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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-08 22:14:27

awwwwww.. you miss a great song~ness.. *ebil laugh* ~tee hee hee

yay...for school rumble song~ness.. yeah it ish good for teh karaoke theme song~ness.. ish kinda fast.. but good... =^^=
*ish watching school rumble~ness anime*

*waits for teh ike ike duet~ness* O______________O

*/staaaaabb~ness teh rEi~chama*

/why so quiet here.. TT.TT

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 03:51:04
/zomg minna~ness.. gomen..because i sang your fav song~ness and i wrecked the song~ness..chu~~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Kero on 2007-07-09 04:07:34
@Rea: Yea that was my first post :3 Thankyous!! Haha I want to, but Rix's mic sucks and won't cooperate with Audacity, so if I mix it just like that the timing is off, and im lazy to correct it... :P And your School Rumble 4 Ever is much love! :D :D

@Mizuki: Yush we are enjoying >D b(^-') So many ebil laughs! omgs Mizucchi is scary T_T; *revives* You're great also!! :D

@Pame: :D! That would be awesome! And yeah I sucked in A Song of Storm and Fire T_T I really like the song, and I wanted to do better~~ orz orz

@Kei-kun: Hehe I'm upping another one, try to listen to this..? But I don't think its as good OTL

Suki Dakara from Bokura ga Ita :3 I fell in love with the song the first time I heard it~ So I tried to sing it.... probably one of the songs that most doesn't sound like me... *fails*

* * *

My blog :3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-09 05:40:20 (edited 2007-07-09 05:40:34)
OMG Rea, that song was great!!

coming soon... the Ebil Doom Duet, Ike ike XD
*Glomps Mizukiness*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-09 06:09:20
ThanX for the nice comments ppl^^...

@DN: *hugs* arigato dayo!! yo!yo!yo!yo!Ike ike~ness^^go!go!go!
ps:thought the ava was mizuki's gomennasai!! lolzz, looks kawaiiishly ebilLLL

@Kero: I dunno how u sound like usually, but u sure are talented:P the song was beautiful

@Mizuki: *duetness*? ichi, nii, san...go go go Mizuki!*cheers* Ike ike! ~ebilness duet~ ~waits for Neon's trioness acapella...~ *waits*
~school rumbleness...~ one wordo, *greato* ~Season 3 matteru...~

@Rei-kun: no need to comment 1 by 1, im sure every1 will understand lolz..(or your posts will turn out as long as mine mwahaha =^^=)

@Kei-kun: oh yeah u bet!that was pretty tough, it was sugoku tongue twisting since it was originally done by a group of ppl lol (also recorded the hey X3 yo yo yo yo part but i took it off =^^= yo! yo! yo!)

*kills quietness*


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 06:33:06
You guys are boring when I'm not around!
XD j/k hunnies.

hectic times are upon me <_<
the duets on here are so cuuute and fuuun! love duets.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by poommivat on 2007-07-09 10:10:35


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 10:21:42 (edited 2007-07-09 10:22:56)
arghs, im gonna have to listen to all those out later, it's 1 am right now... I got to a safe internet, a new comp with no music and no audacity... sigh... I'll start posting tomorrow or after.

If my voice comes a little late, its because my flight from Hong Kong and Beijing is screwing me over... craptastic isn't it? argh... im not hyper... i wish i can be... but... I'll be better after some sleep...

Ooo's almost forgot,
welcome new posters, I can't wait to hear your songs, wait actually I can, since I need to sleep right now, so I'll hear them after! And once again, Welcome!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-09 10:48:32
anybody knows how to post a HIDDEN tag? you know, like the ones used for spoilers etc etc

@mystuhmusic: i hate the data transferring part everytime u get a new comp, see ya soon :P

@poommivat: didn't get what u said, by hi anyways :P welcome to the thread


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-09 10:48:41 (edited 2007-07-09 10:49:57)
WOW Kero I like your voice too!! Kero & Rixy ftw!!! lol.. also love bokura ga ita~!! songness....

.....................BOO!!!! XP

also thankies rea, kei and mizumizu for the comments ne! ^.^ :D

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 11:02:22
Kero! Wowww I love Suki Dakara too!!! I fell in love with that song when I heard it from a girl named Himeka...she is simply amazing...and at points you sound like her! Greaaaaaat Job! Just one little thing...Arghhh don't kill me! At points it sounds a little bit nasally, not that much..but I really like your voice! Let it out, you have great potential!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 14:04:43
I'm too lazy to make a karaoke. Bad Ayu, I know XD. Sorry about my long disappearance hibernation. ^^;

Colors of the Wind

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 16:37:19

~version 4.....woohhoo.. few entries... and it ish version 4....

