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SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by on 2006-04-29 11:08:13
Which do you think is much powerful?The zero system or the SEED mode.And what do you think is the down side if you used one against the other?

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by on 2006-04-29 11:16:31
hm...interesting....i think depending on whose seed mode VS the zero system,there will be alot of difference,EXAMPLE:kira(ultimate coordinator with SEED)VS zero system,it probably would be a tie or kira would win,but if EXAMPLE:cagalli(NORMAL with SEED)VS zero system,i think cagalli will be thrashed,well,that's what i think=D

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-29 11:19:19
Well theres a Something more powerful than seed and Zero system...
Newtype sense and ALICE system :P

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by on 2006-04-29 11:23:19
I know the newtype..but whats ALICE system and what does it stand for(what Gundam Series?)

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-29 11:30:07
S gundam its like more powerful than Psycho system the whole Gundam will go AI status and can go berserk.....Of course Ex-S Gundam was equipped with this and the gundam was so powerful and fast(more powerful than any gundam except Justice ;p)

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by EmAn on 2006-04-29 17:12:50
i think zero system is powerful

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by blue on 2006-04-30 02:44:11
What is Zero System ?? I will go for SEED Mode...

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by on 2006-04-30 04:06:35
ZERO system is the system installed in the XXXG-00W0 Wing Zero Cockpit.It's kinda like an enhancer just like SEED mode.

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-30 05:56:51
ALICE System boosts all the attacks and unleashes the main gun*something like genesis* It also something like berserk mode and the gundam's eye from green became red (I know its very lame)
Zero system is powerful but it cant match up against ALICE system

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by Del on 2006-05-02 06:30:55
zero system

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by kujitsune on 2006-05-03 01:57:22
ZERO!!!!! thats the bomb system!!

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-03 01:59:44
the zero system
seed mode is too random in my opinoin

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by Insane on 2006-05-03 05:01:44
Tie or Zero system.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by Bernz on 2006-05-03 05:15:00
mmmmmmmmm. I have only seen gundam Seed/destiny so i wouldn't know about the zero system. However in my opinion seed is only most effective if the user is very good and the gundam itself is powerfull. Ex. Kira Yamato. So i suppose zero system is better in a sense.

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by on 2006-05-03 11:11:00
for me the eclipse time of lauching of zero sytem is so fast that it can destroy before lauching the seed system...........
i will go for the zero system......

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by Miles on 2006-05-03 14:58:55
First of all, sorry for my bad english

For what i know, the Zero System work is to predict enemies movement and sending the info to the pilot. So, even if the SEED mode boost the pilot abilities there is no way it can't defeat something that predict every movement, of course, that is only theory, it will depend of who is faster, if the Pilot in SEED mode or the DATA Analizer of the Zero System.

and btw.

ALICE system rulz =P

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by vanchrian on 2006-05-03 15:02:23 (edited 2006-05-03 15:12:25)
It seems like the SEED system is more random than the ZERO system. Even if the pilot learns to actually control his SEED system, it only lasts for a short while because its a biological state, wherelse the ZERO system is a computer program and can go on forever as long as the pilot is not dead. Which means the ZERO system in theory could be sustained for longer periods times.
Point to ZERO system

The SEED system is more like a berserker mode started by the pilot and maintained by the pilot more than anything else. The ZERO system is a computer program that INDUCES a berserker-like state in the pilot. Even if the pilot hasn't learnt how to control the ZERO system yet to achive maximum effeciency, the computer program does not care and would keep it going. For the SEED system, once the pilot losses his rythm, or focus or whatever it is, its gone. Again in theory the ZERO system could be sustain for longer times.
Point to ZERO system

The SEED mode relies more on heightened reflexes of the pilot, allowing him to react to the enemies movements faster, as well as initiate better and faster manouvers. ZERO system learns the enemies movements over time and continuesly feeds new information to the pilot. As the ZERO system learns more, it can begin to predict enemy movements before hand. The longer the fight lasts, the more the ZERO system will learn.
Point to ZERO system.

The ZERO system interfaces with the pilot's mind, literally force feeding his mind information on the enemies movements and startegies, it also analises the host pilot's mind and will find the trigger to induce the berserker state eventually. Once it finds it it forces it on the pilot by displaying fake images. SEED mode takes time and a random trigger to activate that relies on random events of the battle if the pilot can't control it, so, it relies on a bit of luck to determine if the trgger occurs or not. Whereelse the ZERO system is more analitical.
Point to ZERO system.

The ZERO system could be used to help entire groups of units instead of just one. A person armed with the ZERO system can choose to become an in-field tactician, analizing movements and formations of many enemy mobile suits at a time and organizing his own units to achieve maximum group efficiency and improve battle formations. The SEED system has no such function, as its enchancements can only be applied to a single pilot. In terms of large scale battles between 2 or more forces, the ZERO system has better applications.
Point to ZERO system

The only foreseeable problem with the ZERO system.
The SEED system rarely has any long-term side effects on the pilot, other than posible guilt or remorse for killing an enemy pilot without thinking. The ZERO system has the tendency to induce insanity or madness in the host pilot should the pilot have a weak frame of mind. Even pilots with a strong mind would come close to insanity during their first experience with the ZERO system. So, the SEED system is more friendly to the pilot's mental state than the ZERO system.
POint to SEED system.

So far... Its ZERO system 5, and SEED system 1. I think ZERO system is better.

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by neko on 2006-05-03 17:14:00
Zero system

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by on 2006-05-03 19:43:15
Zero system, why?, it gives ya spasms XD

Re: SEED mode or Zero System?
Link | by nelly on 2006-05-07 17:47:21
YEah its the zero system alright wing zero is crazy but so is the destiny if only shin can pilot better


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