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What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-04 10:08:43
Um, there's a nice song played in the scene of Nuriko's death in Fushigi Yuugi. I like the song, so I want to download it. Problem is, I don't know what's the title >.>

Appreciate much if someone answers.

Oh, if you're clueless this song is also played during Mitsukake's death scene.

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-04 16:09:59
I guess is Kaze no Uta by nuriko's seiyuu Sakamoto Chika.....
a long time i didn't watch fushigi yuugi^^;;


Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by on 2006-05-04 17:09:12 is Kaze no Uta (Melody of the Wind), by Nuriko (Sakamoto Chika).
See, aino? You're always the one to help ppl with this!!
Hmmmm...I didn't know it was also played at Mitsukake's death scene!! O_o What episode does he die in?

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Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-04 18:32:54 (edited 2006-05-04 18:50:58)
Hee~ *smile*
Ya, i also didn't notice that it have played at Mitsukake's death...O_o (forgot)^^


Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-04 22:35:35
>.> lol, I'm just a new fan since this part of my lifetime is the only chance I got to watch this. thanks anyway

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-05 08:38:53
wait...this doesn't sound right O__o... this isn't the song i'm talking about >.>

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-05 10:42:28
Eh? how come, you said the song played in the scene of Nuriko's death... it should be this song not music rite?


Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by on 2006-05-05 15:33:30
Ha, you have not prevailed this time, aino! (lol, J/K!)
Hmmm...I thought something was fishy, cause I didn't think Kaze no Uta was played at Mitsukake's death scene.
Ummm....I'm not sure, but it might be Wakatteita Hazu (I Should Have Known) by Akemi Satou or Iruyoumi Ai Shiteru (Loving as if Praying) by Akemi Kae (Miaka), which is not on the site I think....for that song you need to go to
Well, if I'm wrong, could you please tell me the episode Mitsukake dies in so I can go find out...thanks. =D

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Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-05 16:28:44
Ehhh....*play FY the part that Nuriko's death*
it's correct the song written on the TV is 'Kaze no Uta' by Sakamoto....


Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-05 21:23:25
O__o hm.. is it? well I'll try >.> the voice was a bit "childish" if I could remember, and the tune's soft...or it's just me O_o

bah! lousy memories of mine *bangs head on the wall* anyway, I'll just download Flame Goddess's suggestion...

ok, my fault >.<

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-06 01:26:02 (edited 2006-05-06 01:27:24)
ok, so I've downloaded Wakatte Itahazu, and yeah, you're right O__o this is the song from Mitsukake's death and also when Tamahome tries to walk around alone in the real world depressed while looking at the ugly-faced girl singing.

However, I think this is still different from the one I'm looking for. Meh~ what the heck, I still wished to download this anyway.

So, last one is to try downloading...Akemi Satou *boy, I'm already downloading all songs here O__o*

I'll keep on finding!!! to the end!

Lousy dial-ups...T_T

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by on 2006-05-06 15:14:06
If the voice is "childish", then it's probably either Akemi Satou's voice or Miaka's voice...
I thought so...cause I didn't think Kaze no Uta was played at Mitsukake's death scene. ^_^
Ummm...maybe you should try downloading all of the FY songs, since you're already doing so anyway...cause I really am clueless now. >.< Which episode did you find the song in? Maybe if you tell me I can go find out...and don't worry, my memory is probably as bad as yours. ^_^
Yeah, I know, dial-up sucks. >_<

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Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-07 03:48:42
Guess I found what I'm looking for after all XD I guess it's Wakatte Itahazu >.> and I'm wrong again. Soshite, Yami No Sakini is played in Mitsukake's death.

One last, request, I wanted to download the song of Chiriko's death. Yeah, another death song >.< what's the title here?

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by on 2006-05-07 10:01:50
Hehe, I thought so. ^_^
Hmmm...I've never heard of that song's name...did you get the song from
Uhh...what episode does Chiriko die in? So I can go find out...
And in case you were wondering, I am (was) Flame Goddess. ^_~.

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Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-09 08:02:13
yep, the link you gave to me was worth it.

I don't know what episode maybe 39, more or less >.< mine was dubbed so I can't read japanese episode title.

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by t0p m0del on 2006-05-09 14:50:04 (edited 2006-05-09 14:55:24)
i know the song your looking for. it's "Winner"... for nuriko's death and (this one's tricky) any of this 3 for chiriko.. "Akai Iitsutae", "Ito Chiisaki Negai" , or "P.S.: Ai tte Eien Desu ka?" i have just finished watching the last episode of fushigi yuugi in animax-asia...

to swirl or not to swirl, that is the question...

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by Nobara on 2006-05-10 04:38:58
The song played during Chiriko's death is 'Akai Iitsutae.' I love that song. <3

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-10 09:19:16
I thought it's Akai Denshou? well, never mind, unless I got it wrong O_o again.

I also finished watching the last episode in animax-asia too, that explains I am *cougholdschoolcough* a new fan of Fushigi Yuugi...never had a chance to watch it, but now...*drools*

Re: What name...? (fushigi yuugi)
Link | by on 2006-05-16 17:59:01
No, it's Akai Iitsutae. ^_^
I love that song too! Espscially the flute parts. =D
Sooo...anymore Fushigi Yuugi song help? ^_^

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