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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-11-04 11:53:26
Thou shalt past or paste?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-11-04 16:49:09
Oh believe me I am not giving up so easily. As I said before, f***ers like this s*** on me all the time. So I endeavor to prove them wrong, which is probably why they hate me and constantly block my way. So I guess I perpetuate the cycle of arrogance. To not let me compete has been a very big blow to me. Competition is something that levels me off and keeps me such a calm guy =D. I may get a little more confrontational in the future because I can't release my stress, confusion, and rage in any other way. I am gonig to try and focus that towards recovery but it will most likely injure me even more. I have a hard time gonig anythnig less that 110%. My ankle doesn't bend properly and because of my weight loss, I do not have the strength to support it. My back is also out of whack because of the surgery. I have to start at square 1 again and as much as I hate it, it will take a very long time to get back to even 25% of what I lost. You don't just lose 60lbs of mass and expect to gain it back in even a full year. Though I'd be happy weighing even 185lbs. again.
My word is my bond, mark them well; The ceiling is only there to test the will of those beneath it. There will come a day when all the naysayers will strain their necks to catch a glimpse of the heights I have achieved.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-11-05 00:09:05 (edited 2006-11-05 00:10:01)
@wolf i simpathize (right spelling?) with you man...if you wanna prove them wrong then prove it! heal up then get back on what you do best...sometimes we have to play by the rules of others some..... play along...suck it up and do your best to heal then show them what your capable of! go wolf go!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-05 07:53:05
See wolf.
See wolf run.
See wolf run in the sun.
See wolf run in the sun whilst beating down men in white jakets telling him he's not allowed or should even be capable of running in the sun.

Paste, I'm sure of it.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-11-05 17:50:21
my PSP shattered,
im sick,
my dad yelled at me,
my mom yelled at me,
my friends are jerks,

and yet...

my first date was awesome! it was so worth it!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-06 18:06:20
Wow, I have to say that if I didn't know it was you I'd swear you were someone else orther than the nightmare from a few months ago. Glad to hear that date of your went well, hope it leads to a few more.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-07 13:51:01
I just got so depressed....I hate it when it ruins my whole day..
I just watched Macross Flashback, and it made me sad...I remember when i watched it for the first time...I was really really young...I was in my country with all my friends...(BUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) i MISS THEM SO MUCH...i want to go back...Badly!
I wish i could go back time...and re live those moments...But they are gone, and they won't be back. People change, we are not the same anymore.
It was fun while it lasted. We were a big group of people, always getting together one Sunday per month at that Japanese club. It was so much fun. But it's gone...And i just feel so reminds me of so much...It makes me feel old too...Times goes by so fast.
I used to say "i want to grow up , i want to be old"...


I want to go back to those times when i was only a girl, everything was so much easier...

(Yes, yes i know...i sound like a dumb person...But that's how i feel...and i needed to let it out...:( I'm sorry!)

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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-11-07 15:29:43
I get that feeling lots too. Back in the old days everything was more interesting. I had more energy and all the animes and games were fun and entertaining. Growing up suckssssssssssssss........T_T

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-11-07 16:22:02
yea, Laura hasent gotten back to me in like 3 days and im getting nervious.'

pame, what country are you from? i kinda know what your going through...just let it out here, thats what were here for! dont be sorry to let your heart loose

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-07 17:09:37
Growing up’s a pain, hence the show. One minute you're just sitting there watching sesame street, giving out those little Valentine’s with the candy, learning to count, and living in a world in which everything's new and fascinating; the next you're sitting in a hard school desk worrying about graduation, whether you can pass a class without doing a homework, giving out nothing on Valentine’s, learning imaginary numbers, and living in a world in which everything seems to be the same from one day to the next.

It’s not until we reach that later state do we look back at all the fun we’ve had as kids and realize that all that time all we wanted was to be where we are now. Irony, no, irony is getting hit by a meteorite and being an astronomer, that’s irony. What we do as is see things for what they could be in an optimistic way. As kids we see being all grown up, not as a Rugrats movie, but as a great thing. We spend our youth fantasizing what it’s like to be grown up and all of our adult lives wondering what it would like to be young again. It’s this constant assessment of our places that keep us see this grass as “less green.”

