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Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-19 01:54:38
lumayan ... gw si males Downloadnya.. internet terbatas 1GB / bulan... kalo unlimited gw beraksi deh..~

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by on 2006-08-19 01:58:09
shinji :haha, maksudnya 1 gb per bulan tu apa? ^^;

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-19 02:29:50
Key: Aktivitas net dy dibatesin 1gb/ bulan... Btw melty blood yg punya u itu yg mana? stau g banyak serinya... G punya namanya act cadenza

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by on 2006-08-19 02:33:50 (edited 2006-08-19 04:29:23)
sai: yup, yang itu yang keluar disini (maksudnya keluar bebas)

shinji: sekarang lebih jelas kan? ^^

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-19 08:15:01 (edited 2006-08-19 08:19:22)
Key: Uoh, ava nya 300kb++... Buset kecilin dulu kali... Anyway, g br tamatin bbrp org tu melty blood, ud pake akiha, biasa aj, cuma heran aj klo dy tenyata suka maen api... Yg parah itu Shiki... Benar2 pembunuh...

edit: adu tnyata sig u jg langsung u ambil dr wp cuma tingginya dikecilin y... Kasiani kami dong yg sambungannya lama, ngeload gambarnya aj setaon...

All: Hmm, prince of tennis movie kluar jg yg seharga goceng... Lumayan... Ud g tunggu2 tu...^^

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-08-19 16:02:43
Oy........masa gw dicuekin sih...
Anyway...ada yg maen Deco Online ga ?


Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-08-19 18:01:09
Red: wakzzz... gw ga maen deco

Key: masssss avatar na tolong donkkkk T_T, kasihanilah daku yg connection na lemot ene... hikssss

Shinjimon; gara2 ap se koq ninggalin??? kapan next bet na??

all: akhir naaaa....... kebeli juga kit 1/100 Infinite Justice Gundam (Limited Edition) seharga Rp 312.000. gpp d mhl, yg penting kualitas na ok punya (untuk sementara kantong lagi kering, ga bisa ke net, ga bisa pegi jln2, ga bisa ja2n, ga bisa ngapa2en.... hiksss3. ky na duid itu sumber kesenangan & kebahagiaan yakh??)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-19 18:48:55
Train : Next bet gw kurang tau ya~~....
Kalo ninggalin itu karena !@#!$!@#!@# Can't tell... tapi gw tau kenapa~

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-20 00:26:08
Red: G ga maen gem online mas...

Shinji: Hoo... napa can't tell? Apa membahayakan keberadaan u? Meskipun u kasi tau dlm bhs ini?

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by on 2006-08-20 00:29:48
all: gw juga pake telkomnet lama, tapi kok langsung nongol yah? pertama emang lama, yang kedua ud enggak? nanti kalo ada yang respon lagi gw ganti


Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-20 00:44:59
Key: Bukan apa2, masalahnya sig n ava diatas 100kb itu melanggar aturan si gendou... Jd mungkin sig u bisa lenyap n jadi peringatan merah gede2 itu, klo ketauan ama mod ato gendounya ndiri...

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by on 2006-08-20 00:46:42
sai: loh bukannya cuma dibilang heightnya 25 yah ?

WAH! gw musti ganti dulu nih

tapi nanti deh tunggu mo log out ^^

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-20 04:01:53
Umm.. gpp sih sebenarnya... cuma gw gak enak aja ngebeberin rahasia mereka yang mereka sendiri gak mau ngasih tau... respect others, respect yourself... (tulisan di CD anime XD)

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-20 04:12:43
Respect others resect yourself, tulisnya gt padahal cd2 itu jg kopian... Dasar tukang jualan muna (animachi contonya...)... -_-

Oh klo gt u tau dr mana??

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-20 04:14:45
NAH! Betul sekali!!! Animemachi!!!! huehuehue...
Gw baca dari site ini

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-20 04:58:18 (edited 2006-08-20 05:31:12)
Ooh u ke situ jg y... Mmmm g ikutan ga y... Kayanya g males ikutan 2 forum sekaligus, satu pasti bakal ga g urus... :P

btw, g ga menemukan alesan kepergian mereka di sana...

EDIT: Okee... Jadi cuma gara2 satu bocah itu? Ampun de... Tapi emang bner y dy semuda itu, ko rasanya dy cukup terdengar tua... Hehe... Mungkin g ga seharusnya menilai umur orang dr cara bicara... :P

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-20 05:01:17
ah payah nih... masa haru spesifik sih.... NIHM.... Baca sampe abis ya~

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by BabyBoiBlue on 2006-08-20 06:20:50
Hello guys... decided to drop by...

Sai, here's the tags... My profile consists of 1 ROW and 2 COLUMNS

Dont forget to close your html tags... Shinji, I know you're knowledgeable in HTML so if Sai and the others have some questions, kindly answer them for me... Thanks...

table - for making a table
tr - are for the table row
td - for the column
br - for one line break [like pressing the enter key]

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">
Row 1 Column 1
Post Your info here in column 1
<td align="left" valign="top">
Row 1 Column 2
Post Your info here in column 2

And the resulting table is...

Row 1 Column 1

Post Your info here in column 1

Row 1 Column 2

Post Your info here in column 2

Have fun modifying your profiles! ^_^

BabyBoiBlue, Your Friendly Neighborhood ONII-SAN!

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-20 06:24:26
You're kidding right... They're the ones who taught me HTML ..... ^^

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-20 08:19:38
Hoo, Blue! Never thought you'd come by just to teach me that ^^;
Well, thank you for that... I don't really intend to edit my profiles... I just wanted to know how you did that... :P

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