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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 03:49:18
XD Rixena ish back~ness! 8D8D

@Everyone who commented on Rixy's and Kero's duet~ness: Sankyuu very much! 8D But it definately was not our best!

@Kero: XD SWEET! *steals j00 for futher duet~ness* *shotshotshot*

@Minna: Who wants to hear Kerororororo sing Daia no Hana with me featuring it? 8D8D *ish killed by kero*

@Mizuki: NYA~~ *glompage j00* 8D

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-10 06:07:13
Good things always happen qhen i'm not around... T.T

@Mizukiness: Yay!! for Be your girl... wanna do a duet?!! XD

@Ayu: *glomp* WB... that song was... interesting ^^"

Mizukiness Records
In Colaboration with
Dragon Negro's Producctions

Ike Ike!! the Ebil Doom Version

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Erkun on 2007-07-10 06:54:18
ZOMG Exams week!!! くそ~~!!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 10:58:17

Mizu and DN: That was soooo cool!! Ahahahaha ^-^ Ike Ikeeeeeeeee

Erkun* pat pat...poor you...exam time is not cute! >_<

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 11:29:19 (edited 2007-07-10 11:29:54)
Thanks to everyone who welcomed me a few days ago! n___n I kinda gathered up the courage to post a small clip of "karma" by BUMP OF CHICKEN, which is the opening song for Tales of the Abyss.

Link to karma.

Please check it out and tell me what I can improve on. ^^; Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-10 14:41:35
@Pame-chan : iluv Himeka's voice too! great~ness :P:P too bad she's not recording anymore since she's gonna concentrate on a singing career

@Ayu: i loved the song so much when i was little, i think i performed it once somehwere ( in music class probably)

@Mizuki: what a cute site u hav there! the avaS are so cooL! how do u make the eyes blink?? *blinky* *blink blink* cooL kraoke ebilness corner too^^ im gonna check out every single one of 'em

trioness assembled: mission accomplished , shall I post it up later?^^

Be Your Girl ishh kawaii :P:P u shud do Lilium next(jkjk, if u wanna) *shivers* it does giv me the goosebumps

Mizuki + DN: IKE IKE!! cooLness!! *downloads song* *sings along*.......

@Neon: trioness assembled: mission accomplished , shall I post it up later?^^ i successfully removed the barking sounds^^ *phew* after all the editing..btw, hope u dont mind i amplified your voice quite a whole lot :P:P

@Engel: i WILL find us a song to do, no worries lol, i can't wait too to do it wif ya^^ wait 4 my return!!*hugs*
hehe sounds like i'll be away forever...
both voices? the 2 (or more) voices are mine lolz
now now...*avoids Engeliz's stare* dont gimme that look, get the guyz to do the rap =P ps:~me wanna hear Engel rapping too~
ThanX (spoiler code) [i typed too much too *sweatdrop*]

@Kero: i see i see^^ i loved that one too, post more songz nee?

@William: Uguuu~!! ^^ThanX, and yeah, the voices are all mine^^think i got overboard (sounds like there are 2 or more voices on occasions ^o^) i remember that part too, itz amazing how she ends almost every sentence with Uguu :P Ayu made me feel the craving for Taiyaki :( they dont sell it here, i luv delicacies wif redbean paste

@Kita: URL not found :(:(


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 14:43:11
Rea: OMG...Really is she gonna be a pro now?? When did that happen??/ and how!?? How exciting! I'm so happy for her!!! SHe is truly amazing...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-10 14:48:18
i saw one of her viDs where she said she'll be working hard for a singing career in Japan (should hav left for the country by now)

hope she makes it big with the talent she has! + the determination!

it was a pretty long speech she recorded there :P hav a listen to it


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-10 16:08:23
@William: Yeah, unless I hate my voice... lol

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 16:49:03


*yawN* ~so cold in teh morning~ness... ~hihihhihihi...

*gloooooooooommpaaggee~ness* ~jOO~ness... *ebil laugh* ~waaaaaa.. practicing for a
singing competition eh? waaaaaaaaaa.. record it pweeeeeaassseeeeeeee....

