gundams in the u.c. are all nucleared powered.
zeta, double zz, nu gundam, f91 gundam, crossbone gundam, and v2 gundam for example has the ability to gather minovsky energy (energy source of a star which in fact is more powerful than nuclear energy) in which the pilots used it to increase defensive and offensive power of their gundams or mobile suits. even with a nuclear explosion if a mobile suit has psycom and uses i-field or i-field delta (same as the i-field but it's power can increased depending to the pilots newtype level) and with minovsky energy as fuel that gundam or mobile suit will stand unscrached.
kira yamato is only newtype because he has la flaga dna on him because of the ultimate coordinator project and only works when he encounters people who has la flaga dna or blood. and c.e newtypes are totally different compared to u.c. newtypes because in u.c. it's godlike by definition. go it?

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by on 2006-07-03 07:53:05 (edited 2006-07-03 07:54:00)
Wow, that sounds really stupid. What fun is it when the pilots and machines have abilities like that. Someone fire those writers.

Anyway, I have to go with the Freedom. I have the same view as nova-zero, Strike-Freedom just doesn't look right, I prefer the look of the regular Freedom.


Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-03 07:59:06 (edited 2006-07-03 08:02:19)
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! baka, jonathon-san.
that information is from the very original gundam anime itself.
where the writers of gundam seed and destiny are copying from, baka.
if you seen the original gundam and z gundam.

am i the only one here who knows the entire gundam universe concept?!...sigh.
be careful what you write's embarassing.

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by on 2006-07-03 08:16:59 (edited 2006-07-03 08:22:45)
Original or not I still believe it's a stupid concept. I mean a series where basically their gods? Yeah, that sounds exciting. If that's the original then I'm not even going to bother to watch it.


Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-03 08:17:55 (edited 2006-07-03 11:27:30)
v2 gundam

General and Technical Data

Model number: LM314V21
Code name: Victory 2 Gundam
Unit type: prototype space type transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: League Militaire
Operator: League Militaire
First deployment: UC 0153
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: head height 15.5 meters; Core Fighter: overall length 17.5 meters; Top Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 17.5 meters; Bottom Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 21.2 meters
Weight: mobile suit mode: empty 11.5 metric tons, max gross 15.9 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy/super-ceramic composite on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7510 kW
Propulsion: Minovsky drive thrusters: 2 x 16700 kg (operable in all modes); rocket thrusters: 7 x 4770 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode, 2 operable in Core Fighter, 2 operable in Top Fighter, all operable in Bottom Fighter); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 42
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: mobile suit mode 20 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; separable transformation components, mobile suit mode can split into Top Fighter and Bottom Fighter, each can be controlled by a Core Fighter or operated from a separate Core Fighter via remote control; special weapons targeting sensor in head, can be deployed over right eye sensor/camera
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head in mobile suit mode and in main body of Core Fighter (operable while docked with Top Fighter and Bottom Fighter); 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode or on Top Fighter, 2 spare beam sabers stored in forearms; 2 x beam shield, mounted on forearms in mobile suit mode, also operable on Top Fighter; 10 x hardpoint, can be used to externally store beam rifles or beam pistols, 4 located on arms in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 2 located on hip armor in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 4 located on legs in mobile suit mode and on main body of Bottom Fighter; multi-launcher, location unknown
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap, can be stored on external hardpoints

v2 gundam's additional parts

General and Technical Data

Model number: LM314V23
Code name: Victory 2 Buster Gundam
Unit type: heavy attack use mobile suit
Manufacturer: League Militaire
Operator: League Militaire
First deployment: UC 0153
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: head height 15.5 meters
Weight: mobile suit mode: empty 13.8 metric tons, max gross 19.9 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy/super-ceramic composite on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7510 kW
Propulsion: Minovsky drive thrusters: 2 x 16700 kg; rocket thrusters: 7 x 4770 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 46
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; special weapons targeting sensor in head, can be deployed over right eye sensor/camera
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head in mobile suit mode and in main body of Core Fighter (operable while docked with Top Fighter and Bottom Fighter); 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode or on Top Fighter, 2 spare beam sabers stored in forearms; 2 x beam shield, mounted on forearms in mobile suit mode, also operable on Top Fighter; 8 x hardpoint, can be used to externally store beam rifles or beam pistols, 4 located on arms in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 2 located on hip armor in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 2 located on legs in mobile suit mode and on main body of Bottom Fighter; multi-launcher, location unknown; mega beam cannon, mounted on backpack over right shoulder; spray beam pod, mounted on backpack over left shoulder; 6 x micromissile launcher pod, 2 mounted in single pod on each leg, 1 mounted on each front skirt armor plate
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap, can be stored on external hardpoints

