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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 01:59:57
It reminds me of this old American comic book hero, but I forget his name.
The costume though, was very similar.
Not by color or look, but the fact that it'd be hard to breathe, lol. XD


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 02:31:35
@DANGEL: 3rd VICE captain! ^^

╚═╩═╩═╩═★. ╚╝╚═╩═★

ËšBelieve itËšEnjoy itËšSmile for meËšThank youËšFeel itËšRespect itËšItrust youËšExcuse meËšNeed itËšDevelop itËšSuch a memory....BestËšFriends

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-07-06 02:53:23
nice ff pics!

the ac pics rock!

kadaj looks sweet and tifa...woah hahaha


@baby doll who's the thrid vice captain?

i only see my ava,DA's and yours

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 02:57:41 (edited 2007-07-06 03:04:14)
For the Mature Eyes!

The message I found with this image was something like:
"Why only the Japanese should be allowed to Cosplay".

[e d i t] As for the third vice-captain, I think it was Dragonfly.
I really don't know though. XD


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 04:56:21
Omg omg !!!! i loved that guys look like (cloud ofc) XD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more pic more pic D:<

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-06 07:01:31
DX DA!!!


OMG that pics of FF are awesome ebil kitty :o

grrr let's try once more post pics ne? DX

i get one conclusion... brazilian ppl love play around XD

---> jo-kei-po!

-->hokage -_-'

---> botan + kurama + kurama XD

i will bring deceint photos... some day XD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 07:08:07
Ah, the third Hokage.
I like the "-->hokage -_-'" after it.
Made me laugh. ;P


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-06 07:13:40
only laughting DA XD

Anime friends in coming and i think i will get something good from it :3

BTW DA is the second captain isn't he?

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 08:42:23
Second "Captain", but first "Vice-Captain."

Can't wait for these new images from you. ;P


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 09:51:17
/rofl !!!!!! Ho-ho-HOKAGE?!?!?! XDXDXDXDXDXD /with ..sweatdrop?/ >_>" ehh...

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 13:18:33 (edited 2007-07-06 14:08:20)
*laughs at da Hokage*
Well, at least we know that they're having fun and that's the main thing ;)

It's currently 4am here and I can't sleep >.< I wish I know why, but for now I guess I'll share more pictures.










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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 13:21:32
WOW~! all these are SOO SOO awesome!!!

most of them look sooooo professional!!!

are they really with professional cosplayers???

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 13:28:19 (edited 2007-07-06 13:28:51)
*shrugs* I dunno ^^;
If they are then they should get PAID for it! :D
I always go for the pictures where the cosplayers could portray their characters very well. I wish I could cosplay ;_;

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-06 14:07:23
LOL they are professionals XD

beutiful ones but...

i show some funny amateurs XD

--> yeah Roquet squad XP

---> in the plaque "GAO!" XDD

---> i have no idea DX

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 14:39:15
Wow, that's funny, but is... that Meowth?
Man he got big! XD

The girl playing as Haku, is pretty cute.
I saw cute ones of Naruto (girls) elsewhere, but I need to find 'em again since they were on my last computer. T-T
The Itachi/Younger Sasuke is funny, too... somehow. XD

For some reason, girls cosplaying as Naruto male characters, isn't really that bad of an idea since the result is pretty good.
Although if you flip it around, it might be kind of scary.

*remembers this image of male Hinata* =.=;

Anyways, the Samurai X: Tomoe one(s) are kind of gorgeous, too.


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-06 14:46:24
Male hinata?
he must be cute... or it would be strange XDDD

i love that fai + kurogane XD
way romantic

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 14:52:04
No, I actually saw this image that is also too uncensored for this forum.
His stomach was all hanging out...
Just look at the last image I posted about Japanese/German (lol) cosplaying, and you might have a pretty good [base] idea. -.-;


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-06 15:06:09

them i have a idea remebering that german lady XD

talking about it i saw a very funny sakura XDDDD

muahahaha lol

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 15:09:01 (edited 2007-07-06 15:09:48)
That last one is San from Mononoke Hime and I actually like the girl cosplaying as Meowth ^^ Hmm...I need to find more humourous cosplays in the future.

And I know what you mean Dangel. I used to come across those photos pretty often >.< Man thought I'd never recover from that.
I often wonder why some guys cosplay as girls, but I guess that's something left unanswered...

@Dragonfly: Now THAT'S a good reason! BWAHAHAHA! XD

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 15:29:38
» Dragonfly, that's a start I guess but this Hinata dude was really "something" and it's not like he "lost a bet", either. XD

I mean, ahem... if you're going to post Sakura cosplays, post cute ones! XD

» Kitty-chan, well, in the end, it's the spirit that counts, right?
I guess everyone who even dresses up, no, who even shows up at all, gets a gold star. =.=; (XD)

I'm trying to find like, college girls who cosplays.
Mostly everyone here are like in High School, but that's fine. XD
There are a few who might be out of High School like the FF/Hot Tifa ones! ;P


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