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when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by floopy! on 2006-05-01 15:14:08
Well, it's probably useless to talk about it here among fellow anime fans, but I guess this is more of a rallying thing. XD
Alright, I really despise it when people say that anime isn't real and that it is outright ridiculous to "think a character is hot," or that it "shouldn't be taken seriously," because it's ANIME. From my point of view, they just do not realize that REAL people (that sounds so corny... i'm sorry! ^^''') put extensive amounts of effort and THOUGHT into their creations. Each person, no matter how shallow, harbors universal thoughts about humans and society. Creations are just extensions of their minds in the physical form for others to evaluate. The scoffing of others towards things like manga and anime anger me and sadden me as well. Can they not tell that some really find refuge or joy in anime - anime can really brighten MY day. They close their minds merely because of image, and the ignorance of society really shows in derogatory comments towards small things like anime (when you look at the "big picture" - forgiveness, understanding, motivation, etc). For me, this indicates the level of impurity in society if others can attack anime in the ways they do. Now, I laugh when others tease (as friend to friend) about anime, but I do become slightly upset when the remarks are said in a superior manner. Do you have such experiences/thoughts?

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by kittykat on 2006-05-01 15:24:28
hey me too!!^o^
i was just thinking the other day that if i announced to my friends that some anime characters are either super awesome or goodlooking i would probably lower my status even more-it's already a mix between nerd, smartypants, not-social geek, blah blah blah.
anyway i used to get that alot and it is maddening...even my brother who used to love anime is slowly drifting...sob...
am i going off topic?? sorry!! so yes i feel your pain at this. luckily here at such impurity of the mind does not exist.

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by on 2006-05-01 15:29:49
It's all about perspective and points of view. People can say the Mona Lisa is a beautiful woman, where as others question why it's beautiful in the first place if it isn't a real person. For people who do the latter, like you said, they're not getting the big picture. It's more ignorance than anything.

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by on 2006-05-01 15:38:01
I used to experience that when I was in middle school. People just didn't like anime or see the point to it or maybe they were just immature. Now in high school they don't seem to care anymore. They still think it's weird, but they love my art! Maybe it has to do with age as to why people ridicule others for liking anime (as far as kids go, some adults will never get it). It seems like that in my school.

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Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by floopy! on 2006-05-01 15:57:43
hmm, if someone doesn't like anime, then why do they go out of their way to poke fun at it? Is it the cause of some selfish reason to impress upon others what they think is bad to make the whole world similar in thought to them? Or could it be that they just want to warn others from having a bad experience? Either way, I think it's just cruel.

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-01 16:10:08 (edited 2006-05-01 16:13:34)
humm, nicely put, Floopy.

But in a world where a person, dares to judge me, and calls me 'Chinese' or 'Jackie'(Chan) or sometimes 'Yao Ming'(NBA Center for Houston Rockets-my fave team), well yao is ok sometimes, but the thought of that pisses me off but im not going to strike bakc with another racist comment, that's right, RACISTS! because that's what this is. now...anime, is a different story. Obviously, anime is better then cartoon, or US Cartoon(not that I dont watch the old school stuff like Tom and Jerry-Classic). People make fun of anime, maybe because they are simply jelous of how 'almost' perfect if can be, reflecting human attributes. But, when ppl say anime girls/guys are hot(myself, truthfully), sometimes that's how anime can capture your mind and make you believe, since your so into the t.v. and anime, that anime char. are REAL! but every, has their own opionion, even if you dont like it at all!! BUT I will say this...the only reason that anime should be bad-mouth if the anime has no plot, storyline, or some issue with the anime, but leave the racist stuff out, or atleast take a watch at this stuff...

Long Story Short..

I know enought, that obviously anime is fake, only expressing the personnality of its creator. like myself, oneday, hopefully, I will create an anime, that describes my humor side adn my reg. self artwork side too. but im not caught up in anime, I dont worship like anime chicks, and print pics of them out adn hang them on my wall. but it is a great impact in my life, and I do appreciate J-People sharing this, with the US. Thank You!!

*cries*..sike!! ßP


Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by Hirozanriu on 2006-05-01 18:57:36
I really agree with all of you, because those people don´t give a chance to anime, when they said that anime is a child think I just ignore them because they can´t apreciate the art of anime, I don´t like to listen to the kind of music they like and I don´t judge them for that, right, so I say to them to give it a try if they don´t like that´s o.k.