General and Technical Data

Model number: LM314V24
Code name: Victory 2 Assault Gundam
Unit type: offense/defense dual use mobile suit
Manufacturer: League Militaire
Operator: League Militaire
First deployment: UC 0153
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: head height 15.5 meters
Weight: mobile suit mode: empty 12.3 metric tons, max gross 19.1 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy/super-ceramic composite on movable frame; additional anti-beam-coated external armor plates, ejectable
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7510 kW
Propulsion: Minovsky drive thrusters: 2 x 16700 kg; rocket thrusters: 7 x 4770 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 46
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; special weapons targeting sensor in head, can be deployed over right eye sensor/camera; 2 x I-field beam-deflecting barrier generator
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head in mobile suit mode and in main body of Core Fighter (operable while docked with Top Fighter and Bottom Fighter); 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode or on Top Fighter, 2 spare beam sabers stored in forearms; 2 x beam shield, mounted on forearms in mobile suit mode, also operable on Top Fighter; 10 x hardpoint, can be used to externally store beam rifles or beam pistols, 4 located on arms in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 2 located on hip armor in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 4 located on legs in mobile suit mode and on main body of Bottom Fighter; multi-launcher, location unknown; 2 x VSBR (Variable Speed Beam Rifle), selectable mega particle acceleration speed for damage or penetration application, mounted on hips, hand-operated in use
Optional hand armaments: mega beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; mega beam shield

General and Technical Data

Model number: LM314V25
Code Name: V2 Assault-Buster Gundam
Unit type: heavy attack use/defense mobile suit
Manufacturer: League Militaire
Operator: League Militaire
First deployment: UC 0153
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic/linear seat cocpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
Dimensions: head height: 15.5 meters
Weight: unknown
Construction: gundarium alloy/super-ceramic composite on movable frame; additional anti-beam-coated external armor plates, ejectable
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7510 kW
Propulsion: Minovsky drive thrusters: 2 x 16700 kg; rocket thrusters: 7 x 4770 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 46
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: unknown (possibly lower than standard LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam due to additional armor plates)
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; special weapons targeting sensor in head, can be deployed over right eye sensor/camera; 2 x I-field beam-deflecting barrier generator
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head in mobile suit mode and in main body of Core Fighter (operable while docked with Top Fighter and Bottom Fighter); 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode or on Top Fighter, 2 spare beam sabers stored in forearms; 2 x beam shield, mounted on forearms in mobile suit mode, also operable on Top Fighter; 10 x hardpoint, can be used to externally store beam rifles or beam pistols, 4 located on arms in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 2 located on hip armor in mobile suit mode and on main body of Top Fighter, 4 located on legs in mobile suit mode and on main body of Bottom Fighter; multi-launcher, location unknown; mega beam cannon, mounted on backpack over right shoulder; 2 x VSBR (Variable Speed Beam Rifle), selectable mega particle acceleration speed for damage or penetration application, mounted on hips, hand-operated in use
Optional hand armaments: mega beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; mega beam shield


Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by on 2006-07-03 08:24:13 (edited 2006-07-03 08:24:35)
You said- "am i the only one here who knows the entire gundam universe concept?!...sigh.
be careful what you write's embarassing."

Yyyyyeah, and I should be embaressed why?


Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-03 08:28:43 (edited 2006-07-03 08:36:20)
look... in the u.c. gundam universe almost all humans are newtypes and the others have atificial newtype implants to balanced the power beacause of the war. in anime, newtypes aren't supposed to fight because they are the next evolution of mankind. they considered were gods because they were superior to oldtypes (non-newtypes) thus this triggered the war between the oldtypes and the newtypes but the war went so long that the reason of fighting was forgotten.
actually almost all altered gundam universes has newtypes like wing, seed, destiny, gundam x, and turn a gundam.
you should be embarassed because you talk as a newbie. well aren't ya?
it my opinion gets?

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by Lulu on 2006-07-03 08:34:26 (edited 2006-07-03 08:35:03)
rematche is a sen-bai at gendou here,and he is good in gundam too,totally

For the people like us who only watch Gundam Wing,Gundam Seed,Gundam Seed Destiny...

Seriously,i tell you,we are,stop argueing,thanks.

The reason is simple,we just only know a little bit about gundam.

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by on 2006-07-03 08:36:16 (edited 2006-07-03 08:39:28)
I never talked like I knew about it. I said it was a stupid concept to make them with so many abilites and make them bascially gods.

Let me see, your a complete Otaku, and I said a show had a stupid concept to it. Yyyyyeah, let me go and hide my face in shame.

That was my opinion on a show concept.


Re: Mobile Suit(s) u like most in all Gundam sagas
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-03 08:38:34 (edited 2006-07-03 08:40:03)
woah dude dont take me wrong ok? i just want to educate people ok?
lets be friends k?

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