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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-02 10:30:23
LOL engel, I know what you mean. I think my frens would freak out if they saw me cosplaying. It's somewhat beyond me now T_T Go for it~! Take lots of piccies~! XD

Rumbel really bucked up over the week. They're up to 19 now, just 2 behind Tadashi XD

Some observations over the last few episodes:

~So that's why maka can't see shinigami sama's soul. They were all in it.
~Damn.. black*star actually looks pretty cool when he's dead serious. Check out his pose at 11:16 of ep19.
~WOOOT~~Blair chan kick a**~!
~I thought someone mentioned Chrona's a guy.. somehow Rumbel keeps referring to Chrona in their subs as a 'her'.
~LOL at Chrona trying to make a snarl at Black*Star XD
~I'd probably for vote Sid and Nygus as coolest technician-weapon pair.
~Stein takes off his glasses~ And shows Medusa no mercy. Ouch~~ >_<

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-03 06:21:29
Actually about Chrona... I'm still not too sure if he/she's a he or a she... cause in the online chinese manga I read, Medusa referred to chrona as "my son" but in the anime... is just "my child"... However... after watching episode 21 ~ 22... I'm even more unsure of chrona's gender.... but... but... kawaii!!!!!!!! (:Þ no spoilers for ya~)

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-03 07:21:08
I'm at 19 now. So, Chrona's still being featured at 21 eh? Does that mean Maka vs Chrona ish still ongoing? O_O

Also, the one they call the Devil Sword, Chrona's weapon. Ish that guy even human? It's really an excellent twist that Shibusen students, who are made up of technicians and weapons are fighting 'one of their own', but a much much stronger one, since the Devil Sword has already eaten so many human souls. Those on the ship, and very early on in the church. And who knows how many before that.

That much already~~?! How many souls must a weapon consume before he/she turns into a Kishin?

The First Kishin ish scary~~~

And I'm still very much wondering what part the black blood and the devil in Soul's dreams are gonna play.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by H on 2008-09-04 04:35:58
have just read the manga, haven't watched the anime

I'm safe to say that soul eater is one of the best series I've read this far... I'm curious if the mangaka draws his idea from a RP because its character development is just friggin brilliant, the mangaka didn't have a problem handling 3 main characters and developing them well along the supporting cast.... pure genius...

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-04 04:47:33
Whahaha!! BKno9... I recommand you wait till episode 20 and 21 are out before watching... if not... you'll be freaking out at where you'll have to stop after watching episode 20 (and have to wait a week for episode 21~)...

I wonder how much souls much kishin eat to become kishin indeed... maybe.. 1000? (since the normal weapons have to eat 100?)

And you'll definately see more of the black blood little devil (ok... I named him that but anyway~~) and what it is capable of doing soon enough~

Yes H! I read the manga too but stopped at Volume 5... cause... too much spoilers for the anime... But i realise that the anime differs from the manga slightly...not in terms of storyline but rather... timing. I just noticed that in ep 21/22...

And indeed... the mangaka is a genius to be able to develope all 3+4 main characters so well~~ The supporting chara too had lotsa room to present themselves are were not thrown to one corner like what we see in most stories~ Even Maka's otoosan and Blair had much screen time~~

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-05 03:45:09
Yup, I really dun mind all those 15 or so episodes for the introduction of the characters, cos it goes really in-depth and you get to know each of them and their background.

Except for those 2 Excalibur episodes. Unless he features prominently later on, those 2 were really such a waste of time. The main characters find him annoying, he annoyed ME even.

No worries, I'm kinda new to Rumbel, but I can sorta grasp that they also dislike sudden cliffhangers, so I'm guessing they will wait a bit and release those 2 (20&21) together.

Black blood little devil. XD Yesh. That shall be his name, since he's still unnamed in the anime.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-05 09:20:51
Yeah! I hated the Excalibur episodes too... the 1st one was still somewhat acceptable (since it was the 1st of it's kind) but the 2nd one was just.... too much. I guess it was like a buffer episode (like how Naruto and Bleach got these extra stories inbetween the main stories while waiting for the manga to catch up?) since the 2nd Excalibur episode is not part of the original manga...

