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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-18 22:46:30
yg x bayar hutang...sila langsaikan sblum ia menghantui anda....PULANGKAN....


tau xpe...aku copy kt forum aku punya...


tau xpe...mintak2 dpt blajar...ayah aku suruh masuk polis...aku x nk...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-19 18:28:16

When i Passes SPM, I will make a plan go to JAPAN College.


Did you got ply Yu-Gi-Oh Gx Tag Force ?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-19 20:59:39

ade linkx? forum?

to: srs

really? that's good.. though im feel really down bcoz i didnt thoght of it through.. now, im stuck in malaysia... (T.T)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-19 21:49:32
seriously? o.o..
you want to apply to Japan college?
it would be really expensive to do so..

i wish you good luck though ^^

it seems that you need to study for basic japan language and then passed the exams before you are able to go abroad to study in Japan..
that's what i read for the information though =x

and yes.. by mean expensive,i mean really expensive..
because their daily lives cost alot of money..
and most of the time,students have difficulties living there because they exceeded the limit of their amount of money >_> living there..

the food there and all..
seems to be expensive >_>

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 03:17:55
guess who is back from a week hiatus! miss me? lol
missing too much posts are too...hard >_> not just in this thread so yeah
it was friggin boring to begin with >_> and i still have to do heaploads of hw and something else DX
also, my connection is being so...DX right now. but i downloaded IE8 and i must say it's pretty ok atm lol
don't give up! there must be some somewhere in teh country! lol

and thanks xD

yea i want it! xD
i think it's 600 something...i thinklah! XD but i don't have teh cash atm, ekonomi meleset T_T

buy compy? buy a laptop! at least that way you could go wifi lol

well here it's too easy to find, like i said. lol. don't give up finding! at least it's not as hard as that time i was finding tales of symphonia since i know here tales of legendia still exists. xD

you dunno? there's tales of innocence, tales of the tempest and teh latest, tales of hearts. xD that's why i want it so badly lol.

i think that's good results...congrats ^^
erk i don't think i could do well in spm this year DX

yah lol. balik kampung DX
450? wtf so cheap!!! like what i said earlier to dean it's like 600 something DX
the new pokemon games? i would like to try's been ages since i played pokemon lol

tiba-tiba jer muncul. lol

you took spm too? and if you come here again mae intro orsomething. i don't think i've ever seen you around here xD

heard from your mother...i take it she's a teacher? O.o
lolol monkey xD
you didn't fail!!! /protest

btw i'm too busy for games DX
sorry T_T

belum tentu pun...kena cuba untuk dapatkan tempat!!! kalau tak usaha mana boleh dapat kan xD
kat sekolah saya seorang jer dapat 11A...10 tak de...9 adalah kot. biasalah sekolah luar bandar xD

kampung kat melaka xD

lol wtf so random xD

haaaaaaai! xD terima kasih!
btw can you tell me your ym adress? i mean PM
i feel weird since i didn't get any invite...i think

ohhhh i see. thanks for the info ^^
btw how much are the mangas there? O.o

you're using tmnut right? /shifty
using phone...isn't that kinda expensive? and lembab? O.o

test result...well i did bad in some...did so-so in some...only a few As lol and you?

balik kampung...boring giler DX and you? how's holidays in kampung?

and i don't have a blog. lol sorry xD

lol thanks. i'm back! xD

got fail? or not? O.o

lol i guess she still likes cocona because teh name ish cute? xD
and what do you mean in my box? O.o

ohhhhh i see xD

lol yea same here, when i was picking laptop for my dad i thought acer is like, the best xD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 05:28:54
didn't miss you at all..

<_< ...
>_> ...

ok..i lied..
welcome back,kireimu~
What did you hear from my mother?
i do not understand at all ..

and sadly,my mom is not an employee in school..
she's just a part-time housewife and a hardworking salesperson in the shops..

i didn't fail what?
you know my mom?

*scratches head*

and yeah go ahead and busy with your games..

/seeks the darkness and reaches a shelter..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 06:33:31
kiraaa..welcome back..
gosh..i miss u so
busy with gaming..?o_O..

yup..i got played it..
actually..i am an experienced duelist..
u can duel me any time u want..lololol..(what am i writing anyway..?)
anyway..why u ask that..?

adeline..are u from english speaking home..?
hmm..judging from yor writing


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 07:10:14 (edited 2009-03-20 07:28:25)

yg kt kelantan tu lagi terer...20A1...dianggap sbg pecah rekod...lagipun dier dilimpah dgn rezeki...bermcm-mcm biasiswa dier dpt...1 drpdnye xyah pi interview...diluluskan 100%...melaka kt mana?lagipun ang sanggup ambik lebih 20 subjek dlm spm...


if you want to study at japan...don't have money...try to apply scholarship JPA...but you must straight A1 in SPM,is not easy to do...if your lots of money and can send you study abord...its ok...MARA cannot...must straight not easy to get scholarship...not the kelantan's student get 20A1 I said to kira...if your want to study abord,try to apply any scholarship from JPA,pertonas,tenaga...and every sunday,try to buy berita mingguan and find many scholarship you want...if MARA can..try to apply...where you study at japan


pulangkan (misha & pegawai ptptn)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-20 08:35:40
Adeline- Good luck with your exams my friend. I'm positive that you will do well. I'll teach you after that.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-03-20 08:55:21
Lol , I've been off for a moment and the post count has reached near 1000 :) ! Anyways , me passing by for a check-up of this thread , to make sure no one breaks no rule (or I'll break joor boone ~)

Wow , so many fellow Malaysians already :) . For the newbies , welcome to- oh , forgot my grand welcome XD

WELCOME TO THE THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm Angelus , the founder of this thread (or a reviver , to be precise) .
I'm ageless and genderless , so don't bother digging my profile ..... it's empty XD .
And for those who want to know my SPM result , I got a range of grades between A1 to C6 XDD .

