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Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by avatar shana on 2008-06-16 08:53:43
Lulu lost to Xing ke in tac tics!!!???? what the hell!??

Kallen is captured by the chinese fed??? what will happen!!?? what will happen!!??



Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by on 2008-06-16 15:20:39
Really?! a new OP by FLOW? I'm looking forward to it. Colors was very nice song.

I agree that this episode had so much action! it's so nerve-racking... i was so restless and anxious to see the outcome of the battle. in the end, it's another cliffhanger. :/ ....the action will have to continue on episode 11 with three opposing forces out to battle- Schneizel's, Xing ke's and Zero's. I have a feeling that Xing ke and Zero will team up with each other. Can't wait to see more knight of rounds action next week.

i was expecting Orange-kun to show up but he didn't... They did show him in the preview for next week's episode though.

The episode ended with Lelouch's double answering the phone back at Ashford Academy... I wonder what this means...

...kallen's a little jealous of Lulu and C.C.... haha! XD

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by avatar shana on 2008-06-16 22:07:50
I also wonder, why there r two lulus at the same time?? a twin?
another cliffhanger....but that what makes code geass R2 worth watching. YEAHHHH!!!!!


Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by Okita Souji on 2008-06-16 23:55:27 (edited 2008-06-16 23:57:05)
the most logical guess would probably be that the one at the academy right is is Roro, since he didn't go along with Lelouch, but that's to be determined...
Hopefully Zero can get Xing-Ke on his side~

@jaydel hasn't kallen always been a bit jealous of "Zero" and C.C.? It seems to me that she's a bit more draw to "Lelouch" now too tho.

拂長劍,寄白雲,一生一愛一瓢飲; 舞秋月,佾江風,也是疏狂也任真。

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-06-17 14:27:34
Episode ten was very exciting and action-packed.
It seems Zero has not given up hope, as we know he never does,
but I'm wondering how long he can keep this up by himself.
He's battling against numerous enemies who are very high ranked in power and skill.
I'm waiting for some allies to help Zero out, but haven't seen any yet.

Too bad they captured Kallen. And in this episode, we saw some connection with her towards Lelouch, too.
It could be feelings starting to open up for him, or maybe something else.
The way she was laying in her Knightmare, was hot. She's too hot to handle. Too, hot...

Can't wait for the next episode.


Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-06-17 15:57:28
Yeah alot of action.. But I'm SAD!
Lelouch lost.. and Baddly!
ok it was to the super kawaii Xing ke but... >w<

And yeash alot of mistery this time! Like who is going to stay with lelouch!?! [OMG rofl] or the pictures that the round girl has... shE has a picture of LELOUCH AND C.C. omg... and what a stalker she even has a picture of the litlle Lelouch XD

Plus there is that annoying soldier that asked to Zero about a big post... Hell i smell betray on him +_+

Orange-kun will enter in action in the next chap... And i'm with DA... Gosh Lelouch is losting in friendst o help him out ; 3;

I really wish a happy ending in this anime D:

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by Uryuu on 2008-06-19 08:03:51
Well, such anime,mostly is prone to have a bad ending...(oe a good one in a different perspective), might be just like DNote.. :/

" I live so that my feelings will reach you.."

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by on 2008-06-22 14:40:03
Just watched episode 11! Kyah, so much action still! Well, for about half the episode. ^o^'

I could not take my eyes away from my laptop screen. There were so many things going on so I had to pay attention. O_o


I'm glad Xing-ke and Zero are finally working together now, as expected. >w< And wow! That new Knightmare frame is awesome looking! The controls fit Lelouch perfectly. No button mashing or anything, just an electronic keyboard. :3 Oh yeah, I thought Sayoko was with Zero the entire time...but it turns out she wasn't. ^w^'

Hehe, power of our hearts... OwO

Next episode looks a little boring. Don't get me wrong, I think the school-time filler episodes are funny, but I want suspence and action! >o<

*END SPOILER* (you can look now :D)

I wonder when the new opening and ending will air...hopefully next week. I was hoping it would start with this episode though ToT (I love FLOW too much XD)

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by on 2008-06-22 23:55:38
watched the episode a little late because my sister kept the computer to herself >_<

Anyway, omg omg omg!!!! kallen was turned over by the Eunuch to Schneizel's side! this is bad... really bad... If they'll figure out how gurren's system works, they could use that technology to their advantage and make more powerful knightmares. o.O

Again, there's plenty of action. I like Zino the most. He pilots his Tristan very well and fights skillfully while keeping his head cool. Lelouch's new Knightmare (forgot the name *_*) is the center of attraction in this episode though. Such a kick ass power. o.O

Another big jaw drop would be C.C! This is her sexiest look ever... *dies from nosebleed* Really, the fanservice is killing me. Though CC looked the hottest in this episode, Kallen and Shirley will not lose in this fanservice game. kallen looked sexy wearing that white uniform similar to C.C's and Shirley putting on a new unfirom was hot. gah~!