We shouldn’t be looking at the grass that grows on our side, cause that’s boring and a cliché. We should be looking at all those pretty little flowers that sprout and are called dreams. You see, we plant these dreams as children but when we get older we get obsessed with not what we planted but the stuff that we didn’t plant. We all plant our own little patch (or big patch) of flowers; it’s just a matter of remembering that we did and tending to those dreams. To tend to them doesn’t mean to just look at them from time-to-time and pour some water on them when you feel like it; it’s going out to them and pulling out all the weeds, a bit of pruning doesn’t hurt, oh and you have to water them everyday you can’t depend on the weather to do that for you. Maybe, when they get big enough, you can pull one out and share it with someone.

We all have to grow up but when we do we can still have fun. The trick is to have those flowers waiting. Even on the rainiest of days it will be those flowers that shine out at you and ask you to come out and dance in the rain. What is rain to a flower? It matters not weather it rains to them, for they can derive pleasure from both the sun and the rain. Why not be as the sunflower and turn towards the sun when it is out and drink up the rain on dreary days? Wouldn’t you say that a sunflower would never worry about it’s growing old? For a sunflower lives everyday fully, swaying in a gentle breeze or basking in the sun. A sunflower lives the ideal life with no regrets and having achieved all that it ever wanted in life. Growing up shouldn’t be viewed as bad it should be embraced just as any other part of your life. You just have to tend to those dreams every once-in-a-while and you will grow up into someone who you could spend the rest of your life with.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-07 18:58:39
D-Ninja..Woww i love what you wrote. Thank you...You know you made me feel better...

Nightmare: I'm from Peru. And i haven't seen my friends for 3 years...I go to see them because i'm in school, and it takes all my time...(It sucks! :( Thank you for your comments!

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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-07 20:04:24
@D-Ninja: Man that was excellent, you said it all, my respects.

I remember a quote someone told me (I know it in spanish but I'll try to write it in english)

"La madurez del ser humano está encontrar de nuevo esa seriedad con la que jugaba cuando era niño"

translation: "The maturity of human being lies onto having again the seriousness as he use to have while playing when he was a child"

As you can see, I'm bad at translating stuff, lol, but Somehow I see in this quote that we can grow up and still have fun, we can grow up but we can still have that little child inside our souls. That child which help us not falling into sadness and boredom.

(was it understandable?)

Ok now, I'm sad because I suck at RP T_T, I'm afraid of playing, why?

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-07 22:06:05 (edited 2006-11-07 22:07:48)
nothing can express my anger right now.

maybe words. i'll give it a shot. hokay, so my friend jessica was going out with this guy justin. he's been cheating on her for a while. (i did not know this.. but apparently the rest of my friends [minus jessica] did) and none of them fucking told her until yesterday. she called me in the afternoon when i was studying. i had previously heard the news that justin was going to break up with her, but she called me pissed. justin had apparently kissed all of my friends, let's call them A, M, and J. well, a's not really my friend because she's a boyfriend stealing bitch. anyways. jessica was pissed like crazy. but that was nothing compared to what happened when M and J broke the news that justin had been going out with A for a week or so. WHAT A FaCKTARD! that's all i can say. Jessica is one of my bestestestest friends, and to see her get hurt like that pisses me off like crazy. Anyways. i was reading M's myspace comments because i have no facking life off the internet, and read this
"if you mean jessica...........she is no longer my friend after a break up, if you noticed! and you did over exaggerate, i told you to tell no one that i was going after annabelle.... and you did GRR and plus you said she and i were going out for a we haven't even been even going out for 24 hours yet....... i never told you we were going out for a week either i just said we ALREADY were! not A WEEK! GRRAAAAHHHHHHH"

which is the biggest fcking lie that i have every heard. he's been making out with her for the past week or so. and then he goes and accuses M for telling jessica. so M fights back and blames A (for being the boyfriend stealing bitch that she is) and justin goes and fcking defends her. he's like

"can you please stop blaming a for everything? because i really dont like it when my GF is a bad mood at all..... and plus, you said you shouldn't stay between us........and STAY OUT!"

and then he goes on to tell M to tell the rest of us to stay out of the situation. (fck, right after he cheated on my other half? chyeah, right.)

