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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-06 18:26:39
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Rou: "yappari.. kotaro!"

he signal Kotaro to join up

Kotaro: *jumps to eugor's side* what the heck just happend here.... seems like something big happend to attract a crowed like that....

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-07 15:31:22
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Kotaro: *jumps to eugor's side* what the heck just happened here.... seems like something big happened to attract a crowed like that....

Eguor: Well, Ibuki-sensei...

Student 4: Wah!? She burned off that guy's hair!

Student 5: What kind of mongrel would do such a thing?!

Ibuki Sensei: *angery pulse* So... do the rest of you want to burn?

Students: .... *silently start to edge away*

Eguor: Eh... I saw Asuras-san from our class, and-...

Beet: ... (Not the best time to start a conversation.)

Eguor: *scratches the back of his head* S-so, do you want to come with me to Student Affairs to get our assignments?

(A little early, but I was getting the feeling this scene was starting to get "stuck" ^^')

(Applies to the guys still in the crowd)

A: I think I'll come too...
B: Ibuki Sensei looks a bit too dangerous.
C: I got something else to do first.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-06-07 22:02:34
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~
Ibuki Sensei: *angery pulse* So... do the rest of you want to burn?
Students: .... *silently start to edge away*
Asuras: maa maa...relax, Ibuki-sensei...
*places his hands on her shoulders*
Asuras: I think they got the picture...*thinking* heheh, too bad Shizuru-nee isn't here...she loves cute people like Sensei...
Eguor: Eh... I saw Asuras-san from our class, and-...
Beet: ... (Not the best time to start a conversation.)
Eguor: *scratches the back of his head* S-so, do you want to come with me to Student Affairs to get our assignments?
(Applies to the guys still in the crowd)

A: I think I'll come too...
B: Ibuki Sensei looks a bit too dangerous.
C: I got something else to do first.

Asuras: I've finished my business here earlier on, so I'll tag along

~Girls Dorm, Senna, Kanna, Youoh's Room~
Senna: *sparkly eyed and nods*gimme a minute!!
*quickly changed into her uniform*
Senna: all done!! *attached her katana to her belt*

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-08 00:28:57
A: I think I'll come too...

Rou: "we all eventually have to go there, why not go there together"

Sia nodded as agreement

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-08 01:21:39
A: I think I'll come too...


Kotaro: *crosses his arms behind his head* might as well... I have nothing else to do here...

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-09 21:19:51
~Girls Dorm, Senna, Kanna, Youoh's Room~

Youoh: *spots Senna's sowrd* That seah...

Kanna: *looks at Youoh* Youoh-tan?

Youoh: Nothing. *looks at Senna* Alright, lets go.

~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Eguor: Okay then...

Ibuki Sensei: *grins* Mada... You're so popular Traeh-san.

Kitten: *from atop it's spot at Ibuki-sensei's head, look at Asuras with a annoyed puzzled look*

Youoh: *walks towards the crowd with the other two* Here it is...

Kanna: Oh...! Look, it's thoe others from yesterday! *raises her hand up* Minna~! Ohayou~!

Youoh: *looks at Kanna* -Kuubashi-san!

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-06-10 04:18:00
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~
Kitten: *from atop it's spot at Ibuki-sensei's head, look at Asuras with a annoyed puzzled look*
Asuras: *looks at the kitten with a 'need anything?' look*
Asuras: *thinking* it me or is this cat staring at me...?
Youoh: *walks towards the crowd with the other two* Here it is...
Kanna: Oh...! Look, it's thoe others from yesterday! *raises her hand up* Minna~! Ohayou~!
Youoh: *looks at Kanna* -Kuubashi-san!
Senna: *stuffing herself*
Asuras: heh...looks like you really are starving...
Senna: not talking to you!!
*turns away with a 'hmph!'*
Asuras: uh...what did i do...?

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Renma on 2008-06-10 05:28:55
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Eguor: Okay then...

Ibuki Sensei: *grins* Mada... You're so popular Traeh-san.

Kitten: *from atop it's spot at Ibuki-sensei's head, look at Asuras with a annoyed puzzled look*

Youoh: *walks towards the crowd with the other two* Here it is...

Kanna: Oh...! Look, it's thoe others from yesterday! *raises her hand up* Minna~! Ohayou~!

Youoh: *looks at Kanna* -Kuubashi-san!

Renma: *Finally emerges from the crowd* Morning Everyone...... Uhhh.. Anyone know Student Affairs in what direction from here? I Think I Got lost *Scratching His head, Looked really Embarrassed*

A: I think I'll come too...