*cough* *cough* ~aheeemm....

*snuggles~ness* wooooottt... awwww.. don't say that.. you didn't wreck~ness teh
song~ness... i can't wait for our duet~ness again.... =^^=

sheeessshhh... *shotshotshotshot like rixena~ness* ~you didn't fail... wooooott..
it ishh a beeauuuu---uuuttiiffull song~ness.... ^^
....teh kero ish scared of teh ebil~ness within me..? *ebil laugh* ~i miissshh
rixena... TT.TT

check this out... *ebil laugh* click here rea


~wooooottt "colors of the wind" ^^ `nice song~ness... ^^

@katt~ness /whugggss~ness: from you? O___________O

i'm sick.. aaccckkk... sick.... ~nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... the result...?
short song~ness... aaccckkk....

be your girl (short) ~low low quality~

*cough* *cough*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 20:37:13
Mizuuuu!! I loooooooooooove this song!! ^-^ It was really cuuute! I'm proud of you...cuz even when you were sick you sounded cuuute! I know what it is to sing while you are sucks T-T Sooo gooood JOB!!! ^-^ *cLAPS!

Ayuuuuuuu: YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I misssed you in this thread!!! I remember you were one of the first to post a song in the very first thread! ^-^ Wohoooooooooo Ayu...keep posting!! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 20:37:30 (edited 2007-07-09 20:38:52)
Phew... luckily not too much pages to read after 3 days of MIA~ness from me... (due to "Internet cannot detect DSL at home!! so for the moment I can only do this in office.....damn modem!)

we sure need ur banners!! please do submit them up for selection! But please note that the closing date for submission is 12th July~
Hahaha... at least u can still mix... i basically "insert audio file", "record" and "export as mp3"... hahahahah~~ only at certain times I use fade in and fade out~

hahaha... is good that ur fren enjoy ur songs... is a great encouragement!
Song of storm & fire>> great song~~ i love u n kero's voice together... though at the ending... that high part did break off a little... but overall... is so good i could cry (if i was not in office)...

*luffs at mizuki's manly poise"... u r too cute to be manly~ *hugs*
BE SCARED OF ENGEL DATTO!!!!! *makes scary face at mizuki* *evil luff*
OMG!! earthquake? are u OK?? are ur family n frens OK too? *frown with worries*
ack!! u are sick! get well soon!!! u do sound a bit different... but is sweet~.... hope u get well soon!! *hugzzzz*

*stares* hahaha... hahaha... so have you thought of what u forgot? Hope is not a date with a pretty girl that u've forgot... hahahah~

erm.... err... can I say this here?? dun be upset k!! OK... seriously... my very 1st impression when listening to the "Life si like a Boat (w music ver).... it felt as if... perhaps u n William switch bodies.... OK... I'm mean... n Ebil~~~~~~

Wings of Word Sleepy >> u really have a very shounen voice~ I like~~ great song! but the music seems to be abit louder than ur voice... esp at those parts where u sounded more deep...

oh!! so this is kero's shotai (real identity)~ hahaha... coz I went to read the other post 1st!! welcome!! welcome!!
Hanafubuki>> You've got a deep vocals... and good timing~ and good control of vocal too... feel like doing a duet with u some time!! [when my internet gets up again... that is... =( ]
Song of storm & fire>> look up... i posted the comments under rixena's name~
Daia no Hana>> oh no!!! same problem with scarlett's putfile... I hear them in pieces.. super lagg... I wonder why that only happens to some ppl's file? *sob* can't hear properly so no comments!! but... i do love u guy's acapella.... I can never do it so beautifully~
Suki Dakara >> very sweet song (wondering how come i can listen to this fine) and very mellow.... arh...... *sways with Kero's singing* and I ike the "echo" thing u did too~

ah~~ thats y is always "watch me"... hahahaha
but why?!!!! WHY!!!! does my office pc not be able to play ur file?! damn!!!!!
and ... don't cry... is a very sad song... but... don't cry!! *cries w scarlett... hugz*

Voice effects?? hahaha?? what voice effects??? hahahaha??
ganbaro ne with the high notes... damn... I really wanna sing a song w u... but i can't think of which one to do... =(
lost ur love ones recently? omg... my condolenses~~ *hugs rea tightly*
SchooL Rumble 4 Ever >> nice... are both voices u? I miss ur singing!! great job!! and this song... if used for KC... we'll need some ppl who can do fast words (have fast tongues) *looks at mizuki and rea* to do the rap... hahaha
To do the "spoilers" thingy.. check out the forum's FAQ (sorri... lazy to do a link... typing too much on this post~~~~) they have it there~

