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Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-12 21:42:56
I'm going with the "wrist dart"

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Kai on 2005-07-12 21:57:46
Jakujou... I like that thing a lot.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by fruit on 2005-07-12 23:04:00
i would say the fuuma shuriken

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Rin on 2005-07-13 00:54:43
Goku's magical nyoi-bo stick XD.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-13 04:19:49
Saturn's glaive.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by darkscythe on 2005-07-13 05:18:21
ten commandments :D

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by arc on 2005-07-13 09:02:40
Inuyasha's Tetsaiga, and I also likd Sango's Hirakots(SP?)

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Rj on 2005-07-13 09:30:26
the gundams in gundam seed destiny lah!!!
esp the new improved and upgraded Freedom!!!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by jhnphm on 2005-07-13 10:31:17
Sizer's scythe.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by baka on 2005-07-13 17:32:25
beyond the grave's cerberos and the coffin from gungrave

trying is the first step towards failure

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by aramada on 2005-07-13 18:52:09
The Angel Arm

"I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but World War 4 will be fought with stones." ~ Albert Einstein

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by kawaii_ryu on 2005-07-13 22:14:49
there is
the Lance of Lognes

Do you Like anime ? I really love Anime ^^

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by smurfyy on 2005-07-13 23:29:05
vandread, in vandread dita's mecha, the one wit the rocket launcher beam thingy :P

There are times when a man must stand up. *washing dishes*

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Hime-sama on 2005-07-14 04:55:04
Longinus Spear in Evangelion

Ara soiga naku naran kara, chikara ga hitsuyou nano desu

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by THE WORLD on 2005-07-14 07:37:51
Bo-bobo's nose hair!!! lol

"If you want to be a man, be like Bo-bobo" - me

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-14 09:09:13
from bleach ,ichigo's big ass soul slayer, zangetsu


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Joe_Mello on 2005-07-14 19:30:47
Best weapon that no one's heard of:

From UFO Princess Valkyrie a ray-gun that turns innocent human females into catgirl maids.

No self-respecting otaku wouldn't trade anything less than their left nut for that.

Nyo! =^__^=

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Bernz on 2005-07-14 22:02:57
I like shows which have sword fightings so my fav anime weapon is the sword. Most of the time i prefer the normal japanese sword(katana) but other swords are ok for me too. For example, Kenshin's sword in Rurouni Kenshin, Tessaiga from Inuyasha, Haru's ten commandend from Rave MAster, and others.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-07-15 06:34:15
I dont like the Katana since its a short sword. My type is like the Masamune swords which are longer length. I like Kenshin's reversed blade even tho i like it even more when he turns it back so he has to kill. I kinda like Ichigo's Zangetsu which kinda looks like a giant kitchen knife? and I like the immortal blade Tensaiga which is Sesshomaru's weapon from Inuyasha bc he can never die wit that swrd wit him. O and from a kenshin episode there was this sword that can turn into a metal malleable whip thingy? well that was cool not sure if anyone seen it. can someone tell me wat its called i forgot.. O and i like from Yuyuhakusho that double spirit sword of Kuwabaras hehhe

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by 3ternal on 2005-07-15 08:57:23
Well to me i personally like swords like inuyasha's Tetsaiga and seshoumaru's Tokijin...but i also kindda attach to the beam saber from GSD like the "Lacerta" beam sabers..:P

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