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Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-31 04:26:06 (edited 2006-07-31 04:40:40)
... hah? Topik itu sudah basi akhirnya...?
eh, gw menemukan 1 kalimat bagus untuk dijadikan epilogue :
"oh and according to my high school teacher when you masturbate you loose a percent of you memories, so maybe try to avoid them."
Seseorang ajukan ide untuk dijadikan topik dong XD

Edit : Sai... CONGRATS!! Akhirnya anda berada di posisi paling atas kiri dalam Who's online XD...

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by on 2006-07-31 04:38:30
pake aja epiloque di atas hahahaha

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-07-31 04:59:55
Sai : lol ap bol but abisnya gw sring manja2an ma nyokap sih, jd gw plg sayang ma dia

shinji : hmmm brarti skarang gw harusnya dah amnesia dunkz, gurunya asal ngomong tuh wakakakak ^_^ Max 1 hari 10%... hmmm... ilang dah memori gw wakakak

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by YuE on 2006-07-31 06:55:39

key:gw baru mo kuliah.....

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-07-31 08:15:03
H: Aduh manja2an ma nyokap ga usa bilang kalee, dikatain anak mami lo...
Wow u emang luar biasa! Sama2 de, mungkin g pun harusnya sudah amnesia XD Adu tobat tobad...... Gila g klo ngomong ma u XD

Shinji: Who's online apaan? Mang ad yg ky gt?

YuE:.........Sama2... Kapan masuk n dimana?

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-07-31 08:24:10
Sai : lol Mgkn gw satu2nya org didunia yg bangga klo dikatain anak mami kali y?
Tmen2 gw klo ngomong ma gwa jg jd ga wajar omonganny lol. Gw emg pmbawa "bibit2 yg tak baik" sih lol.

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-07-31 08:42:34
H: Hehe... Ga papa... Emang kita smua anak mami, masa anak sapi... Lagian brarti u masi punya mami, harusnya bersyukur dikatain gt y...

Btw, itu tempat chat dipake ga si??

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-31 08:43:35
pake dong... gw ke sana ah~

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-07-31 10:02:11

Yoo, bwat senior di untar... Mo tanya sesuatu ni, tau menau tentang ospek ga? Klo tau g mo tanya... Bakal maen botak2an ga??

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-07-31 11:01:01
H: aj gile loe. di praktekin brp kale sehari tu? bisa ilang ingatan loe tar.

Shinji + Sai: loe da bwat frappr ya? gw ad jg ne.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-07-31 12:22:40
Train: Bikin? Kaga ko... G cuma make punya si reich aj... cukup berguna jg, drpd nge spam disini terus ^^;

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Reichstadt on 2006-07-31 15:32:13
Sai: Huh? spam disini terus reich? selamat malam..gue lagi berahi..besok gimana jadinya?

"What are you looking at? You like this? This is what you want right? Oh come on...don't lie..Look around, there are lots of unfinished job for you........If I have the authority, I won't abuse it...its just not right and you know it. What? you dont know? I pity you...." -Çß R...
Fridge in the room: *sigh* let them have fun on their own
Man covered in bandage: *sigh* Its boring now....
Others: Have fun on your own...

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-31 21:16:42
What the~? Those are my words on the other day at frappr... and you still remember those words!? XD (CHECK THIS OUT!! Yesterday, I WAS ABLE TO OPEN XD)

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-07-31 22:59:58
Reich: Ha? I don't understand what you're trying to say...

Shinji: Mang biasa ga bisa masuk sono?

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Muunraito on 2006-08-01 00:42:40
eh, emang ada yang buka chat room ya? ko kayanya pada ngomongin chat mulu :-?

yo ECCHI rei

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-08-01 00:59:20 (edited 2006-08-01 01:19:46)
Muun: ini loh... bikinan si reich...

Yg dibawah: Heey ga jelek jg... Thank you bwat infonya...

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Muunraito on 2006-08-01 01:07:12 (edited 2006-08-01 01:07:58)
eh Sai loe masih ad adi sana ga O.O
kalo ada coba deh visit
buat yang lain juga :P

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-08-01 04:57:55
Train : Klo ad guinness book of record bwt "gituan", gw dah masuk kale lol.

Muunraito : lol gw pikir itu site yg "begono"

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-01 06:50:04 (edited 2006-08-01 06:54:12)
Sai : Waktu pertama kali dikasi tau ama dia sih, gak bisa... "error loading page" keluar terus itu tulisan... lagi down mungkin servernya...

"H" : Beh~... mikirnya ke "sana" mulu... topiknya kan ud berakhir... sampe gw cariin epilogue.. XD

Muunraito : Dia meng-upload lagu2 J-pop ato game ga...?

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Reichstadt on 2006-08-01 07:09:17 (edited 2006-08-01 07:20:12)
Shinji: Congratulations!

All: I've found a new site!

Shinji: too bad...but I understand XD

"What are you looking at? You like this? This is what you want right? Oh come on...don't lie..Look around, there are lots of unfinished job for you........If I have the authority, I won't abuse it...its just not right and you know it. What? you dont know? I pity you...." -Çß R...
Fridge in the room: *sigh* let them have fun on their own
Man covered in bandage: *sigh* Its boring now....
Others: Have fun on your own...

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