~wooooooooooooooooaaaahhh.. you post~ness it... in and red....
O_________________O.... okay...okay.. be your girl duet~ness.... O_____________O
i will wait for your part.... O_____________________O

O________________O < - -- - - so weird for me to ~blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...

/bonk teh erkun's spaaaaammm... good luck~ness... *wink*

~OMG!!!!! nice voice.... ^^ oh... teh link ish working for me.... =^^=
OMG!!!! OMG!!!! ...short and sweet.... ^^ with teh background ish great...
gomen... i am not an expert with teh singing~stuff... ~tee hee hee =P
i wuv it.. ^^ ~post more... ^^

~it ish easy with teh photoshop... ~tee hee hee... waaaaaaaaa... i'm going to
remove that ebil karaoke section later on... O_________________O
OMGG!!!! teh trioness.. ish complete.... *faints*

@nikku..uhh..errr.. TOD
oh.. gomen.. gomen... didn't get the right time to record teh rest of teh LC
script.... TT.TT ~i will try today... you received teh first 5/6 clips right?

i can't sleep last night..... wooooottt... i am feeling better.... ^^

Life (acoustic-pretending to play teh guitar~ness while singing O_O

this ish a song from me and teh smexxxyy voice~ness scarlett~nesss... ebil~nesss +
teh smeeexxyyy~ness....combination... ^^

Garden of Everything


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-10 17:16:38
Yes, but I haven't even gotten around to mine... lol.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 18:28:33
ICE CREAM!!!!! I want!!! hahahaha... maybe I'll go get some ice cream later~ Macdonald's anyone?
What makes u think i'll be away for a week? hahahaha... miss me already? =p
arhhh~~~ so.. u were late when meeting a girl... thats no good~~ tsk tsk tsk~ hahahaha~~
erm... hmm.... becoz when i heard the Life's like a Boat from her.... she sounded... erm.... more .... manly.... and... u sounded (from the other time)..... more...... feminine.... =X (ack!! I said it !!)
don't be angry... futari san.... ne~~ NE~~ *stares at both Kattdesu and William with puppy eyes* @__@

hahahaha... u wanna be manly?! *imagines Mizuki wearing the "muscleman clothes* *ROFL*
Glad that everyone is fine~ Natural disasters can be very scary...
When I was in Japan this end March... the very day I reached Tokyo... they had a 5+ earthquake in the middle of the night... some reports said that tokyo felt it... but i felt nothing... guess... i was snoozing too deep away~ and I worried my frens alot back then... coz they couldn't contact me... my hp was totally useless coz is working by GSM~
*pokes Mizuki who is pretending to play the guitar* Nice~~~~~~~

@Mizuki & DN::
1st time I heard this song~~ very upbeat!! This song reminds me of a particular techno song~~ Nice~~
I wanna let u guys hear my collaboration too... but is not ready let... good things are worth the wait~ hahahahaa

Hmm... I've not heard the original song b4...the tune sounds abit strange to me (maybe coz i'm not familiar with the song) and u have a nice voice~

do come back real soon... but before u do that~~ enjoy urself and get to know some great guys! muhahaha...
Rap o... i can only do those that are slow or that i'm familiar with... maybe i'll go try one tmr (tonight got class) but just afew lines only... n if I fail... i won't put it up at all!! >__<

@Mizuki & Scarlett::
Nice duet... one diffeiculty about duet is the 2 singers cannot be singing at the same tune... or at least it'll be nicer if they won't... but is a very difficult thing to acomplished coz most of us can only identify the main tune flow as we listen to a song... so creating a 2nd tune flow (or tone or whateva is suppose to be called) is very difficult... and u have to make it suit the song and music... and u guys fair well in this~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-10 18:48:20 (edited 2007-07-10 18:49:19)
@engel--- haha I am not mad lol, i have a low voice, i know. i realized after i tried it that that song was not quite right for me but i had told you guys i was singing it so i wanted to keep my commitment, so i posted it ne. lol i am a bad singer, i know...i didn't know i sounded like a man though XP haha no good ne.