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-10 23:08:50
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Renma: *Finally emerges from the crowd* Morning Everyone...... Uhhh.. Anyone know Student Affairs in what direction from here? I Think I Got lost *Scratching His head, Looked really Embarrassed*

Kanna: Oh, come on now, you didnt read the map they gave us at orientation...? *sighs* SO, what are you all up to?

Eguor: Well, we where about to go to student affairs to get our assignments.

Kanna: Oh, well, why dont we tag along too? *looks at youoh*

Youoh: *closes her eyes* I'll wait on Arisugawa...

Kanna: *purses her mouth* Suit yourself...

Eguor: *thinking* Ah...! The people are still here... where they just listening to everything we've been saying? *anxiety at it's peak, left immobile*

Kanna: ... *walks over to Eguor* Here. *grabs his hand, and starts to drag him off* Alright, we're off~!

Ibuki Sensei: *waves everyone else off* Okay, see ya~!

Youoh: * arms crossed, look at Senna* Arisugawa-san, please hurry...

~Student Affairs~

Student Affairs Girl: O-HI-YO~!

Eguor: *thinking* She appears to really like her job...

Kanna: *walks up to her desk* Can I have our assignments for the day?

Student Affairs Girl: *puts her hand on her cheek as she give Kanna a slip of paper* Oh yes~! Please take as many as you wish~!

Kanna: *sweatdrops* Thank you...

~Offered Assignments~

Chibi Kanna: *appears on the top left corner* Alright Minna, assignments are listed here. Since we're all technically in the same party, lets do this diplomatically! Items with *'s are required, even if we've gained enough units. So-

Combat 1* - A simple rundown course on combat basics. Students will defeat a monster at the Tolan Hills east of campus. Go to class for further details. - Ibuki

Item Gathering 1* - The basics of item gathering explained. No alchemist can be successful without the basics. A mage must also know how to live off the land, know what elements of nature gives what to the inpovertious peoples whom- (the rest appears to have been written off the page) - Slage

Synthesis 1* - A class that goes over how to turn those raw ingredients you pull out form the woods into something useful. Further details in-class... - Kazuko

Combat EX: Unison Attack - Ehhh, I guess I'll offer an extra class for people who fight in waves. Goes over special Unison Attacks that are performed by Vanguard in conjunction with Support Members. - Ibuki (followed by a black paw mark)

Eguor: Eh, so where do we start?

a: Combat 1
b: Item Gathering 1
c: Synthesis 1

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-10 23:23:10 (edited 2008-06-10 23:23:48)
~Student Affairs~

Kotaro: *looks at the assignments* him.... Im up for combat... Sure hope that monster is strong....

a: Combat 1

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-11 03:59:03
~student affairs~

Rou: "hm... combat of course"

Sia: "..... item gathering"

Rou: "???"

Sia look down avoiding Rou face, but Rou smiled and patted her head

A: combat

B: Item gathering

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Renma on 2008-06-11 05:46:28
~Student Affairs~

Renma: Ah.. Let's see... Hmmm.. Combat Class in the first day will do I Guess...

A: Combat

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-06-12 05:21:31
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~
Senna: sorry, i'm all done now...

~Student Affairs~
Asuras: lessee...i'll go with...

c: Synthesis 1

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-12 10:34:02 (edited 2008-06-13 20:57:14)
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Youoh: ....Uh, Arisugawa-san, I was meaning to ask. -Your last name, and the crest on you Katana hilt... *rests her left hand on the handle of the katana on her right* Would you be a part of the Arisugawa Clan of Azure?

~Student Affairs~

Kanna: Personally, I'd like to do synthesis...

Eguor: ....*scratches the back of his head* I'll do whatever.

Chibi Kanna: Eh... results are:

Combat: 3
Item Gat: 1
Synth: 2

Kanna: *pats Asuras' shoulder* Maaa... I Suppose we lost out... Uh? *looks at Asuras* ...who are you?

Student Affairs Girl: Ah~! So, Combat 1 it is then...

*pulls out a book, and swipes her index finger across it, etching their names under the appropriate class with Mana*

Eguor: Come to think of it, Isnt Youoh also with us...?

Kanna: Oh, and, Senna-chin as well!

Student Affiars Girl: *swips her finger across the book once more* Hai~! Senna Arisugawa, and Youoh Suohtoma... checku!

Kanna: *turns to the others* Okay, off to class-!


Kanna: *pokes her chin with her index finger* Does anybody know where our class is?

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-13 03:24:49
~Student Affairs~

Kanna: *turns to the others* Okay, off to class-!

kotaro: finaly... figthing here I come....