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by avatar shana on 2008-06-23 09:22:10



Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by on 2008-06-23 16:15:22
It's nice to see more action and intensity into R2. And best of all it looks like Zero is winning! So pleased ^_^. He finally got Xing-ke and the Chinese federation onto his side. But noooooo.....why is Kallen still kidnapped?! Especially, now that she is under the Knights of Round it will be much harder to save her.

I am really starting to like Kaguya's character. Her confrontation with Suzaku in Eps. 9 was hilarious XD. She even called him by his last name 0_0. It is also nice to see C.C. play a more prominent scene in eps. 11.

Now I am questioning what is Anya's background after her contact with C.C. Does she know the truth about Lelouch?

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by cin425 on 2008-06-23 17:14:19
Code Geass has the best cliffhangers ever.
I was really proud of Lelouch. I like it when he acts sentimental.
Sayoko is really loyal...o_O and Rollo is acting like a...little puppy? That's the best way to describe it for me..
I loved watching C.C. fight. They need to show her more often.

The most interesting thing to me was the Anya and C.C. event. Anya seems to have known Lelouch.
Does anyone know the story behind the name of Anya's knightmare, Mordred? In case you don't, Mordred is considered a traitor in Arthurian legend. It'd be cool if Anya does betray Britannia...but Mordred also dies...
Actually, the knights of round that we have seen so far all have their knightmares named after actual knights of the round table. Lancelot, Tristan, Mordred...

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by siopao on 2008-06-24 07:31:59
yeap i also noticed it too,about their names..

arghhhh! i love CC! hahahaha!

When we meet again, tell me all the happiest memories you experienced from this life.

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by Adyen on 2008-06-24 07:35:34
If anyone else having problems watching ep10? I think it might be a problem with my codex, but all I get is an flipped upside-down image...

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by siopao on 2008-06-24 07:40:03
all of the sites i use for video streaming sites are all veoh linked..
maybe you should try it.

When we meet again, tell me all the happiest memories you experienced from this life.

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-06-24 12:48:35
nope no problems at all~

Hmmm How I love Code Geass XD
Oi Serious like Cin Said This anime has the best hangcliffs ever!
I don't get enough of it!

And Xing-ke Is in Zero's side!

Plus Gino Is in the School! OMG How Awesome!
in the end Anya is younger them they! I didn't know that!
Anya is a mystery... Thoose memories... And Photos... And her Nightmare name!

Bad point is Kallen arrestment D:
God! Lelouch! Go save her!

nyu I want monday get her sooner D:

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-06-29 01:26:54
Ugh, I wanna see 12 soon. I hate waiting, haha.
But Zero needs to find reinforcements, too.
His #1 pilot is kidnapped, he doesn't really have any allies anymore that can help him...

But knowing Zero, and Code Geass, something is bound to happen.
This season is so much better than last season.

Speaking of last season, I was watching the dub tonight on Adult Swim.
I'm pretty positive that the person dubbing Lelouch is also the same person dubbing Ichigo in Bleach.
That must be a tough job. Doing both at once, two different styles of dialog. Bravo to you. :3

I hope Zero or someone comes and takes out the Numbers. God they're kinda annoying.
Like a cool group of soldiers, just under the power of the wrong side. D:


Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by on 2008-06-29 01:35:47 (edited 2008-06-29 01:36:28)
already watched ep 12 and wtf..
Episode 12 [SPOILER]

You can visit me there!!

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by slug on 2008-06-29 06:55:59
*aaah spoiler*

I lol'd at leaplouch though. Cracked me up more than anything.

Orange-kun REEEAAALLLY needs to die. Like now. Seriously. It can be a plot hole or something; he just appears dead in the next episode for unknown reasons.

*k done w/spoiler*

Re: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-06-29 17:05:03
Hmm, I'll split episode 12 in half.
First off, I loved this episode, for obvious reasons.
The whole Cupid Day's event was not for Milly, well sort of, unintentionally,
but it was basically to get Lelouch and Shirley together once and for all.
I was surprised at the beginning there was two Lelouches,
I guess only those who know him well, like Shirley for instance would tell the difference.
Lelouch is truly a ladies man. I think V.V. even blushed when Sayoko mentioned she should take part in the event.

This was more like some OVA special, except for the ending.
Zero really wasn't around, except for a few business affairs in the beginning of the episode.
At least Lelouch has Rolo to help him, but yet again in the ending someone else comes to go against Lelouch and Zero.

Not a surprise to see Orange-kun and Princess Cornelia again.
I didn't even see the next episode's preview, but I wonder what'll happen now.


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