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Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-05-20 18:51:20 (edited 2006-05-20 18:52:01)
Do you know any anime character/s that sends chill down your spine whenever he/she come out?

I just want to know please tell me!

mine would be...

Muraki Kazutaka (Yami no Matsuei)*mommy I'm scared*.

He's the scariest anime character for me (waaaaaa). coz I love Hisoka and he did that horible2x thing to him! and he's constantly harasing Tsuzuki and Hisoka also! Not only is he handsome (well he is!), powerful, and a psychopath he's a pervert also! (I hate perverts!)

Damn you Muraki!


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-20 18:56:04
humm..I would think of Elfen Lied's Lucy and that one little girl in the end who faught her and ripped one of her ears off (don't know how she survived!)

Though the anime was un-expectingly short (13 eps T-T), I loved it and it's a great horror!


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-05-20 19:00:52
ripped one of her ears off! that's scary!


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-05-20 19:02:59 (edited 2006-05-20 19:03:38)
The demons from Ninja resurrection are FREAKY! It's gruesome enough when thye slaughter a carnival of people, but when you see them conversating earlier on... Oh and that Piere Lefou guy from Cowboy Bebop.

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-20 19:05:32
@Hisoka, did you ever see her face too.. her eyes were rolled back in her head, and she drooling and... *everyone faints* she also put pen's right through people's ear's from the left one, to the right in the beginning when she was released from that laboratory. She also had the power to split people's bodies apart, and that was scary because the creators drew the insides too, bones, blood, orgies, everything!! HAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVED IT!!


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-05-20 19:08:06
waaa you guyz like freaky and grousome dont cha?
though i like to watch scary films also, then i can't sleep at night, hahaha


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by Del on 2006-05-20 19:08:17
arisada from princess princess [when he smile like he plan something]

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-20 19:12:00
actually, here's's kinda in a comedy but it was REALLY scary also...

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, the old janitor with the Chainsaw. When he found out that Sousuke and that guy with the funny green hair, he liked transformed into a DEMON and attacked Sousuke and the other kid. If you'd seen him, that's scary enough.


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-05-20 19:12:21
i saw one from Elfen Lied where Lucy cut off a womans's head off with her powers, and used the body to defend herself.

Elfen Leid sure is bloody, freaky and gruesome!


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-05-20 19:26:27 (edited 2006-05-20 19:30:18)
OMG how could i forget? The scariest villain- Usuie the blind zatoichi from Kenshin! He loved to torture people and animals and was so crazy and unpredictable! It's scary when you don't know what someones gonna do next and they have the power to hurt/kill someone. And the way he talked about people - like they were not even human beings. Heck, his room was called "The room of screams".

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-20 19:30:49
*avoid double posting please, modify ^_^*

GANTz also is similar to Elfen Lied, with the blood and the body parts and all. Actually, they look like they were created from the same creator!

She also turned his guy's neck...a full turn around then twisted it off, slowly!

Another part, was those boys who were beating that innocent dog to death, I wanted to kill those basterds for doing what else..of course..I think she kills them, and relizes her power..idk, I havent seen this anime since it came out in the US (comcast on demand, Anime Network - pay)


Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-12-05 22:50:58
For me, it's Bleach's Captain of the 12th Division, Kurotsuchi Mayuri.
With those bulging eyes and skeleton teeth, he just looks scary!!! (O_O) He's practically an alien that can never die.. There's no telling when he could pop out of the wall and kill you! ( ゜~゜;;;) 涙。

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-12-05 23:25:04
I want to see Yami no Matsuei now.

Kaworu from Evangelion. I hate him so much, he makes me sick and makes me shiver. The way he treated Shinji... he made him so happy and then just turned on him... I think he's completely disgusting.

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by gidgetchan on 2006-12-06 14:27:54
Hmm. This is a tuffy.....

Bobobo-bobo-bobobo from Bobobo-bobo-bobobo

He's just too damn creepy. Sorry Bobobo-bobo-bobobo fans...

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-12-06 17:24:08
hmm...let me think....

I dunno. Any character that looks really scary...and by scary I mean very mysterious, dark, and very...evil like...xDD

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Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-12-06 17:31:05
Gaara and Orochimaru from Naruto. *hides under desk* Who else...? Oh that person from FMA... Tucker! (thanks, schala_zeal)

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-12-06 18:09:11
Actually, Lucy from Elfen Lied is my favourite character! You just have to sympathize with her as soon as you get into the history of the anime...
The character that chills me is Dukuro-chan, how can she be so kawaii and deadly at the same time? *shudders*

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-12-07 08:33:07
The characters of Earth Defence Force Mao-chan. It's so uberly cute that it creeps me out! Nothing on earth should ever be that cute.

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by on 2006-12-07 10:21:55
Sesshomaru does. He's cool and all, but his cold heart kinda creeps me out.

Re: Anime character that sends chill down your spine?
Link | by Mirai no Yume on 2006-12-07 21:41:01
03- Alucard (Hellsing)

02- Dr Muraki (Yami no Matsue)

01- Orochimaru (Naruto)

Mirai no Yume

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