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Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-07-19 22:49:50
@Engel: haha, I may have Audacity now, but I need to figure how to use it and I need a mic. I also don't feel like getting a mic here while I am on vacation cause then I have to package it with my luggage and well theres not enough room. :P
So its gonna be a while and plus I need to build up enough courage.
I am usually nervous about putting up things that are viewed by others. T_T

Ummm... songs about being single.....clueless.
How about Alones by Aqua Timez? (suggestion)

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-07-20 07:34:19
alones is ok.. i already heard it..

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-07-21 06:50:10
there is a song by Green day called "Nice guys finish last"
It would be great to get a karaoke version of that and sing it XD
altough is rather imposible >_<

soemday maybe. :S

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-07-21 18:28:27
Summary of theme songs recommended...

- Yuri the only one for me (leetstreet boys) <-- names sounds so wrong... hahaha! And are they like a sub-group of
BackStreet Boys? =p
- Alones (by Aqua Timez) <-- the name of the song make it... kinda sad...though in a way is true
- Nice guys finish last (Green Day)<-- I guess now I know where DN's Quote came from! heee

Keep those comments rolling in~~ and what ever happen to "chat"?

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-21 20:33:26
"Alones" from Aqua Timez as a theme song? I haven't sung it in a while. :P


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-07-21 20:42:24
I just listened to it recently and thought about it.
It worked for a Bleach opening.
It might work for a Singles Club theme song. Maybe.....

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-07-21 20:53:37
3 pages had passed since my last post!

you dont see this much activity in the forums anymore (well except the pinoy thread hahaha)

its good to see that this thread is very active!hahaha

@syrel yeah im single too!Hahahaha been here since the first page!ahahahaha

@DN nice dragons finish last? but aren't you gendou married to pame?

@engel wow you really like blurry eyes!hahaha
i think i heard you sang that song on the karaoke thread..nice indeed!keep em coming ^_^

single club theme song...hmmmm
alonez could work!hahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-07-21 23:53:21
Hahaha... I like blurry eyes because I'm blur~ =X

GMeis:: which is the song you listen recently and think is suitable for the theme song?

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-21 23:55:07
Oh, if Blurry Eyes is a choice, I'd vote for it. XD


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-07-22 00:43:27
Hahahah!!! DA really love Laraku... ok... I'll include it as a choice first then we'll see if it'll get enough votes to go through~

The members of Single's club are all blur, having blurring eyes when looking for their better half... thats why we are all in Single's club <-- trying hard to make it fit the theme!

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-22 00:49:48
It has to be a cheerful song though, haha.
I think "flower" would be better than "Blurry Eyes". :3


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-07-22 03:50:05
Flower it shall be then! Though I can't remember how Flower sounds like... I have bad memories with names and such~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-07-22 06:07:16 (edited 2008-07-22 06:07:34)
I don't know the other two songs to be honest, but if you look on youtube they have a video for the one I recommended. I just thought it was a funny enough happy-doo-da song about being nerds with only a passing interest in dating to fit.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-07-22 09:47:40
@Engel: I recommended Alones by Aqua Timez. Just a suggestion.

@Haxor: I haven't heard of either of these 2 song either.

I guess I will try to youtube these songs.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-22 16:58:55
If a lot of people could do it t hough it might be kinda difficult,
we should have like some multiple version song like Happy Material (MSN) or something. XD

[@Engel] "flower"'s meaning is about finding love, or it's about someone.
There's a video with English subs on YouTube if you can find it if you wanna see for yourself.
Not saying this should be our theme song, but it does fit in with our "theme" as singles. :3

Plus I love the song... ( ̄▽ ̄)


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-07-22 18:28:52
Listening to all the songs now~~

"Yuri the only one for me" is a strange song... hahah!!

Arh... so "Alone" is a Bleach song... hahaha!

"Nice guys finish last" is a nice song too though ther MV is strange... hahaha!!

@DA:: Watched the video!!! hahahah!!! Hyde & Tetsu are so cute when they can't dance! hahahah!

Summary of theme songs recommended...

- Yuri the only one for me (leetstreet boys)
- Alones (Aqua Timez)
- Nice guys finish last (Green Day)
- Flower (Laraku)

GMeis: No prob... "Alone" is in as recommanded song. We'll do a voting when we see more activist~

Suddenly I realise something.... am I the only girl in the club? XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-22 21:01:04
Yeah, their 90s era was pretty much that type of energy. XD
What are the meanings of the other songs?
Alones from Bleach gives me a sad mood, "Alones"... ^-^"

Also... I think you are the only girl, around here lately. O.o`


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-07-22 21:08:17
I thought Alones was sad too, but it was the first thing that popped into the Gundams mind. :)

I think DA is right, I think Engel might be the only girl, around here lately.

I will try to think up another song; One that is not so sad.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-07-22 21:30:25 (edited 2008-07-22 21:31:06)
We could just do something classic like the Hare Hare Yukai.

After all, the whole song IS just about running around having fun, and not necessarily about serious relationships at all...

Plus I'm sure every soul here knows it front to back, inside and out, by now...

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-22 21:35:20
Yeah, a multiple version song could be nice.
Did you ever hear the other versions, Haxor?


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