Re: The Depression Thread V3
hey guys! i had a horrible headaqu again...ugh, i hate migranes! RINS BACK!!! im so glad! ketsuki, im ok... feeling kinda wierd today, kinda feeling guilty about all the things ive downloaded...wierd... |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-12 05:01:50
Thanks dirtyninja, that means a lot. When I met you, you seemed like an all-around good guy, (although you're magic TP was bit odd), but I always find you funny and I think you are very wise. Its always nice to find understanding people like you, so thanks ^_^ Hey everyone, had an upset stomach, nasty heartburn? You wouldn't believe what I discovered. Next time you're at wall-mart, go to the farmacy and ask for Papaya Enzyme. Its all natural, and it saved me from a lot of pain. I just thought I'd share that with everyone ^_^ |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-12 09:44:00
Oh dear.. As far as spiders go, you've herad the old ryhme the old lady that swallowed a fly right. Well imagine that but with more pain, and death. this is from am post we made in Spring of 2004. Ranger wrote Going to set this up for you. Monday morning I walked into the laundry/store room and found Rin standing there frozen in place with a look of wonder on her face. What I saw (I have seen before) caught her so strongly I had to shake Rin to get her attention. ---- Ok Rin, now you can tell them. I have seen and gotten used to Black Widows. In the desert the B-dub (as they are called) can reach the size of the end of your thumb. Their web is sort of tossed in to existance with an egg sack nearest the hidey spot the bdub lives in. Rin Monday morning I came it to get clean clothes from the dryer. When I turned to leave I saw hundreds of tiny filaments reaching from a Black Widows nest that I didn't even think was there (we destroy any we can find, Ky's job.). An egg sack had hatched and the filaments were the way the baby spiders leave the nest. There were hundred of filaments with a baby spider on each one of them going everywhere, some of them even laded on me. They were so small you could barely see the baby Bdubs. I was entranced, frozen where I was just watching the hatching. I've never seen such an incredible site before. Ranger came out had to shake me out of my trance Then he wiped out as much as he could find. It was incredible to see such a thing. /Rin Then Ranger wrote Black Widows have a very severe bite that can be lethal. i;ve been bitten by bdubs more than one. My partner Jerry got bit one night, multiple bites which is normal, He didn't have any reaction until late in the afternoon when he collapsed. The anti-venom cost $2500 and the emergency room bill came to almost 5,000. Another time my cousin clarke was bit and he had an immediate reaction. If his girlfriend hadn't called the EMTs I think he would have died. A black widow egg sack contains anywhere from 600-800 eggs. the most amazing thing was when I came out Rin I saw had web filaments attached to her. That's life in the desert. /i> I seem to remember losing 12-12 lbs and I only weigh 100lbs normally.. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
wow thats quite a story rin... black widows are pritty rare up here in michigan, btu they are not unheard of. we have brown recluse spiders up here...nasty little buggers.. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by S-a-c-h-i-e-l
on 2006-03-12 12:46:32
I hardly have any trouble with spiders over here, just an occaisonal little one (or this half-inch yellow-ish one that's been trying to make a home out of my monitor and keyboard >_<). During mid-summer to late fall, though, we get these huge hobo spiders (I never bothered to learn their real name). They get to like an inch to an inch an a half in diameter, are big and brown, and are all over the place during that before mentioned time. I can usually kill/take one outside every day... The most annoying part is that I have no idea how they get in, and you never see them go to where they are. They just appear there (except for one last year... it flew out from behind my monitor, headed straight for me and then made a sudden right turn and went up the banshee wall, then went back behind the monitor... it was fast!). Non-poisonous, but it gets really annoying when you scratch your leg in the middle of the night only to get a big green-ish streak along your leg with parts of a hobo scattered here and there.... *shudders* I'm glad Rin is back, for a while I was worried that Ranger was gonna die in there and Rin was gonna *depressing stuff removed*. But thankfully, that hasn't happened XD |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-12 14:15:55
Those sound like wolf spiders. They're about that big, and live everywhere. So as no to anger those of you who dislike spiders I won't put the picture up, but SAchiel do they look like these spiders. I hate these kind, one of the only spiders I dislike. Mainly because all they do is crwal on you, and hide in your laudry. THey don't build webs either, so they're just annoying. We don't get all the fun spiders up here in PA. All we get are Black Widow(rare), Brown Recluse(rare), House, False Black Widow, Yellow Sac, Broad-Faced Sac, Woodlouse Hunter, Jumping(way too common), Fishing, and Wolf spiders(hides in your socks, scorpions of PA). On a compleatly unrelated note I want one of these shirts: |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-12 15:18:48
