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Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by SILENT HILL FOREVER! on 2008-03-31 15:36:49
I think it should be a war between ninjas and samaries.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2008-04-23 16:13:11
I think thats possibly a brilliant idea. I think it would be a lot of fun to build a gendou city. Since basically gendou has become one large extended family it makes sense that the mass populous would be entertained. I can see people fighting over spots next to each other and next to the most recognized members. That should be interesting too see. I would definately like to see how that evolves. As skilled as gendou is at computers it should be terrific. Cant wait to trey it out.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Revelation on 2008-05-15 06:36:13
i say keep it simple, like the final fantasy games that were on snes. fantasy wasn't simple.

ill put in a suggestion to make a limit of 10 classes tops make it like a snes FF graphics. if want to fight someone, ask a request and if they want to fight you, the screen switches to classic FF battle style. i'd say more but then it'd just get more complicated.

Are you doing this project one man Gendou? yikes id like to help you out if only i knew 3 years worth of programming :P maybe next year.

Image hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic "They can't catch me when im on fire!"

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by hanamari on 2008-05-16 01:41:07


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2008-05-26 21:31:06
awesome gendou-sama!!!
i hope tht ur name will be in d times mag as one of d most influenced ppl!!!
as d gendou's owner..
ermm... i think u shud hires more moderators!

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by kabutoshinosuke on 2008-06-07 03:02:18
Not bad gendou...hiring more modes? Why and what for?

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by nightsreach on 2008-07-25 18:24:06
Gendou didn't say he was hiring more mods. O.o

What is the current development? Is there anyway we can test whatever was made so far? I don't mind serving as a guinea-pig.

"Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty."Adopt one today!

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2008-07-27 08:25:54 (edited 2008-07-27 08:26:21)
Can't wait for it. Maybe you should add weapons with their own special attack. Example: Weapon:Dagger ~ Special attack:Lunge Weapon:Leek ~ Special attack:Loituma of DEATH! XD

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Razgriz on 2008-07-30 23:11:06
Is it ready yet? is it still alive or dead?

~ Consider Carefully - Act Accordingly ~

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-04 20:23:53 (edited 2008-11-04 20:24:47)
For the level database.How about making it the same with our current levels.So that senior members of this forums will get the upperhand.

But if thats the case,forum moderators and Admin will be 'pwnage'

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-07 08:48:48
I've been in gendou 2 years and I've never entered here before XD
weird ~.~

Gendou hasn't psot here since a long time, the als t i read he was to busy with other stuff, a
and now that he's getting married he'll be more busy ~.~

I'd like for gendou to post here and tell us how this project is going??
or if he'll be busy for more time...

in any case if you get this done someday I'd love to play it ^^

*hugs Gendou*

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-07 20:35:06
^ Agrees with Dragon Nero.

If this project is done.I might get addicted to this MMO

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2008-11-07 21:13:45
O_O i can't believe i've never been here...

well i hope someday i can enjoy this ^^

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by genie on 2008-12-01 03:06:42
looking forward to gendou city!! ok, maybe this will be a bit hard to program (i'm underxxagerating here) but i keep imagining a whole... you know, the games you buy or download with cool graphics and all that ^^

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by mjia on 2008-12-10 04:35:00
I hope this project will success that i can enjoy it as well.Ganbatte.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2009-02-06 22:01:31 (edited 2009-02-06 22:02:24)
Hmmm... Just read this when searching for a crypt challenge answer. Well, its interesting(The game)!
But it's very difficult to find time for everyday rituals, responsibilities, interests, projects and other hobbies...
Maybe if you're really curious of the development... nah, nevermind... he would just get busier with your queries, but its not bad asking once in a blue moon...

I thought it is already released, reading it from the date of '06, but I know that developing a nice game would take years to be finished (with or without help), so lets be patient. Ü

ÜÜÜ Please save the Earth!!! Stop the use of CFC's and let us rebuild the ozone layer. ÜÜÜ

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2009-03-17 05:57:56
never read this béfore..
so, gendou-sama's making a game?
nah! i dont think one special move for one weapon's good.
maybe u should think to make an "after world", so people can still play even they're dead and make a place where ceremonies would be held to make someone in da afterworld life again. anyway there mustbe some way for the dead to contact someone who still live to get reborned.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by bloodplussayadiva on 2009-07-10 00:30:10
um hello is any one here right now??

Vincent I.D fix

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by esperanto9696 on 2009-07-10 05:27:38
(If This Thread is Still Working)
hello out there based on what I read a Gendou Game is a really brilliant idea
(I Think?)


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Ascalon-Arios on 2009-10-09 01:31:46 (edited 2009-10-09 01:34:08)
There is a game where i live called Cabal. At a certain level, they have these 'battle modes' that u get. Each class has their own battle mode at that level. They also have these "battle auras" which you get thru a quest.

Battle modes are like them characters getting special weapons that u do not normally see in-game.

Battle Auras are given thru certain things u pick in that quest. Any job can have the same battle aura unlike the battle mode.

Example(JOB=class, MODE=Battle mode, aura= battle aura)
JOBa has MODEa and AURAa. JOBb has MODEb and AURAa
JOBc has MODEc and AURAb. JOBd has MODEd and AURAa
Auras are not limited each class.

Its just a suggestion. Not nessacarily needs to be used. And if u guys wanna check out the battle modes, and hw they look like, go to youtube, search up 'Battle Mode 2'. it shld be 1st or 2nd video there.

Violin Viola Cello

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