Welcome back!! *wonders if I've saw ayu b4... think think think... can't rem... =(*
Erm... how come ur file says that is a doc file? I dare not d/l... =/

I wanna sing too!!! but... no internet at home!!! darn~~~~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Kero on 2007-07-09 20:55:16
@Rea: Thank you :DD I sound more like me in Hanafubuki :P

@Katt: Sankyuu! Lol no la we're not that good orz

@Pame: Yes I know T_T Especially when I did the echo for the chorus... *getskilled* Wasn't happy with it :P Thank you for your honesty lol~ m(_ _)m

@Mizuki: Yush I failed ;o; I have high standards for myself loll. Yea your ebilness scares me XD *hails Ebil Queen* Your Be Your Girl is cho kawaii! ♥

@Engel: Haha I like singing guys' songs because they're mostly low :3 And I do low pitches best~ Am going to do Kuon from Koutetsu Sangokushi soon :D
I think because it's .wav format..? D: I didn't convert it *lazy* *is killed*
This one is mp3 ba! XDDD Ehh? ;o; But I don't like the echo part! lol thank you though~ *loves*

* * *

My blog :3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 21:27:29
@Kero-san: O.O; nice song.. and nice singing.. I love the song too.. >.< *downloads the song* xDD

@Ayu-san: yaY~ more disney songs xDD niceY ^^

@Mizuki: nicey singing ^o^ as everyone said.. kawaii~ ^o^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-09 22:39:47 (edited 2007-07-10 01:15:36)
I like to sing guy songs too coz of the deep vocals they usually... but... it seems that if I change my vocal to the deeper version (I'm a middle tone so i can go middle high n middle low) I'll just end up sounding scary/funny... hahha... u can go hear me out in the previous post~ hahahaha

Soooo quiet here... I'm finally back but is still soooo quiet... and I tot I was the noisy one....

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by William on 2007-07-10 02:36:16
*Will's random talk*
Eh...the trigonometric functions of an atom is equal to the hypotenuse of an ice cream!! >_< head hurts...anyways..

Rixena/Kero: Nice duets!! Although it's kinda should use the karaoke versions so that it will sound better!

Rea: Aww..I'm sorry for bringing that up..but yes, we all gotta move on...anyways, I think their voices are fine. Ahaha, it was pretty funny when Ayu used the different versions of "Uguu~!!" and Yuuichi tried copying her!
After listening to your song, I felt kinda jumpy! Great job! Did you do all of them voices?

TOD/Mizuki: I Mizuki's going to be Akira? Then...TOD's probably going to be Shiraishi/Sebastian? Ahaha..don't really know what you two are planning, but good luck!

Mizuki: Nooo!! Lucy's probably going to haunt me again! Erm, don't wanna talk about it so...
I can't believe that you were sick when you sang sounds so cute!!

Engel: Oh, that's odd..I thought you were going away for one week? Anyways...Ehh?! That's also what my mom told me during our school prom! Ahh!! I gotta pay attention to these things!!'s a really good thing that my partner was kind..she didn't get angry even though I was late..ahaha...>_<
Eh..what you mean by kattdesu and me switching bodies..I'm confused..

Ayu: Ahaha, I think I heard this song before! Good job!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-10 03:10:54

wooohhoooo.. just got back... uhhhh...errrr.. O_O

/why so quiet~ness... and it ish near for version~ness 4 of teh "share your karaoke thread"
where ish everyone~ness..??? TT.TT

*beary.. beary huuuuggg~ness* =^^= i wub your radio~ness.. woooott... =^^=

me ish not cute... me ish "manly" ~raaaaaaaaawwwrrrr *pose an exclusive manly pose
for teh engel* /phaaaaaiilll~ness TT.TT i want to be "manly"...
i wub teh ebil luff... luff..lufff.. ppffftttt... =^^= ~oh teh earthquake... me ish
fine... and my family... *draws on engel's face~ness* ~no worries.. ne? *draws circles*
*draws square~ness* *draws squiggly~line~ness* *runs* *hides in teh darkness*

@teh kero:
OMG!!! me ish teh ebil queen... *ebil laugh* *blush* ~ahohohohohohohoho...

~nuuuuuuuuuuuu.. teh kawaii~ness... /stab~ness teh rEi~chama.. chama...

@william~ness w/ teh kyon's sad face:
~look forward to teh lucky channel~luuuuuuuuuuu... (english version~ness) i hope
TOD won't get mad letting it out... uhh...errr ... *hides in teh darkness*
who ish teh "lucy"? @_@ ~nuuuuuuuuuu.. not teh cute~ness.. uhh..err.. it ish
so ebil... O_O ~why change teh avy~ness... i wub teh red eyes.. >_<

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