Hello Rin!!! Glad you're back and having fun with spiders. I personally don't like spiders, I...had a bad experience with insects when I was younger..imagine a swarm of bugs(technically not spiders) that had two bodies in one shell so that one head stuck out of one end and another head out of the other...swarming while you slept...crawling over you... Needless to say, I generally don't like them, although I haven't developed a phobia. BTW, have you guys heard of the giant camel spider? It's a roughly 1-2 foot long spider (I'm not kidding). Google it or check This creature was found in Iraq recently and is said to eat out the stomach of camels so that their intestines fall out. Fun times... @DNinja, I love the shirts, especially the last one. Oh yeah, I saw House of 1000 is it freaky. I also learned how to draw Mugen, Jin, and Fuu from Samurai Champloo. What an odd weekend...oh well, good luck everyone! |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
*Rushes to find camel spider picks. Wow! Reminds me of the movie alien where that thing attaches itself to someguys face. If I ever saw one, I would have to check out my old chemistry book to defeat it. I wanna see what it looks like when they evolve into elephant spiders. Advil for migranes, at least that is what I use when I get a headache. I remember that post, I forgot what thread it was in. But that thread is where I posted my encounter with a praying mantis. Those guys are cool. I bought some at the garden shop and unleashed them into the garden. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by DaedalusMachina
on 2006-03-12 23:39:27
Spiders? I rather like spiders, but I'll kill the Brown Recluses, though, since they can kill you (we have quite a bit of them around here.) I like spiders a shitload more than I do flies and mosquitoes, and the occasional bee. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-13 17:48:23
Roq, you seem to have a pension for the horror movies. I can stand some of them, but some are just way too creepy for me. Spiders that look like the face-huggers from alien, and they burst out of a camel's stomache. We're being invaded! Grab your pich-forks and tourches! We're going to pile some hay at night! Jomunga, when I was 8 I found a praying mantis egg sac (if you've ever seen them they are rather large) and took it the highschool bio lab. At about 3 weeks later they hatched and literaly took over the school. There were baby praying mantises every where, in the celing in every class room, and crawling in and out of the strangest places. In about 4 weeks after that they all disapeared, they just got up and left (more likely they ate each other and died in the heating ducts). Well track started today, I'm way too out of shape. That and we had to do two sets of warmups, we barly got to throw today. Hopefuly tomarrow will run smoother, and we might actually learn how to throw the javilin. I'm suprised I'm not more sore though. I was exspecting to have aches all day, but I don't. Yay for lots of streching. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
I would have loved to be in Dninaj's schoola t that time. This thread is in slow-mo. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-14 00:02:04
I`m so deppresed........ 12 people got banned cause of me I feel so low and dumb. please kill me somebody I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be.... |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by DaedalusMachina
on 2006-03-14 00:08:53
12 people banned, eh? Did they deserve it? |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-14 00:14:17 (edited 2006-03-14 00:15:31)
No........they basically sticked with me when i got banned (as true friends do) and got banned for it..........and it was ALL my fault that they got banned.....sigh I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be.... |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by DaedalusMachina
on 2006-03-14 00:18:30
Ah, yes... A good friend bails you out of jail, a true friend sits next to you saying "We screwed up!" ... That was cheesy as hell, but that line stuck with me. 12 friends, I wish I had that kind of luxury. I am content, however, with the few that I have. However, mine have started to turn on me. *growls* It really sucks when you made a vow to one of them never to abandon them.... Shit, I've never felt a stronger urge to walk before. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-14 00:23:42
No no....its not a cheesy line.....i like it....lolz Well i guess if you put it that way than yes......i found out that i have 12 friends(more than that actually......some more people wanted to post but the thread was locked....good thing it was as well) in one day.... I was happy and sad at the same time.......happy cause i have people that care for me in here and sad cause they all got banned.....sigh Kinda had mixed feelings I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be.... |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by DaedalusMachina
on 2006-03-14 00:26:54
They stood by you, don't forget that. You got them in trouble, don't forget that either. Remember those two things and all will be well. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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on 2006-03-14 07:52:58
So what happened, and do you think they'll be let back into Gendou since you're here? |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by S-a-c-h-i-e-l
on 2006-03-14 08:44:54
Dude, Moonstone. I already explained this to you. It's not your fault. You never told Sero to make that thread, you never told the other members to side with you, you never did anything wrong. They all got themselves banned, you didn't do anything to them or for them. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
HI ALL~~!! im back!! its so nice to be here again.. *sob* i miss you guys sooo much! XD |