Kanna: *pokes her chin with her index finger* Does anybody know where our class is?

kotaro: Why did you say "off to class" in the first place if your not sure where to... besides isn't her job to tell us.. *points at the student's affair girl*

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-06-13 20:34:43
@Ugo, I think there might be an error in your post...who's talking to Senna, Kanna or Youoh? Cause Kanna can't be at the Bazza and the Student Affairs at the same time...

~North fields outside campus, Bazza~
*her faced changed from a cheerful to a serious look. her voiced changed a little*
Senna: how did you know? nobody in this campus should know about my clan except for me and Karasu
*holding on to her sheath*

~Student Affairs~
Asuras: darn...
Kanna: *pats Asuras' shoulder* Maaa... I Suppose we lost out... Uh? *looks at Asuras* ...who are you?
Asuras: your classmate. Karasu 'Asuras' Asukayama...*shrugs*

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-13 21:27:27
@ Kay: Hahah... that was a typo on my part.... Well, you can tell who by the location. My thoughts are organized... but my typing skills are a different story... (sometimes)

~North fields outside campus, Bazza~

Youoh: *eyes slightly express some move to preparedness* I didnt know you kept it so discreet... *looks away* I-...

*Youoh looks at Senna*

Youoh: I simply asked because the clan is renowned for it's combat style... I was hoping to get experience in fighting against other styles. I thought that we'd both benefit, since I practice in the Almannus Style used in Tomota.


Youoh: I'm sorry, I guess not that many people know about the Cross Crest used by the clan. Nor didnt I know that you where being secretive about your identity. *slightly grins in an attempt to soften the atmosphere* ...I wont inquire about it anymore then.

~Student Affairs~

Student Affairs Girl: Where else would you three go? Simply report to your normal class. Something-6!

Kanna: *tips her head to the side in self loathing* Okay...

Eguor: Oh! Can you also tell Youoh-san and Senna-san that we're already headed to class?

Student Affairs Girl: Leave it to me~!

~East Building, Eguor's Class~

Ibuki Sensei: Maaa... nice to see all your bright and young faces...

Students: *sweatdrop*

Ibuki Sensei: So, first we shall go over combat basics, do you all remember seeing the fight in front of this classroom this morning?


Ibuki Sensei: *holding a piece of chalk* So that covers the basics. Basically what you saw in the battle between Traeh-san's group and the other freshmen. *puts the chalk away in her sleeve* So, any other questions?

A: Yes
B: No
C: Demonstrate (____)

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-06-13 21:42:21
~North fields outside campus, Bazza~
Senna: ah...sorry...guess I was being too over protective...due to lots of reasons, I don't want any other people to know who I am...

~East Building, Eguor's Class~
Ibuki Sensei: *holding a piece of chalk* So that covers the basics. Basically what you saw in the battle between Traeh-san's group and the other freshmen. *puts the chalk away in her sleeve* So, any other questions?

A: Yes
B: No
C: Demonstrate (____)

Asuras: I'm not sure if it's related but is it possible to do combos with another party member, even though if it's not my turn or another person's turn?

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-06-13 22:00:48 (edited 2008-06-14 06:03:24)
~East Campus, Eguor's Class~

Asuras: I'm not sure if it's related but is it possible to do combos with another party member, even though if it's not my turn or another person's turn?

Ibuki Sensei: *nods* Yes, actually. Though, it's a pretty high concept to think of this early. *crosses her arms* But it's possible, and it would be called a "Reaction Unison Attack".


"A reaction is an attack that is executed after an opponent attacks. The situations it can take place vary"

Monster: *strikes at a student*

"If a reaction is successful, the student can choose to do any action he/she wishes..."

Student->Sonic Thrust->Unison Attack->Student 2->Sonic Thrust

"The student can then choose to do a 'Unison Attack'. Basically, two special attacks that are combined"

Student A and B: Here we go....

Student a: Cross-

Student b: -Thrust!

*the two strike through the monster with their swords propelling them forward*

"It's basically executing a Unison Attack when you are able to do a reaction."


Ibuki Sensei: But, you need to remember that you have to meet the requirements of a Reaction and a Unison Attack at the same time in order to do this... We'll go over unison attacks and reactions another day...

Kitten: *yawns*

Ibuki Sensei: Any other questions?

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-06-14 00:26:32
@Ugo, uh...did we just went back to the north fields? O_o

~East Building, Eguor's Class~
Asuras: ah...that was useful...but I guess we still need AP points huh...
Asuras: *thinking* since Unison attacks are permitted...we can use that skill...but i wonder if Senna can control went out of control the last time...and destroyed 2/3 of Mahora's High School building section...i think I might need to control the amount sent as well...if it didn't fail at that time we might not have got caught and expelled...
*was seen smirking and giggling a little*
Asuras: it'll be perfect...

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