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Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Neil Dunsmore on 2006-06-09 20:52:43
Who can think of any? I'll state some obvious ones along with one from a dead flash!

Luffy: I can't eat another bite!
Zoro: I HATE booze!
Nami: I'm sorry, but you can keep your dirty money.
Usopp: AH! SPIDER! KILL IT! (Spiders are one of the few things he's not afraid of)
Sanji: I'm going to have to punch you right now!
Chopper: Hiriluk was an idiot!
Shanks (Here it comes): Oy, I'm Shanks, the local chimney sweep! Take me bloomin hat!

Can you think of more?

Who can take a wookie, put it in a cookie? R2D2 is my eazybakeoven, the candyman.

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-06-09 20:55:27
Any Cast Member: I wish I was in Naruto instead...

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by sai on 2006-06-10 10:15:10
luffy: Hey usopp you're useless, die now *gomu gomu gattling on usopp*

usopp: *being a masochist* Ahhhh, more! more! please!!

Robin & chopper: *chanting* Kill him kill him kill him...

Nami: Eww, these oranges... They taste f*cking horrible *throws the orange tree at usopp*

Usopp got squashed by the tree and died

Rob Lucci & Mihawk pass by and see the incident : *girly voice* KYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Sanji: OMG! They killed Usopp!
Zoro: You Bastard!
(guess where that comes from...)

While smoker is on the background dancing ballet: Un... Deux... Un... Deux...

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-10 10:25:01
Luffy:hey!!i can finally swim!!
Zoro:i've decided to use one sword instead of three...when was the last time i cleaned my white sword?it smells like drool...
Usopp:Luffy's the Captain,not me!
Nami:Destroy those pirates's treasures!!
Sanji:I've decided to settle in...

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Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Neil Dunsmore on 2006-06-11 05:22:17
Okay, I got more now!

Luffy: You see, Crocodile, your plans to take over the world are nothing but a pipedream. It's logically impossible to take over a world that's been destroyed because (Insert technobabble) therefor, you can not possibly succeed in taking over the world, my good sir.
Luffy (Again): The square root of 144 is 12. (Or anything else that sounds smart)
Robin: These books are so... BORING!
Nami: I hate tangerines.
Zoro: I really like Sanji for some reason.
Zoro (Again): Hey, baby, wanna go out sometime?

Who can take a wookie, put it in a cookie? R2D2 is my eazybakeoven, the candyman.

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Eifoscard on 2006-06-24 14:29:40
Luffy: No thanks, I'm not hungry.
Nami: I love you Arlong!
Sanji: *cute girl hits on him* Sorry, I'm not that type of guy...
Zoro: I think I'm giving up this hole idea about beting Mihawk, he's going to win anyhow.

Don't know anymore ^^'

"Almost everything you read is a lie, so don't say that you know everything just by reading a book."

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by SAG on 2006-06-24 17:21:05
Zoro: *offered booze* No thanks I don't drink.
Nami: Let's give all this money to charity!
Luffy: Here everybody! Wear my hat!
Luffy(again): NOO!! Sanji cooked meat AGAIN! Damn it, how many times do I have to say I'm a vegeterian?
Tashigi: Roronoa deserves those swords! He's such an honorable man!

Yeah that's it...


Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Kirami on 2006-06-24 23:20:10
... Anyone from Once Piece: I'M GAY! RAINBOWS MAKE ME GIGGLE :3 *and hold creepy smile for 5 more seconds...*

Please... Don't hurt me << >>;;

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by sai on 2006-06-24 23:51:02
^Bon Clay'd say that...

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by kame-chan on 2006-06-25 00:05:41 (edited 2006-08-17 01:48:26)
luffy: "i don't have much of an appetite today, thank you" or "i don't feel like fighting right now." or perhaps "stupid hat!"
zolo: "oh, no thank you, i don't drink."
sanji: "i think i'll quit smoking."
anyone: "wow. luffy's smart."

"You know what? I can't tell if you're brilliant or retarted." "Ah, I get that a lot."

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by on 2006-06-25 07:14:50
err... i can't think of other lines...
*thinks harder*
sanji: I won't cook for you guys anymore.
luffy: I give up! I won't be the Pirate King

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-25 08:06:42
Sanji:i'm giving up on being a chef!!

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Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by ryojin on 2006-10-02 01:49:05
luffy: i want to settle down and get married. <-- muri da nee

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-10-02 22:56:12
Luffy: Well, you see, the elasticity of my flesh is proportional to the amount of force exerted on it as a main factor with other factors that comes into play such as the temperature, the climate, the mass of that particular part in that moment in time, the initial force placed upon said part, velocity in which said part has already been accelerated to, etc. Where I happen to be in the moment will also affect the total disctance that I can force myself to stretch, because of slight differences at the constance of gravity depending on the location's height, and the magnetic resonance fields that surrounds that location. In fact, I have come up with an equation to easily estimate in my head just how far my punch can travel. If you would like, I can explain to you in detail how I was able to come up with such formula. It's quite interesting really...

Everyone else: Who the hell are you and what have you done to Luffy?!?

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by The Crazy Chibi Username on 2007-07-21 16:37:37
Luffy: You know what, I think I'll become a vegetarian.

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by jacob on 2007-07-21 17:18:06
any cast member: BELIEVE IT

Re: Things the One Piece characters would never say
Link | by XYぬき on 2007-07-22 02:37:51
Zorro: i think you got strong than others characters

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