My friend couldn't take it till she stopped the episode just after 5 minutes... me and my other friend (who was watching the show at my place) endured throughout the whole episode and end up telling each other...
"we are strong too... since we managed to endure his 1 episode full of waste of time stuff"~ muhahah!!

Yeah! I get to name the little devil~

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-07 05:45:35
So the 2nd episode wasn't in the original manga after all~? So then what about the Excalibur's history about being the 'actual' Excalibur associated with King Arther and all~? Well, King Arthur wasn't specifically mentioned in his flashbacks, but there was that one scene of knights at a round table.

Yeshu.. we are strong X3. It was painful T_T But we endure it. I dunno if i can go thru another one of those episodes again.

Finally, I've given in to the temptations. I've decided to d/l Tadashi fansubs for souleater to keep up. And then rewatch and archive Rumbel's version when they come out. Part of the reason for this is because Tadashi only has the HD version (think he's asking someone to redo the earlier eps in SD) and my pc couldn't play it that well previously.

I sorta regret not taking your advice Engel T_T I watched ep20 before I finshed d/l ep21.... The files are BIG.. it takes almost 4 hours to finish one ep compared to the avi which normally takes 1.5 to 2 hours max. Gahh... even though it's not the 'wait-one-week' torture, still.. T_T

So, yeah. I watched 20 this morning, then I had to go out.. and left it to download the rest up to 22.

MAKA ROCKS~!!! I never knew she could punch like that. That looked really painful O_O. And err.. Chrona actually looks more like a girl, by the way that Medusa dressed him/her up as a child. Kawaiiiii~~~.

And at the end of 20. WOW is all I can say. Come to think about it, Patty's been known to laugh hysterically like crazy Maka from time to time. Hmmmmm...

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-07 06:25:25
About Excalibur and King Arthur... I can't remember if it's in the anime (need to purge that 2 episodes out of mind asap or bad memories will remain) but I remember knowing it (so is either from anime/manga... probably the latter) that Excalibur was once held by King Arthur and thus he was able to gain enormous power... or perhaps they just mentioned a "King" and due to strange brain works... Excalibur automatically gets associated with King Arthur~ >_<

NOOOOOOO!!!!! Another episode of such maddness and I will perish!~~~~~

Hahahah~~~~ Maka always rocks~! And I believe she has some secret abilities/etc to be revealed later~~ Go watch episode 21/22 and you'll see. It has something to do with the black blood~~

21 is really nice!! Go catch it quick!! More of kawaii Chrona is waiting for you~~~

Hmm... in otherwords, Patty won't need black blood to become kishin... she can be one anytime? With her hysterical laughter? Muhahah!!! But Patty can be pretty scary in episode 22~~~~ just for a short moment though~ >_<

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-09-09 13:59:30
Ahahahaha about Maka's stuff with black blood, it's kinda revealed in ep 22 but in the later manga chapters it was kinda more real thing.

So I guess they've made Excalibur very well. It's meant to ba an really annoing char and it IS! Omg, how can someone be so annoing and still get 2 full chapters like that? hahahaha
I though Stein woul get Excalibur in some parts, but I guess he couldn't... why? well, you'll realize soon ahahah

About the anime, I think that they've made the battle action very well, omfg it's hard to see movements go so fast and fluid, I've been watching some other anime and other cartoons, and they seem to be moving more and more hardly. But Soul Eater no, it's fast action, the way I like it ahahah

And if Chrona is a boy or a girl, I guess in anime chap 22 they gave a clue, well, in the manga is clearer, at least to me...

Ahahah you named the red demon like that? I had given the name of "insanity doorkeeper" hahahah

Oh, I luv Maka, but Jackeline is so cool, even though she didn't make her appearance in the anime, yet...

