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Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-03 22:39:14
does anyone read this manga? its turning into a anime next monday also :D

just seeing if theres any fans out there


Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-04 06:22:22 (edited 2008-04-04 06:25:29)
*a soon-to-be fan*
i'm adding this to my anime watch list simply because studio bones is animating this one!
i have no idea as to what the main genre of this anime is. i'm guessing its comedy with lots of action. i hope it turns out good...

about the manga, i'll check it out once the anime is over. bones has a habit of changing anime plots... -.-


saw the raw trailer! definitely interesting.... ^_^

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-04 06:34:49
I know this one too!!
>>I already saw the trailer and its really cool!!<<

Cant wait to see this one in action!!

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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-04 06:44:41
Hay I'm a Soul Eater fan~!
Been reading the manga for like ever +0+
Plus I saw the trailer too~ It looks so
awesome. Maybe I'd go see it once it comes

In the trailer Black Star kinda sounds like
Naruto O.o and Soul's voice sounds "too" cool
for him to have xD Just my opinions lol.

Who ever wants to see the trailer...

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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by cherrymikobandit on 2008-04-04 12:15:49 (edited 2008-04-04 12:16:09)
The trailer was pretty cool, so it's definately going on my list of 'must watch animes' this season.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-05 10:17:33
i heard their gonna show two versions of the anime XDD. it has a lot of ecchi moments, so their are going to show a version during the day, and then another one at night for the more "mature" XDD. i think they come on different nights


Re: Soul Eater
Link | by empoleon on 2008-04-05 19:22:07
omg they make Soul Eater anime x'3

one of my favorite manga +____+

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by ragnaroktsubame on 2008-04-06 22:18:00
OMG! Finally. I've read Soul eater until Chapter 21 or 22. Yahoo, I get to see it....

Love is wonderful,but Fate is cruel.....

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-07 04:03:04
already watched episode 1 and seems like this will
go smoothly
>>I just dont like the voice for the main actress<<

You can visit me there!!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-07 19:06:22
yea i just watched the first episode raw. action looks intense. i cant wait until gets to the special training part


Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-08 05:21:59
im not reading the manga yet but after the anime
ended, im planning to read this one xP

You can visit me there!!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by devil_bat on 2008-04-08 12:45:14
wonder how the characters will sound like....really hope they have good songs..

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-19 20:57:27
they have nice songs...! TM revolution sang the anime's OP. As usual, the song rocks!
The animation is unique... it reminds me of FLCL's and Gurren Lagann's animation.
It may look cartoon-ish but the animation did a nice job of heightening my interest in this anime.
The jokes are funny too. maka's dad is so funny.... haha..
The seiyuu lineup is okay except fro Maka's. I don't like her voice at all....
... lastly, Soul is cool!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-19 21:58:23
I second what Jaydel says :3
It's pretty interesting. Kinda seems like Bleach and D.Gray-Man mixed together with GL's animations

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by yat on 2008-04-20 08:34:53
i started out with the anime... and got to say, the anime is pretty hilarious. XDDD . and ive been reading the manga now, im at chapter 7. so far its quite good. :D

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-04-23 06:41:40
yep yep!!! and it's soooo hilarious... Black Star easily made me laugh in episode 2. Law of the Assassin! lol! he was pretty cool when he got serious in the end though...
Episode 3 is about death the kid... it seems like another interesting character... I like how unique the characters are.. I'm waiting for more!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by arina1992 on 2008-04-23 22:02:09
I love it. My favourite character is Death the Kid because he is funny. For the Weapon and Technician pairing, I like Maka and Soul Eater. They are so cool when they fight. Soul Eater rules!!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2008-04-24 10:26:39
Black STAR! is a moron but i like his pride for some reason. Is every episode about a different shinigami? cause i feel likes its gonna be a 12 episoder unless they have more characters somewhere.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by Night on 2008-04-25 07:53:17
I read a little bit of the manga, seems interesting and humorous. However, I don't think the voices in the anime fit the characters.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-04-27 10:51:53 (edited 2008-04-27 11:03:48)
from the OP and some previews i read the series focuses mainly on three pairings.. (correct me if I'm wrong)

- Maka x Soul
- Black*Star x Tsubaki
- Death the Kidd x his two lovely cowboy ladies (Patty and Liz)

all underdogs (IMO) in the academy, and I always root for the underdogs XD

I've never seen/read the manga.. so no expectations whatsoever, but the animation here is superb. I'll definitely continue following the series.

Somehow Maka's voice is kinda.. unique. XD Very rare to hear the lady protagonist voice sound so.. disenchanted?? so.."i dun give a f*** about anything" XD..lolz.. i sorta like it.. cos it's different.

I pity Tsubaki though.. she has it tough with Black*Star.. Death the Kidd is going to be really funny cos of his OCD moments >_<; Can't wait to see more of him and his two lovely ladies..

Just a question.. is Blair going to appear a lot in the series? I wonder how the majo-neko will fit into the whole thing O_o

Oh.. and if you're wondering about the uncut version.. there's really not much difference.. dun go expecting more in terms of violence and xxx (though the ecchi moments are going to plenty enough XD) from the first 2 episodes i saw what was different was just the break in the middle (some extra flashback footage) and the next episode preview at the end.

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