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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-13 06:47:42
*pokes Engel* you're welcome to drop by anytime XD

My rant of the day:
Somehow there doesn't seem to be any urgency or any plan in place to tackle the economic fallout, if it does finally hit us. And I'm kinda worried about that. Currently, the country leaders are too focused on their own jostling for positions within their respective parties.. especially now that the next PM is more or less already decided. *SIGH*

Yuki DT
LOL. No msn eh? No worries. Yahoo messenger and other popular chat-type programs are now integrated together with msn messenger XD Meaning, add me on your chat program and it'll still work. But yeah, you don't have access much to internet at the moment huh..

So.. do you want Rinrin's msn?? XD
DT.. have you watched the Lucky Star anime?? They also have an OVA out now, I so ♥♥♥ this series.. more than Hayate no Gotoku I must say.. MOE~~~!!

Welcome back~!

Oh yeah.. it definitely is an exciting time for people in audits.. just keep in mind what happened to Arthur Andersen ne o^_^o I suppose I'd feel the same, being in your uncle's shoes. Was he an external or internal auditor for that company?

LOL.. I thought you were a singaporean, saw you post in the SG thread XD lower sixer? No worries.. I'm still enjoying my closet otaku-ism well into my 20's XD

Yeah.. actually I also weren't sure if I could go to ACGC that weekend. It was really a last minute decision XD Like DT said.. tentatively now the plan is to meet up during CF~~

Meepie rinrin
This wed at 9.30 eh?? WOOT~! Is that a DARE??
*serious* I might go, not quite sure yet XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-13 07:33:24
Wahhahaha! I sure hope I won't piss anyone off here... or anywhere else as a matter of fact.

So w00t0s is currently taking ACCA? which paper are you now at? Sigh... bad memories of getting 49 marks for the bloody audit paper is coming back to me. *sigh*

And thanks all for welcoming me. I'll try to drop by here often (which seems to be quite active!!)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by yuwei on 2008-10-13 08:28:36
hello people...
hv been missing for 1 month...
busy preparing for exams, and then g back home (no computer there! :( )
i hv been lost track of eerything going on... *sigh

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-13 18:52:11 (edited 2008-10-13 19:12:08)
cookies.. ΘΘ *grabs some frm kira2*
lol.. good luck for ur exams, & get well soon..
i also hav high fever in my last sem exams, but i did my best.. -_-||
my results not too bad, if i shud say myself.. lol

@mikuru *meep* rinrin
get it frm bkno..?? kay2.. ill do that.. XD
wednesday at 9.30.. i cant go.. no transport.. T_T (unless ud let me stay overnight at ur place..) XD

u read wat teh lady say rite..?? so, gimme rinrin's msn.. XD
well yeah, i know almost all messenger nowdays connected wif each other..
i alredi add u, but it seems like, nothing happen yet.. hav u add me too..??

lucky star..?? yes.. hav finish it ages ago.. its OVA is finally out ehh..??
u still hav it..?? guess ill need to go find u ASAP la like dat if i wana watch it.. (lazy to dl..) XD

yes.. were quite active.. feel free to drop by anytime.. ;)

waah.. long time no c..
well, were not discussing much, jz few random things & group meet up..
feel free to butt in our conversation anytime.. lol

@now watching
- Zero no Tsukaima s3 - Princess no Rondo
- Detective Conan (Life Action)
- Hidamari Sketch x365

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-13 20:40:52
feel free 2 take those lol
i did my best but it was heck...D:
i'll get G 4 sure
ur lucky ya know XD
oh's conan live action? is it worth watching?

good point...of the rant
i kinda hate the situation now D:
anyways thanks! :D

busy eh...well good luck on exams

do you usually go to johor? :P

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-14 03:03:40
@DT:: Thanks!

@Kira:: I drop by once in a while... since singapore can be too boring at times. The food in Johor is good and cheap~ >_<

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-10-14 03:43:04
Hi all.It's almost a few days I didn't drop by here.

I'm just know that CF'08 is around the corner.How I wish to be there~T______T Anyway,I hope anybody would put some picture from the event soon.

Ja ne!XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by yannway99 on 2008-10-14 04:32:40
Hahah,have been away from com for a week......Busy preparing for SPM...
Guys,any info about any up coming anime con or the likes on November and December? I wanna fully enjoy my holidays after SPM.(watch anime till i drop....still got like 5GB havent watch......)


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by kouji19 on 2008-10-14 05:38:41
@kIrA : HEY!!! same here!!!! i've downloaded tons of anime since 2006 and till now havent touch at all~~ but keep on downloading every new season HAHAHAHA!!!! good luck to u in ur SPM, i've suffered from it last year~ yeah!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-14 18:38:03
thx for teh cookies.. *itadakimassu~*
jz check my last sem results.. got onli 3.8.. XD
detective conan (1st live action), still havent watch it yet, but the cast is cute.. lol
maybe its worth watch it..

ur welcome anytime.. :)

u wish to go to CF too ehh..?? then go la.. u can join us there.. ;)
i MOST likely WILL go so i MIGHT get some pic.. but im not a photo guy so dont expect my picture in it kay.. XD

good luck on ur SPM..
5GB of anime ehh...?? it would took me, maybe, around 1 week to finish it all.. lol

haha.. good.. ive found another fellow anime collector.. XD
so, i wonder wat anime u have that i dont have yet.. XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-14 18:53:42
there's more cookies~
3.8? XD
you said now

