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Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Aya. on 2006-04-15 01:21:23

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Wrath- manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.Symbolism-Color: RedAnimal: BearReason: You're wired for it. Also, everybody's so irritating!
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Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by ferrum lupus on 2006-04-15 01:28:28

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Wrath- manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.Symbolism-Color: RedAnimal: BearReason: You're wired for it. Also, everybody's so irritating!
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Cursed are those who seek with bias. Abandon your past and be saved. - Me - I'm so awsome that I quote myself. - Me -

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by atenhotep on 2006-04-15 02:53:46
I have wrath also...

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-04-15 03:17:27

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Envy- the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.Symbolism-Color: GreenAnimal: DogReason: Everyone is better than you.Punishment: Being put in freezing water.
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Well, I do like the color green at times... but yeah...

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by nats on 2006-04-15 05:24:08
WHAA!? I got Lust.. What a surpise... ahahaha... ^_^

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-15 08:17:22 (edited 2006-04-15 08:22:07)
SOOOO very appropriate that they use Blackeri's work for this. If you want to see more of the artist who did those works, check her dA page. ... don't comment about this here, please.

That said, my results:

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Lust- an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.Symbolism-Color: BlueAnimal: CowReason: Oh, please.Punishment: Being smothered in fire and brimstone.
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My opinion? This quiz is rubbish.

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-15 14:20:52
I gots.....

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Sloth- the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.Symbolism-Color: Light BlueAnimal: GoatReason: You're good for nothin' and you know it.Punishment: Being thrown into the snake pits. *Indiana Jones theme*
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Light and Dark

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-04-15 15:19:41 (edited 2006-04-15 15:20:06)

Which of the Seven ly Sins consumes you?

Wrath- manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.Symbolism-Color: RedAnimal: BearReason: You're wired for it. Also, everybody's so irritating!
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Well,i'm not surprised.

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by on 2006-04-15 16:14:55 (edited 2006-04-15 16:33:00)

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Pride- the mother of all sins. You have an excessive belief in your own abilities, and that interferes with your recognition of the grace of God. It is the sin from which all other sins arise.Symbolism-Color: VioletAnimal: HorseReason: Elementary school teachers always told you to "Believe in yourself".Punishment: Being broken on the wheel.
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Ummmmm....O_o ?!....the mother of all sins....being broken on the wheel!!!!....WHAT THE @#$%!!!!....never saw that coming. Is it me or is that girl in the pic HOT!

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-04-15 17:36:47
Mu ha ha ha ha...i'm the mother of all of Izumo...hehehe.

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Pride- the mother of all sins. You have an excessive belief in your own abilities, and that interferes with your recognition of the grace of God. It is the sin from which all other sins arise.Symbolism-Color: VioletAnimal: HorseReason: Elementary school teachers always told you to "Believe in yourself".Punishment: Being broken on the wheel.
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Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-17 19:11:20
So many sins, so little time.

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by kaykay on 2006-04-17 19:21:07 (edited 2006-04-17 19:22:34)
i got envy~!

ehh...i guess it's the best sin to describe me ...but the pic. of envy freaks me out~!

i have nothing to say besides school is gay~!

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Lucifer on 2006-04-17 19:42:49

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Lust- an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.Symbolism-Color: BlueAnimal: CowReason: Oh, please.Punishment: Being smothered in fire and brimstone.
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Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-04-18 03:16:39
Somehow I can't post the image...

But honestly, I got envy...

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-04-18 07:16:03
I got this...

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?

Pride- the mother of all sins. You have an excessive belief in your own abilities, and that interferes with your recognition of the grace of God. It is the sin from which all other sins arise.Symbolism-Color: VioletAnimal: HorseReason: Elementary school teachers always told you to "Believe in yourself".Punishment: Being broken on the wheel.
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I like the pic for PRIDE! she's beautiful! hehehe...

-mother of all sins?!, being broken on the wheel?! I don't even know what broken on the wheel means!!!

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Quiz!!...? Which ofThe Seven Sins consumes you?
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-19 09:08:11
I got vanity as well. Mother of all sins?

Pride is a good trait to have. What the hell is wrong with these sins. Envy is bad, but pride is bad. That doesn't make sense. Its like saying it is bad to not like ones self, and saying its bad to like ones self.

Pride is a virtue.

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