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-12 04:58:13
I've watched 21 & 22 for 3-4 days back now so I suppose this reply of mine comes a bit late XD Ep 21 in particular was just so awesome. And in more ways than one.

Now where do I start~? Off the top of my head..

Little Chrona ish really kawaii~!! Even more than little Maka (*gets shot by Engel*). Ep 21 in particular had darker undertones than usual, but I seriously was engrossed with Little Chrona talking to (ermm.. i'm leaning towards Chrona being a 'her') her shadow.

I got a bit of a shiver at certain parts, when shadow asked Chrona whether she was asking herself questions/talking to herself in order to maintain her sanity. And again when the shadow saying "You think you have split personality?!" Which goes to show that Chrona-in-reality is already insane bcos of the black blood, but there was still that little 'normal' part of her that remained from before she killed 'the little one'.

LOL~! Maka chomping down on Chrona, and then licking the bite marks XDDD I rewinded that part so many times, I hurt my stomach from laughing too much >_<;

WOOT~! Blair goes "SMASHING PUMPKIN~!" (wait..isn't that the name of a now defunct band??" And then you guys know what happened when Blair-chan faces off with er.. mouse-witch? XD

And at the end of 21.. somehow Maka has a book on her >_<; I'm trying to figure out where she's hiding it. Oh yes.. I suppose in the infamous 'hammer space' that all anime girls have XD And finally, the ED for 21. I heart it lots~!! That was a nice surprise XD

Did they give a clue in 22? The only thing I can think of is perverted Demon Sword >_> But it's still very ambiguous.. there was no hint of anything at all in the anime X3. Maka's hidden powarr.. it was mentioned by the black blood little devil XD But that name doesn't tell us what kind of power it is..

Black*Star finally shows us what he's capable of~! I can't wait to see how he'll fare against that werewolf guy (gah~!! i'm so bad with names) in the flesh XD Yikes~!!! The Kishin ish really really scary T_T

Engel.. how's your Maka costume coming along? XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-12 07:16:23
Ah~ So Shinsei is catching the manga... I've stopped at Volume 5 when I got to know that the anime was going to be released but I guess Ep 22 makes me think that Chrona is a "She"...

*shoots Bkno9* but ya... you are right. Chrona is much cuter when he/she is young... Her shadow looked so sad when Chrona "pass" on #42 question... I felt the sadness too.

Is sure funny to see how maka went crazy and chew on Chrona... is so not her (and of course is not... is black blood at work~)... But I love the part where Maka sat infront of Chrona and slowly lift her hand to do a "Maka Chop" to Chrona~~~~~ >_<

It seems that my costume has arrived and I'll get to collect it tomorrow~~~ I wonder how it is like.
Now... I'm left with the boots and the hair (I gave up on the scythe already~ I'll go with Maka Chop instead)~~~ and of course the green contacts~

I'm at 23 already~~~ gahhh!!! 24 come quick!!!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-09-12 16:48:07
23 was insanely cool, but kinda disgusting somehow, too much blood and thing flying... XD

Well, for the "clue" I have, I don't quite remember now if they've put that in anime, but in manga Ragnarok pulls Makas' skirt too, so I don't think he's gay, so as he is trying to push Chrona I've just got to the conclusion that Chrona is a girl. lol

Oh yeah, for those who said that Chrona's chest is too straight... Well, there's that frog witch, and that one's, with no doubts, a girl hahahahahahahahah!

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-13 07:12:19
LOL. No, I'd definitely remember it if Ragnarok pulled at Maka's skirt. Still, that doesn't really say much.. I'm still wondering here whether Ragnarok ish human at all XD Maybe he was just a 'product' of Medusa's experiments.

I watched 23 XD There's someone actually faster than Tadashi, but some comments were made that the subs weren't that accurate. Oh well, I'm still archiving Rumbel's.

Disgusting, Shinsei? XD You should watch Claymore. You'd get plenty of that.. and in every episode too XD It's the bomb. I'm still waiting for more of Clare, if they ever do a season 2 of Claymore.