@yannway99 (kira too?)
good luck on your SPM
i dunno any anime con sorry /sweatdrop
5gb...yeah like DT said...1 week XD

i wish i could go too DX

really? so what food do you like there? XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-15 00:28:55
more cookies..?? *grabs some more~* XD
yes3.. last sem onli hav 2 subject, pc & english.. got 4 for english & 3 something for pc (hav error in marking, if not, ill get 4 too..) :(

yes.. i did say now watching, but u dont suppose to think that i watch ALL of dat at once rite..?? XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-15 06:06:12
@Kira:: Well...I do love the stone grill... then there's seafood and Secret Recipe cakes (which cost the exact same price in Singapore... the difference being the currency =_=). And whenever I pass by an A&W, I'm sure to go grab the Rootbeer Float and the curly fries~

Good luck to those taking SPM!! Ganbatte ne!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-15 13:08:17 (edited 2008-10-15 13:21:57)
Heylows evvyonez! gah, I have to retype again xD The maintenance schedule wiped off the previous post... but anyway, mmm, A&W rootbeer.

Engel- Ah noes, I am not taking ACCA yet! Ayoo~ belum graduate lagi! Once I graduated and got offer from certain companies, that's where I'll automatically join ACCA (if specified in the application forms). You tengah study ACCA ke? How is it? How many exemptions you get?

Bkno9- Yeah. Arthur Anderson's acts was unforgivable. Auditing should not assist greed--- lord, the falsifications. -_- My dad's friend used to work as an external auditor, I think.

I can't wait for Eirtakon 2008! It's gonna be awesome :3
I don't know what to dress up as xD My sis suggested I should wear Maid Cafe dress xDDDD just cuz I like doing chores ^_^;;;
Uh~~ any suggestions? Does anime cons have to stick to anime cosplays? Just to be sure though ^_^;;

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-15 17:31:11
anime cons? i dunno what abour cosplay much...maybe anyone that suits your personality? XD

wait stone grill is which one?
oh rootbeer float and curly fav too /hi5 XD

i still have loads /takes some more from the cabinet
lol but still...XD
if the ran is very cute then i'll watch...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2008-10-15 18:00:11 (edited 2008-10-15 18:01:28)
@yu wei i'll made sure u don't miss anything here. we are talking about randomness. bkn09 is showing the pic he got from ACGC last week and urrgg something about that. hahah.

@Engle *nod in agreement. Singapore price tag is high compared to malaysia. my parent used to visit singapore last year and they urrrrg used about 4K about that. lol
ahah you should try out some other place food also.

@kIra and kouji ahhhhh i don't know anything about the latest anime event. how sad that i am having last effort of my final test. HOPE everyone who is having SPM good results!

@dt about the event i'll see that if i got time to go or not. cause well u see.. i need to check if my dad wanted me to go back to sarawak or not. btw where's the location?

@meep sad. lol i don't think i can go to this wed event i am having test. how sad. anyway as i have say i'll try to go to the CF event.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-15 22:35:59
Wahhh~~ w00t0s. Saya tidak faham melayu la~ (I probably spelt that wrong too)... but I somehow managed to understand your post~ muhahah!
Wow! I didn't know one can join ACCA without studying ACCA. I guess that's how they can boost to people about being the one of the largest association in the world~ I've got exemptions for 2 papers but still... hahaha! Seems that the rest was still too tough for me.
Maid costume... hee... can't wait to see that! >_<

Sadly, the Arthur Anderson in S'pore too died due to the incident back then. I heard that the one here (i'm in S'pore) was good...their culture and all~

I like the stone grill @ Pelangi Plaza but I saw a new one open at City Square. Haven't tried the latter though. :o
^5 Kira But I don't know of any A&W near the customs... so I only get to eat that when I go KL~

Yeah. S'pore's prices are much higher when compared to Malaysia. On the good side, is easier on my purse when I go to M'sia~ kekekek ^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-16 01:08:14
ohh kira2, ur such a pervert.. XD
of course la ran (teh actress) is cute.. u think they will put someone not cute in popular series like dat..??
well, maybe if they wan the fans to burn up their company, dat is.. XD

well.. altough its considered official meetup at CF, we can still hang out 2gether anytime la.. even if u cant come & join in..

easier on ur purse wen go to m'sia ehh..?? good2.. then me can ask u to treat me food & stuff la if u coming to m'sia.. XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-16 01:19:55
lol you just knew? >:D
lol but ya verdict of cueness is really...high-expectation or something...lawl

then i can ask u to treat me too with dt! XD
so you sometimes go to KL for? XD
oh and wait what's stone grill like? idk what food is that in malay XD
i haven't been to johor like...way back. 6 yrs maybe

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-16 05:51:33
*Yikes!!* Runs away from DT and Kira... Hahahah!!

Stone grill is somewhat like hotplate but instead, they heat up a block of stone and your food is raw on it.

Is always for a short holiday when I go KL... but I think the last time I was there was at least 2 years ago. Other times I visted Genting (once) and Bukit Tinggi (twice)... I really love it at bukit tinggi... horse riding, fresh mountain air and lots of relaxing~

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