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Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-05 13:02:45
i have not given up on the project.
it has, however, been moved to the back burner.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by iorchi on 2006-10-07 21:05:04
can you given the part of genduo............

Nice to known every one in here ok

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-07 21:31:22

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Chi on 2006-10-18 08:59:39
Well what do you men by back burner and I mean are you working on something else other than this.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-18 09:24:42 (edited 2006-10-18 14:32:36)
am i working on something else?! i have a full time job, am taking one final class at college, have a girlfriend (most important of all), and have an administration-intensive website to run, which i additionally continue to improve (example: private message system added just this week). that leaves me zero time for "extra" projects (although they may be fun) on the side.

eventually, i will have finished all the work i have set out to accomplish on the website, at which time i will put some work, time permitting, into the MORPG (the Gendou City game).

i am actually impressed with the progress, the protocol and basic server were designed and mostly coded in one summer's free time. next summer, i will finish the server and work on the java client.

to finish an MORPG in 2 years is unbelievably fast.

if you think i am slow to release gendou city the game, recall how long Duke Nukem Forever has been under development!!!

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Chi on 2006-10-18 10:04:10
Hey I wasn't saying that you wheren't working on it but I just wantted to know what other things you where doing to make you not be able to work on the game.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-18 10:32:45
i am not working on it. i stopped. i will start again when i have time :)

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Chi on 2006-10-18 10:44:58
Hey it's fine with me as long as you get it done sometime in the future.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Lulu on 2006-10-18 11:02:41 (edited 2006-10-18 11:16:53)
Yes,finish an MORPG in two years,that's fast.I agree with the ideas given by all the people in the previous pages.That's awesome.Indeed,I'm a gamer too.

    Here's my idea:
  • Players can PKing with each other,of course,with the permission from another player.
  • Players can enhance their weapon by using certain metals or stones,something like that.
  • Players can kill the player from different races to gain fame :P

That's all and I wonder are they useful or not? Just suggesting,lol :P


*wheren't/where/wantted should be weren't/were/wanted :P

EDIT: Gambatte for Mr.Gendou,hope it'll be finished soon xD

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Chi on 2006-10-18 11:05:50
Hey I was just wondering what was way more important than building a game.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-18 11:33:22
girlfriend, school, work, website coding, uploading songs, sleep, in that order.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2006-10-18 12:54:43
^_^ GF comes first, good to hear.


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Sagara on 2006-10-27 08:11:28
2 years is fast for making a game.I know you have other things to do so no pressure Gendou.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-10-28 17:31:42
Ora... I really hope there is an alchemist class... anyways, I have finaly gone through this sticky (I usually ignore them uless they are the rules) and I just want to say good luck and do your best Gendou-sama. There is no rush (like there is any game more late than Duke Nukem Forever... one game magazine said it shall be realesed in 2999.... more than that in my opinion...) and pressure to go through this fast. Just take your time making all the scipts perfect and stuff. One game I know that was released took 2 years and was full of bugs, it was a rush job by preasure anyways... so just do what you must do, everyone has life outside the confines of the computer, even you, Gendou-sama, so I understand.....


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by cire_aksaer on 2006-10-29 15:39:14
sounds cool maybe one day it will end up like THE WORLD on .hack/. in a good way not total twilight.

swallow your pain; feel your sorrow; close your eyes and see tomorrow; death is just a sensation you feel; if you don't believe than its not real.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-10-29 16:20:19
.... hnnn.... Interesting Idea but I do not think the file size is going to be that big..... but it shall be interesting if it will going to be like .hack......


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-10-29 16:35:00
Uhm, well Gendou, do you know someone who is good at programming like you? Maybe, they can get the basics going, so you can have to easier stuff to work with. I am not sure how to program so if I sound like a noob with what I am saying, it is because I am a noob.

goodluck. Is this a sorta Runescape thing? That is a popular idea, but with some added bonuses it could be better.


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-29 16:53:38 (edited 2006-10-29 16:54:17)
I have not played runescape.

yes, i know lots of programmers.
however, this is my project and i don't plan on outsourcing any of the work, with the exception of media like images/sounds/etc.

i have actually done a bit of tinkering on the project today.
maybe soon i will get to some more milestones in the client, and release a test alpha (with barely any features except connect, chat, fight).

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by on 2006-10-29 17:06:03 (edited 2006-10-29 17:06:59)
"I have not played runescape."

You don't want to, I see my friends brother playing it. It's basically a bad PS1 looking MMORPG that moves slower than frozen molasses moving up hill. Go into a town and it's like rats, people are running around all over the place.


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by SinWeaver on 2006-10-29 18:21:51 (edited 2006-10-29 18:27:06)
Hole in one, DarkSammurai-san. I created a account there, first time playing it, I stopped. It sucked sooooo bad. It is only for those poor souls who have not been exposed to good gameplay. And little kids. It is a wonder that some people actually PAY to get access to certain areas. Gendou-sama, to save your soul and sanity, Do NOT even play it... I beg you....


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