And about the Earth Hour , I heard it . I'm planning to join it , unofficially XDD . And at this moment , I have the golden opportunity to MEGARAPE !! Adeline un-noticed and without any traces of guilt :) (except for my brother , Hard Gay XD , who wants a piece of Adeline ..... gang rape ~ =__=*)

That's it for now , later .

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 09:17:35
^Good frog, Angelus. Your opportunity for utilising Earth Hour is overkill enough to stun us (not just newcomers) xDDD

Heylows evvyonez! Ogenki desuka?

I haven't checked this thread for quite some days ^_^;; Apologies due to busy college life and all T_T

Kiiiraaaa~~~ muuuuu!!! *hugs* Haven't chat with you for ages :3

Attending Japanese college could be very challenging~~~ it should have few English-speaking colleges/universities in Japan.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 16:48:39
moooootooos! /hugs ;D
yea how have you been? other than busy lol

LOL megarape project! xDD

my parents won't do it but i'll do it! i'll just shut my room xDD

memang...hidup dah boleh berubah.
saya langsung tak sanggup...ambil 12 pun dah rasa macam nak...DX

kat mana? tak boleh bagitahu...kalau nak tahu juga ummm...dekat BT
bwahahaha xD i won't tell more than that

thanks! XD lol miss me so much? xD
and i'm sooooo NOT busy with gaming DX

i mean...when i read your earlier posts you said "i heard" from your mother...i just thouht people who work at school knows it earlier or something.

anyways /shifty i made you confused? nevermind then.

and i like i typed above i'm not busy playing DX

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 18:56:27

i think ACGC start today... anyone going? well our hard core trio havent been posting lately, wonder if theyre going?>.<

ahaha, maybe i didnt use proper choice of word there, maybe 'satisfying' is more precise? of course you got target, dont you? and when target is not reached, dont you feel bad? people tend to look for reason when they feel bad right? isnt that blaming?^^ well, i also didnt reach my target in spm, but if i did reach my target i might still be studying now, and havnt reach japan yet by now^^.
LOL is that just piece of my mind, neednt any thanks, but youre welcome!^^

well? any idea what festival is going on there? it must be hard to be tell with only that LOL. when i take that picture at right side of my back is Higashihama Saibu Gas Ko where i land.
- you go to school in japan, so you wear school uniform right? i just wonder if those uniform supplied by respective school, since i never came across any shop selling it when i walk around.

apparently acer is not the best. but spec x price; acer is economical its so called "student brand"^^. heard something like the best is toshiba or targa, saa....


loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-20 22:23:51
not at all..
i born in Chinese speaking home
o.o My english is not as good as you think of..
trust me..
i work hard to fix my errors x_x..

my exams were over and results actually came out =x
:3 don't worry about me
thank you anyway~

what have i done that made you to do the megareap on me T_________________________________________________T...
anyway,i planned on joining the Earth Hour too..
OH !
dang you Angelus..

/close myself in my house
/locked inside the room

T________________________________________________T .. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPppppp !!!

shush.. don't you ever megareap people..
i will kill you :c

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-20 22:54:37 (edited 2009-03-21 06:50:13)
.... money i spent...argh my Wallet got flies


Nar, juz asking, oh you are a duelist even in real world ?


Yes is cheap here,is only RM450, i wanna buy it but i scare ,it will be second hand NDS :P
You right i want to ply pokemon new version I m' a fan of Pokemon


Are you a GM ?
Can i do a Video Thread ? maybe cannot........


.... I wanna go there for traveling is good there and very ^.^ the air is fresh (i think) This is my DREAM,Project D ^.^
I won't go JAPAN college, my father say japan got a lot of homework to do
BUTTER!! (If got), i will go anime comic college ^.^
I want a Lagtop(Crazying)...No i mean Laptop :P
Thats all...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-21 16:48:22
maybe second hand hmm...xD
just ask firstlah

so you need help? :P

economical...agreed. xD
i heard toshiba the gaming one is so...awesome specs xD

ACGC where?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-21 23:22:27
Yes you right,it will a second hand NDS…
Better go ask for it ;-)

And I use my cellphone to enter this thread because i go my cousins house is bit far and tired

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-22 04:30:27 (edited 2009-03-22 04:30:43)
anime college? o.o???
you mean..
Multimedia college? lol..?

on second thought..
i don't think..
i don't think i will need your help all..
imagine that you might be Angelus' accomplice :c

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-22 06:25:49
kobanwa! tomorrow school! study smart and have fun!

oh! 1st time i heard that toshiba is gamers brand, so far ive only heard alienware
- ACGC was held at Tropicana City Mall at petaling jaya, today the last day of course.

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-22 19:49:34

itu hidup realiti bagi seorg pelajar...thn ini sape pecah rekod dlm SPM...


if you like to drawing anime or graphic using computer...try to enter one acedemy...I recive lots poscard at there to invite me going to expo one acedemy...


hi...nice to meet you,I from Ipoh...

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