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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-04 05:56:05
WHAT~?! Your fren fell in lub with the Kishin?? shinjiranai~~ XD He ish freaky. The scene of him and Eruko (the frog witch) screaming together sticks in my mind XD

I think the new characters are all weapons, specifically, thery're Death Scythes like Spirit, but I could be wrong. And Ragnarok.. it's not possible to split him from Chrona's body is it? I'm still not sure that it's actually 'human'.

The mangaka made a good decision to keep Medusa alive. She's been one of the main antagonists so far, and her skills are just awesome~~

*boink* *a bump appears from ~Engel Chopâ„¢~!* T_T
Here are the pics of Maka and Spirit from the convention I went to recently..

The other cosplay pictures that I took are here, if you're interested. There are also a few more, from another forumer, here.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-10-04 08:20:18
Hahah! THe way Steak says "And Medusa just won't die." sounds so funny (in a good way!!)

I found the part where Kishin and Eroko screaming together damn funny (though at first I nearly started screaming too... coz Kishin is soooo scary then. When he came back to life, I felt like I was watching a live action horror flim =_=|||). Don't ask me why... I've got a funny bone for strange stuff but indeed... I can't forget that scene either.

The Kishin she likes is the unwrapped kishin (when his "mask" got broken due to Shinigami sama's attack)... "Handsome!!!" she says~

*looks at picture* Hahah! Maka Chop!!! But the book is well... differnt from the anime. But a clearer pic of the book was only available 2 episodes ago so can't blame her =Þ

Btw BKno9, will you be going to the cosplay event (I dunno it's name) in Dec @ Sunway Paramid?

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-10-04 18:54:47
Ahaahhaha your comments make me want to spoil everythiiing ahahah /o/

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-04 20:02:26
LOL. I had the same reaction as you >_<; That part where the Kishin woke up and just started stretching and trying to 'fit' into that plasticky skin was like straight out of some horror movie XD

The background music helped make it tense too, and I had the volume loud with headphones on, when he started screaming I just got a SHOCK. Totally unexpected. But after that I rewinded and laughed at Kishin sama and Eruko XD

LOL, and of all the things to say (english translation) after being trapped for so long..
"I'm butt naked~! i gotta cover up.. it must be nice to be so macho"

Black*Star and Kiddo was really no match for him. One finger flick~!?!? Usooo~~

Dec @ Sunway Pyramid? That's Comic Fiesta, or just CF. Yup, I'm planning to go XD But just for piccies, though. I'm kinda too old for cosplay methinks XD Will you be visiting?

XD Well, try to restrain yourself with the spoilers. Spoilers from the anime I dun mind, since I know the chinese subs are a bit faster than the english ones. But no spoilers from the manga, please XD

Tadashi is up to 25, 26 should be up soon. Rumbel just released 24. I follow both now, one for watching and one for archiving. I think there are a couple of other speedsubbers but their translations/encodings weren't to my liking. Just a personal preference XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-10-07 18:49:35
Just a note, but the Wii game's wuite spoiler, there are characters that appear on the trailers that havn't appeared on the anime o-o

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-11 05:24:10
After a short break, it's getting exciting again XD I'm now at the part where it's Maka and Kurona vs The Golem. Downloading ep27 as I'm posting this XD

LOL. Even though Demon Sword is chibi now, he hasn't lost his defensive abilities.. still I wonder how his attacks are affected XD.

And err.. what's going to happen to Stein~???
Is it just me, or Bones' seem to be doing the animation much better than when the series first started?? I noticed it during Shinigami vs Kishin, and now with the Golem.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by blue on 2008-10-12 19:18:54
I now a soul eater fan. Thanks to the thread here. (I saw this thread and got interested, so I went n watch the series, It's really great!)

Currently on ep 15...

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-13 05:28:41
good to know we converted you into another soul eater fan XD

Update: watched 27.. Justin Law is awesome~! XD Phew.. the one deathscythe that I thought was the least interesting turned out to have some pretty cool moves, and one heck of a personality.. check out his improvised bike XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-10-13 15:18:34
He is auto-suficient hehehehe /o/

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-10-26 09:37:06
Hahah~ Blue! Is good to see you are a fan too now.

