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To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by kirima on 2006-05-08 16:16:31
I love pointing out these little seiyuu facts (seiyuu = voice actor)

For all of you who've seen Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (or have played FFVII), and have also seen the Fullmetal Alchemist anime, here are some of the seiyuu that they have in common:

Ookawa Toru: Roy Mustang / Rufus Shinra
Fujiwara Keiji: Maes Hughes / Reno
Suwabe Junichi: Greed / Tseng
Toyoguchi Megumi: Winry Rockbell / Elena

I loved listening to Shinra and Reno talk. Since Shinra is covered in a blanked for most of the movie, I half expected it to be Roy underneath it...and when Reno spoke, it was like Hughes was back...*sniff* Anywho, just wanted to point that out. Loved Advent Children, even though I never played the game (I watched the overview of the game that came with the DVD).

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by on 2006-05-08 16:21:08
Wow! O_O
I have not seen those anime (have seen FMA, but not the other one)...but that's amazing! >_<

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Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-08 16:30:30
Yep, i know those seiyuu^^
i like the way Reno talk~ always end with "...tsu to" *laugh* (in jp version)
@~ .::::火神::::. ~
you must watch FFVII AC as well, it is a CG movie, beautiful CG with COOL characters^^~


Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by on 2006-05-08 16:39:02
Ugh...not you again aino! (J/K ^_^)
Ummm...what's CG? ^_^;

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Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-08 17:25:08
CG stands for computer graphic, the whole movie is done by using computer... very nice art^^~


Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by on 2006-05-08 17:28:10
....I feel dumb. O_o Or maybe it's because I am...^_^;

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Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by cody on 2006-05-08 20:47:57
Whoa... I didn't know they had the same seiyuu's... o_O

"It's much harder dealing with real people..."~Roy Mustang

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by blue on 2006-05-11 17:57:41
REALLY!? Wow!!! Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by on 2006-05-12 15:00:45
I'm speechless... i'm going right now to listen to all of them!


it dosen't matter what's real and what's fake... It matters what you believe in"

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by otaku666 on 2006-05-30 05:56:33
I love fma , I have some mangas over this serie .But...Does someone know where I can get the vol.6 of fma?


Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-05-30 06:23:19
lol Maes Hughes and reno by the same voice

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by Bloodlust Angel Of Death Kel on 2006-05-30 11:45:12
That's so cool I never did figure it out. I feel kind of stupid now

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Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by Suono on 2006-05-30 14:08:31
Are we talking about the english voice actor, or the Japanese Voice Actor?

Full Metal Alchemist is a science!
Newton's 2nd law:
Full=Metal*Alchemist (F=ma)

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by blue on 2006-05-31 23:23:18
Japanese voice actor.

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-05-31 23:25:56
All info about seiyuu can found in animenfo..

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Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by sai on 2006-06-01 09:36:32
So, imagine Rufus shinra shouting: "All women in shinra company shall wear MINISKIRTS!!!"

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-06-02 13:56:57
oh god... Shinra company is going to fall *laugh*


Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by on 2006-06-02 17:38:35
I'll have to check that out....

You know, I really don't have a signature.

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by kittykat on 2006-06-02 18:23:17
wow that's neat ^^ i loved FFVIIAC but haven't heard FMA in japanese yet..

Re: To all FFVII & FMA lovers...
Link | by Shuiyin on 2006-06-02 19:05:56
oh you must so watch it in Japanese. very well done. it felt kind of weird to me watching the movie in english. on a side note Kadaj was played by Morikubo Shotaro (anybody remember Ginji from Getbackers?) and Yuffie was voiced by Kakazu Yumi (Saiyuki from Initial D anyone?). just thought that some people might find that interesting :P

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