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Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by Xaria on 2006-05-01 20:33:25
Yea i agree with you all too. It makes me sooooo mad that ppl just judge it the way they do just by eyeing it rather than give it even a 30 minute run through(one ep obviously). Like there are alot of anime on American networks and most adults and ppl who judge anime uaully just lump anime along with just Pokemon and DBZ. I was about to kill them. There was only one time that i actually yelled at a guy for calling anime crppy cartoons from Japan. Ah sorry im just ranting now. Just to wrap things up i understand that there will always be people that will judge thing just for what they are because its just human nature. Anime is getting more and more popular now especially. Who knows there might be a day where anime will become important in american society and economy. Might just be wishful thinking though^^;;

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-01 20:42:29
@Xaria, same thing happens when I draw. If I draw anything anime related, they think its DBZ. I'm like you dont even know what that show is all about to call my drawings DBZ. It tends to get annoying, but hey, they know 'nothing'(meaning they dont know what anime is and stuff) I dont really blame them. sometimes, it's not their problem, but she shouldn't judge yet..


Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by Saki on 2006-06-01 11:55:02
True, I totally agree with you floppy, I know exactly how you feel. Just five years ago manga/anime weren’t as popular as they are these days, so back then I didn’t tell people that I was a huge fan of animes but as I got older I realised that I was being stupid, and so I told everyone what I like to do in my spare time (watch/ read manga/anime) after actually explaining what anime/manga is people still referred to it as being childish ‘its still cartoons’ they said, it use to make me mad. But now as more people discover what anime is they are slowly starting to appreciate it.

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Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by Pepe-kun on 2006-06-01 13:10:13
when people talk bad about anime/manga...I make a battou stance in front of them, give them a killing stare with my red eyes and slash and hash and kill them all like crazy. Then I realize its only my imagination.

But seriously, I give them this look that tells "ur stupid"

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-06-01 13:12:53
I really think that the people who judge things such as anime should first judge themselves, not based on the their opinions or beliefs but on reality's terms.

I agree, people only criticize anime as being childish and stupid because it is somewhat different than what they are accustomed to so they instantly scorn it out of fear and ignorance. People tend to put a lot of value and emphasis into what they believe in because it gives them a sense of hope, the hope that gives meaning to their lives and drives them to move, act, and live. If they see something that slightly differs from those beliefs, they unjustfully prejudge it out of fear of losing the sense of hope that they have become accustomed to, instead of accepting it for the value that it is truly worth.

These people should realize that just because they perceive or believe something to be true doesn't mean that it is, that is what analysis is for.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by GameFreak619 on 2006-06-01 15:36:08
some people think anime is only a waste of time..... but to me i learned many valuable things in shows me outcomes of what might happen in the real thing....dumps and acceptance.... and i learned how to understand women better... anime is actually based on the creator's experiences and creativity thats why its not a waste of time...
i agree with random guy that "the people who judge things such as anime should first judge themselves, not based on the their opinions or beliefs but on reality's terms"

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-01 15:42:38
Alot of the time, if they consider Anime as Dragonball Z (bunch of nitwitz) that's only because they havent' had the chance to actually check out some anime titles. Anime is the best form of cartoon animation, then I guess amine (American Cartoon), and idk what else comes after that.


Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by on 2006-06-01 16:22:05
Yeah...I feel really weird inside when ppl say anime or manga is for kids.
I guess they think of DBZ, Pokemon, and those kind of stuff when they hear the word "anime", but really they haven't seen any GOOD ones yet.

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Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by Chubster on 2006-06-01 17:52:22
I just tell them that anime is like cartoons for older's way better and totally not like those kids cartoons...I keep telling that anime is heaps better...and if they don't listen to me about that...then I just don't bother...if they don't want to watch it then why waste time on them...and yeah...they have to have a look at it first before judging it...oh's not like I'm converting them or anything...because they shouldn't criticise something without trying it first...manga on the other hand is similar to the anime situation...they think it's like comics for nerds or something...argh...that annoys me alot too...but I tell them what I say about it's my interest and if they don't like it...then I just tell them that they are an idiot to judge things like that...hehehe...

Re: when people talk bad about manga and anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-01 18:01:03
Actually, I either just say,"hey, where's your sketchbook (since most of my drawings in school where my friends see are in there)" or just cuss 'em out!!


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