@mizu- mizu~ness singing i love....maybe because i love mizu ne /whugggg

@mizu and dn- ebilness ftw!! but actually i didn't think it was that evil lol :P haha i really liked it that song is awesome and you guys sounded really good together on it!! very nice!! :D:D:D

@kita- never heard the song before but it was so fast!!! nice job! ^_^

@ayu- welcome back!!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 19:52:43
@DN + mizuki: woW~ it's nice ^o^ ahaha~ sounds you had fun recording it,, nee?? ^^

@Kita-san: woW~ such a sweet voice.. niceY~ post morE ^o^

@mizuki: Life ish cOOL~ nicey ^^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Kero on 2007-07-10 20:10:56
Ah~ lazy to reply people~ *getsshot*

Sang this song quite a while ago :3 I dont think I did justice to Hyde's awesome voice OTL OTL OTL but I like singing Laruku songs :D They're usually the right pitch for me, not including Hitomi no Jyuunin which is tooooo awesome *bows to Hyde's mightiness*


* * *

My blog :3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 20:22:50
@Kero-san: woW~ it's great.. ^^ cOOlIEs~~ morEeE~~~ xDD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 20:33:11
actually u don't sound like a guy... is just that... when compared to william... thats where this tot came in... I'm sorry!!!!! >< *panically bows* m(~_~)m
and NO!!!! u are a good singer!!!!!! not a bad thing at all!!!!!!!!! *panics again*

hahaha... I love that song and u did it w feel... I can feel~~ you... hahahaha... I oso love laraku's song... but similar to ur case...they are oso not the right pitch for me... hahaha... have u heard the other members sing this song? my fren had d/led their single and they had it sung each of them... Tatsu san sounded normal... Ken and the drummer (ack!!!! I forgot his name suddenly) sounded...... ..... .... strangely funny... esp the drummer... hahahaha... maybe I should imitate the way he sing and post it up... if i can still rem how he sung... erm... could I request to get a copy of the karaoke ver?? *puppy eyes* @__@

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 21:03:39 (edited 2007-07-10 21:34:00)
Mizuki: Wah, really? :D Thank you so much! ^^;

Engel: Thank you~! karma's a pretty unpopular song--but here's the link to the original version. As you can tell, the voice is much deeper, but I couldn't exactly imitate it because my voice...just doesn't go that low. xD;

Katt: Thanks! I had a really hard time with pronouncing everything right and in time, so I'm really happy that I'm at least, getting some postitive feedback. n.n

Rei: Thank you! I'll try my best!

Kero: Oh my gosh, that's a really good READY STEADY GO. D: I'm envious--your voice can go really low.. 'A' ♥

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 22:22:17 (edited 2007-07-10 23:03:17)
Nice song~ nice anime... issit the same chara as the one in your siggy/avatar? Red hair, green eyes~~

Went to see ur Lucky Sentai~~ may I join?? may I?? may I?! everyone's soooo cute... but... I can't think of anyother colors... too much colors...

So quiet... so very quiet.... *shouts* whr's every one?! *echos... echos*

EH!!! JUST AS i WAS ABOUT TO POST A COMMENT FOR TKUZ... THE POST DISAPPEARED!! O.o but incase if u do post it again...

Hm... tried to listen to your song but it couldn't link to the right place... it just goes to the main page of Pehaps you'll like to re-link your song?

Oh! and do come and join us at the Karaoke Club too!!
Karaoke Club

I think solved the marquee mystery problem!! T__T apparently... it might be because the wordings in my siggy are in marquee and I noticed that unlike other codes... this one only had a <*marquee> to start it but had no ending ... perhaps thats why all the other post went marquee too.... well... thats one problem solved... and it means... no marquee-ing for me... *cries*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tkuz on 2007-07-10 23:10:48 (edited 2007-07-10 23:12:48)
Whaaaiiii!! xD minna san ish so good at singing...i'm not TT_TT...but I'll try..theheehe..this ish my first song T-kuz - Konoyo no Uta kinda short though...but's still beta ver..lolz

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