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do your parents watch anime???
Link | by FunnY AngeL on 2006-06-14 06:04:28 (edited 2006-06-14 06:07:17)
Does anyone in your family watch anime? i'm the only one !!!!
my parents dont really care about anime, they think its just like regular cartoons. soo do your parents think like that???

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-06-14 06:08:32
both.. sometimes when I watch anime, they watched it too.. sometimes they don't

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Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-06-14 06:22:40
my dad is a big big big fan of brother n i couldn't stand the torturous feeling of watching the fillers rite now but he enjoys every one of them!he even bothers to dwnload all naruto movies n special episodes!he read the manga too..
and he finished samurai 7 as well...that is all his records but that's impressive enough for me.even my friends know about it!haha ^_^

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Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by Maladis A.T on 2006-06-14 06:55:07
My mum sometimes watches anime with me but my dad and sis arent interested...If its that good i prefer to watch it alone.

^.^Nene Romanova, The hottest anime gal ever!^.^

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by RhE on 2006-06-14 06:59:01
hmm....evrytime they see me watching anime....they just started to compare me w/ my lil' bro....>.<, they just tought i'm childish coz i watch those stuff...

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by SamuraiSheLLy on 2006-06-14 08:08:23
When we were small my father used to watch Ghost Fighter, and take note, he usually watched that anime while drinking rhum with his friends. He also got hooked to Lupin the III and Dragon Ball Z.

My two sisters are plain anime freaks like me.

My brother watches anime just for the heck of it, He's not a fanatic but he watches anime.

My mother.... UhHh.... My mother is not here. Hee hee..

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by nabiki on 2006-06-14 08:43:04 parents hate them...think i'm destroying the mind of my innocent lil' bro and sis by encouraging them to watch somethhg they called *waste of time*...bit of sad cuz i'm not the type who watch sin chan or doraemon...[which doesn't have much of those fight3 thingie]


Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by pinkrms on 2006-06-14 10:22:59
My family's Japanese, so everyone watches anime. My dad watches more than my mom though; she's more of a drama person. My brother is more into gaming than anime. My sister used to be an anime freak, but now she's more into music. I'd say that I'm the one that most loves anime and manga in our family.

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Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by FunnY AngeL on 2006-06-14 12:12:35
waaaaaw cool your parents watch anime i can't believe it thats soooo kawaii

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by cali on 2006-06-14 12:27:44
my old chap is 55 and he enjoy watching.. samurai x, fist of the north,and berserk .. funny huh?

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by YuE on 2006-06-14 12:52:53
My Parents Only Watch Detective CONAN And Kindaichi

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by on 2006-06-14 12:53:24
Yup...they watch it!
They especially love the Miyazaki films, and my mom watched Fushigi Yugi with me. Sometimes my dad too. :)

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Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by stretchy on 2006-06-14 12:59:15
My mum thinks the fact that me and my brother watch anime at my age is "strange"...

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by Neil Dunsmore on 2006-06-14 13:38:43
My mom watches anime movies a lot.

Who can take a wookie, put it in a cookie? R2D2 is my eazybakeoven, the candyman.

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by kharris on 2006-06-14 13:45:25
until now my mom's omly bought anime for me 1ce in a very great while (leaving me 2 get it myself -.-;) and 1 morning my sisters got her to watch gensomaden saiyuki and a few eps of yami no matsuei(deendants of darkness) and she liked saiyuki but thought that YnM was too gay for her. but now we watch adult swim together and tells me to update her of what she misses when she's at work. pretty weird how things happen but *shrugs* they do. now only to get her to play video games... *evil grin*

mwa! ^.~*

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by Saki on 2006-06-14 14:12:50
I wish my family watched anime. Am the only one in my household who is such a fan, they think that I should get over it and that I should grow up and stop watching and wasting my time and money on it. They still tell off my cousin who introduced anime to me when I was very young, they think anime is stupid!!!!!!!! So all those who watch it with the family, count yourselves lucky!!!!!!!! >_<

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Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-06-14 18:35:25
oh, if my mom n my dad really did, then i dink i lost my head...cuz, they WON'T let me watch anime, i hv to hide them....*sigh*....i wish, they could understand my feelings...*weeps*..........*thinks of dis dude in class*.....LMFAO...i'm all better!!! lolz...

***dis dude is dis person hu like talks so many, n all my teachers make fun of him, but he just keeps on laughin n talkin...haha..*

Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-06-14 19:03:29
@eternal, i'm so sorry for u..u hv to watch anime in secret?? man, that must be hard!!

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Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-14 19:27:59
All my parents care about is my damn grades and my school stuffs....

My cousin's watch anime, and my uncle's know what anime is and all. So overall, a couple people in my family watch anime! XD


Re: do your parents watch anime???
Link | by naime on 2006-06-14 19:29:54
My mom once sat next to me when I was watching BLEACH, but the subtitles went way too fast for her. xD

I think it's really weird when my parents are sitting on the couch with me when I watch Yuugioh because of all the constant dramatic fingerpointing and stuff like that. Overall, it just seems as if Yuugioh is a little too strange for them with the talking of darkness, light, and yeah. >_>

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