"w/e anway, just dont let any of your friends get to her, because that would be just wrong.... getting on someone for my mistakes and troubles? no! thats wrong."

such a bastard! i'm so making screenshots and blackmailing him until he fcking dies.

if i had a sniper rifle...

edit- sorry for the swearing. i think i'll go edit it.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-11-08 00:41:53
@sayuri i think you should go to edit...well its hard to comment on your problem...but yeah that guy is a jerk...but violence isnot the answer...hahaha

@d-ninja well asexpected with d(deppressed or dark?) always make question though...what if no flowers were planted... what if your childhood dreams are just fantasies that you yourself know taht it will be impossible...damn i hate that...feeling...the pressures of growing sucks!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-11-08 07:03:31
@Sayuri: Ah, such is the glory of irresponsibility, selfishness, carelessness, and coldheartedness.

Those are the kind of people that I believe should either go crawl under a rock and hide there for eternity, or GET A LIFE and realize your actions aren't saintlike.

@Dirtyninja: Whoahoahoa... I'm so gonna have to steal that paragraph sometime :D

@Nightmare: I'm glad to hear that your life is having some spurts of happiness here and there. Keep it up, dude. I don't wanna hear about you being sad :P

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-08 13:10:21 (edited 2006-11-08 13:13:14)
Sach, feel free to plagerize my work anytime you want to. Anyway, go ahead and use any part of that you want to. If it's used for good I'm not going to stop it.

Zparticus, as saciel pointed out there it stands for dirtyninja, it's a long story as to why it's that and to why I abreviated it.

kei-kun, not to worry RP-ing is a tough gig to get into. Like most things once you get into it there's no problem.

sayuri, a sniper rifle wouldn't do the job. Plus this Justin character doesn't seem like he's going to hold much water later in life. For all the pain that someone like that causes there is ample reward in loneliness that they feel for being such a (bunch of nasty names that I don't care to speak aloud). If life is like a box of chocholates people like that are the nasty orange-cocoanut-notsurewhatelse flavor that everyone hates.

Edit: not sure if this is just me but I find it funny that the physics topic has Course advice above Friction ( something to ponder on...... ). Or it could be that I'm really good a spoting irony.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-08 16:50:39 (edited 2006-11-08 16:51:19)
i guess so eh? i was writing in anger, and that, i guess, is not the best thing to do. i think i had to go back and edit it so much, as some sentences were so wacky, they had no verbs in them. they just dragged on forever with nouns just attacking adjectives and adverbs. violence is definetly not the answer, that was quite impulsive, and rude, and terrible and a whole bunch of other negative things. but yesterday was just a day where i felt i could have shot anyone that made me angry. and everyone was making me angry.

and then i realized how much guilt i'd feel if i shot someone. sure, people joke about it quite a bit, but to take the life of another, over something so minscule, so irrelevant, so stupid, not even words could begin to describe. not even emotions.

how terrible it must be to have something like that looming over your head. what guilt a person must feel when they have done wrong. or maybe it could just be myself, who always feels guilty, even when i am not at fault.

because there are people who feel no guilt at all. how can someone have no guilt at all? is it possible to live a guilt free life?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-11-08 17:57:41
@d ninja.... sorry dude...i were dirty a mod!hahaha

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-10 14:57:46
All of our actions bear results. Whether you regret those actions is all up to you. Guilt is knowing that you could've done something, in your mind, better. So to live your life without guilt is the same as living with no regrets. Make your ways as you go, the only standards in this world are on beef, you're not bef are you?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-13 15:45:09
Wowwww...I'm depressed now...
I need to take singing lessons...Seriously...I just heard the most amazing voice ever...I felt bad...I did seriously...She was amazing..BUbuuuuuuuuuuuuu made me feel so small...I know i know i shouldn't compare myself to anyone...But i couldn't help it...And now I'm depressed because i feel like I'm nothing...
I really do need to take singing lessons...
I will...I'm going to do it...I'm decided... T_T

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