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Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-07 21:18:31
The infamous Vectors from the vicious dicloni. They're invisible and can provide you with instant solace the moment your flesh touches your useless skin.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Norvin on 2006-02-07 21:22:59
Ten Commandments from the anime rave

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by hakuryu-kun on 2006-02-07 23:06:21 (edited 2006-02-07 23:06:46)
Weapons not jutus

I like the:
Buster Rifle of Wing Zero Custom
Gaogaigar's Bolting Driver

VICTORY goes to the only one who is the bravest!
If you are not brave, you will lose but you still have the courage in your heart!-->

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by IchimaruGin on 2006-02-08 01:12:29
Ichigo from Bleach Zanpaku-to...It's freaking huge...

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-02-08 01:26:23

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Cutie-chan! on 2006-02-08 08:27:18
That will be Sakura's Clow of Seal or Star Wand or Li's Chinese Sword. Sure I really like Cardcaptor Sakura so much!

Cardcaptor Sakura: Blooming Days!: Dreams and Fantasies Becomes A Reality

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by kim on 2006-02-08 10:43:34
the best weapon is zoro swords from one piece

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Deviller on 2006-02-09 11:11:21
Epyon's beam sword and Wing Zero's twin buster rifle.
Twin satelitte cannon pretty cool too

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by subsrulz7 on 2006-02-09 11:19:56
Arucards guns(Hellsing), Ichigo's Bankai(Bleach), Meteor (Gundam Seed/Destiny).

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-02-09 12:57:30
I love Wolfwood's gun cross from Trigun. That thing is awesome... techincally it's not really a weapon but a carrier... but it's still cool.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by zataki on 2006-02-09 16:05:22
nono, it goes like this:
1. sesshomaru's tokijin
2. bonkoutsu's halberd
3. jakoutsu's snake sword
4. vash's gun(come on, you know it's cool...)
5. and finally, Sano's sword from kenshin! yay!

dumb like a moose

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by zero lionheart on 2006-02-09 16:21:55
well i think the best weapon are the demon gun from or the soul blade from ffu (sorry if i write something worng but i didnt use my english in 2 years sorry^^')

"i dont believe in god ,but i belive in angels because you are here"

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Orichalcos on 2006-02-19 15:17:16 (edited 2006-02-19 15:17:58)
Tessuiga. I love the Tessuiga. It's awesome power and human conquest. Also I love Sounga, I can't choose over a sword of Human and a sword of Hell -_-

I would also love Jakotsuotsu and Banryuu please ^_^

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Hotaru on 2006-02-19 17:13:43
i like temari's fan from naruto... it's so pretty!

kisu kisu

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by on 2006-02-19 19:25:26
The best weapon is Kenshin's Sokabatoa

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by sphere on 2006-02-19 20:54:59
if Final Fantasy is counted...then i will choose the weapon of Cloud in Final Fantasy: Advent Child.
that 6 blade in 1 is too leet and cool to be a weapon.

DarkMooN "The Soul Collector from Hell" Live Free, Die Well...Hail Sin~!!!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-19 21:54:50 (edited 2006-02-20 19:14:49)
Alexander Anderson's seemingly endless supply of Holy Bayonettes
Roy Mustang's Ignition Gloves (Fire Good.)
Any Gundam series really and Space Colony aimed for Earth

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-02-19 22:26:43
GunGrave's Guns, Side Heads of Cerberus.
Berserk's Sword.
GGX's Sol Badguy's blade.


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Xtreme-X on 2006-02-20 03:12:14
the RahXephon with it's ability to heal and re-tune the world.


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-02-20 04:15:16
spear of longinus.. ü

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