I'm quite surprise is only the same few of us posting in this thread...
HOW CAN ANYONE NOT WATCH SOUL EATER?!?! *performs a strange looking Maka angry face*

Hahaha! Bkno9~ You were in headphones when they (Eruko & Kishin) screamed?! hahahaha!!!! You ears must have hurt... since my did and I used speakers~~~ I love that line Kishin told the wolf guy (darn... I forgot his name) about how good it is to be macho~~~

It was so funny when Maka laid in the coffin with the rest of them ignoring her comments and Chorna gave her flowers so innocently~~~~ Love the revived (kawaii) Medusa too~~

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by ✿αℓιcɛ✿ on 2008-10-26 21:25:23
i don't know much - but It seem look interesting

Δ ƨσғт αиƨωɛя тʋяиɛтн αωαʏ ωяαтн

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by maka-chano0 on 2008-10-27 00:20:04 (edited 2008-10-27 00:21:18)
*i love soul's da best!!*

it's like i went 2 animania last month or something..with my friends..and it's like i was searching the whole place for anything in the least bit connected to soul eater..and guess what....
*i got neko chii ears but!!!!!! fluffy!!!!*
MAN!!!! i was soooooo pissed OFF......
it was as though soul eater doesn't exist at ALL!!!! SUPER FREAKY!!!
*but now...i have hard proof..that it is popular!!*
this just made my day!!
*skips off into the sunset with a huge smile plastered on face!!*


Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-10-27 22:55:12
how can people not know about it???(yea, i'm talking to some i noe=.=")
favourite character? the one whos got some things about "symmetry" - Death the KID!! just like how u could abadon some uba missoin just cuz the sky and the sun was in symmetry...HILARIOUS!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-10-28 15:07:07
I want Justin's Earphones ahahahh /o/

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-11-03 04:01:25
Hahahah~~ and how could someone be "writing" his name the whole time during a test just because is not symmetry or perfect enough?! That can only be ... Death The Kid!! Muhahah!

You guys should go listen to their Character Songs... They rock!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-11-08 06:10:33
Engel, you've got their character songs~!? Ii ne~~
*goes off to search for it*

New Medusa kawaii~? I don't like the way she *obtained* that body >_<; careful with the spoilers now XD

Where's everyone up to now? I just saw a very unhappy episode, where Medusa made contact with Chrona again. *Sigh* and just when i thought Chrona had finally grown some backbone. Poor Marie, poor Stein-kun.. And the next episode, 32 is going to feature Excalibur, going by the preview.
OHNOESSSS~! *stabs Excalibur multiple times*

And going by the seiyuu's comments, Soul Eater is going to be around 52 eps or so.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by Sigh we're old! on 2008-11-08 06:32:35
I think Excalibur is probably the best anime character ever in that anime. Excalibur~ Excalibur~ Oh, by the way, I dunno if it's just me. When I listen to the new OP and ED songs of Soul Eater I think...

ED 3 - Home Made Kazoku!?
OP 2 - The Brilliant Green!?

Maybe I'm just hallucinating.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-11-08 07:11:26
Noooo, the opening is Papermoon by Tommy Heavenly6 (I don't like her songs =/)
And the ed is by Diggy-MO

Well, when I finished watching the episode and it started "excalibuuuur, excalibuuuur" I just...

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-11-11 14:39:14
just watched the first episode...
It is one of those anime/manga that the anime is really better animated... man Maka's soul eater gets waaaay better with a manly voice to complite him XD


looking forawrd for the next episodes :'D

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-11-11 15:53:52
Wowowowow. Just watched episodes 26+27 today. Loved them!

I didn't like Justin at first, but after well, those two eps today, he's pretty awesome!

I think the wolfy's name was Free Engel. ")

Did you manage to pull off your Maka attire? There were quite a few SE 'players at the London con i went to in October. It was amazing!

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