LOL. Quote:Oh yeah, for those who said that Chrona's chest is too straight... Well, there's that~~ <--- Now reading up to here I was almost sure you were gonna say Maka XD Are you afraid of Engel~? XD I sense much fear in joooooo XD

Is SE slated to be for 26 or 52 eps?

BIG Spoiler for 23. Highlight below to read:
Medusa~~ Imma gonna mish you so much. You were pretty cool for a witch, loved the way you used your snake tail for maneuvering around.. *sigh* I was half expecting her to say something after it was all over and she lay on the ground.
Damn~! And after all that, HE got revived. What was that golden light that came out from B*S just before he cut the syringe/pillar? Where's mu B*S vs Mr Wolverine scene~?? I have a bad feeling that HE is gonna kill Mr Wolverine and the toad witch next.. just cos he's hungry >_<;

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-09-13 14:38:11
NAh, Maka's Straight, but she's young, I guess that Eruko's older, but still... ahahah

Actually I do know what ragnarok really is, but I'm not telling yet. And I still say it's a male perv behavior he has, so as he pulls Chrona's clothes, for me it's because it's a girl XD

For your spoilers I won't say anything
But from the state of the manga I guess it's gonna be pretty long y'know?

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-13 21:27:37 (edited 2008-09-30 10:28:20)
Hahaha!!!! Please don't be afraid of me... I won't bite... I promise.... Unless I get some black blood then I wouldn't know~ =Þ

Chrona does seem closer to a girl but I still would like to hear the official result from the anime~~~

Hmm... I'm quite surprise that Medusa just laid there too... but then Bkno9... I've got spoilers for ya~
highlight below to see...
Medusa is not dead yet~ At least in manga she's not...

And I really hope for it to ba at least a 52... I won't mind if is longer than that as long as no more Excalibur only episodes and hopefully no lousy fillers (good fillers I don't mind but so far, haven't came across any good ones yet).

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-09-29 07:06:04
*bump* *imitates Maka* Gaoooooo~~ XD

I'm at ep25. Well, more or less the first story arc is over, what with the resurrection of the Kishin.

Seriously, Shinigami sama is uber powerful. I half expected him to pull out his old mask that was shown in a flashback earlier. Shinigami chop~!!! followed by Engel's Maka chop~!! XD

I just came back from a game and anime convention last weekend, there was a Maka and Spirit pair there. Check the Malaysian's thread later, I'll be posting up some piccies there. I thought she did the costume quite well, and she used a book as well XD

Hmm.. Medusa really isn't dead.. I have mixed feelings about her.. she's one powerful majo indeed.

Ep25 is pretty easy to watch, it's a good change after the previous tension-filled episodes. New characters~! XD Justin (the priest guy) is still not very well fleshed out yet.

And now.. I can't wait to see how Chrona will do in the 'test'. I really feel for her... hope she can make some friends and finally be happy for once.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-09-30 10:31:57
Hee~ Indeed Shinigami sama is uber powerful... and my friend fell in love with Kishin... saying he's handsome and all...though I still think he's pretty freaky!

*Engel Chop~~~*

Hee... Bkno9 should make a link here to the pics there *boinks Bkno9*

Oh!! No worries... medusa will be back... better than ever... muhahaha!!!!

I so wanna see more about the new charas but I'm confused... are they all weapons? or meisters?

And I wanna see Chrona happy too... I wonder how a happy Ragnorok will look like~ o.o

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2008-09-30 12:02:04
I wanna see new Death Scythes ahahah /o/
And the new characters... oops no spoiling here ahaha
But Ox and Harvar will be quite active from now on ahahaha /o/

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by streakofvengeance on 2008-10-03 00:08:51
I love soul eater. The concept and the art are both very unique. Death the Kid rocks. His OCD moments are hilarious and Patty made him cry! Lol xDD
Haven't read the manga but going to soon cause I want to find out what happens to Stein. And Medusa just won't die!


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