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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-11 17:01:29
hmm.. that means you are able to read and write in Nihongo?
That'd be awesome ^^

ah.. ._. i got a warning..
i should have just left the message alone =< without replying them x_x
my apology

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-11 20:53:59 (edited 2009-03-11 20:54:44)
i see..
kira,have u played ar tonelico 2 ad..? How is it..?

thanks for the info..
where do u steal those pictures.>? lol..

yup..i play a lot..
tell u..the number of ps2 game in my house can open a mini game shop ad..
it is more than 1000
(imma calculate how much i have spent..)

lol..adeline wants to join me that time..?

hmm..anno..are u all having facebook..?
U all can add me there..jus type my name..and tell me who u are lol..
(my few pictures are there..o_O..)


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-11 23:13:34
keputusan SPM 2008 empunya....xde A...TIDAKKKKK!!!!!

Bahasa Melayu-5C
Pendidikan Islam-5C
Pendidikan Seni Visual-4B
Prinsip Perakaunan-7D

tidak pada english C atau B,jadi plk D...ayooo...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 00:12:56
nasib baik tidak ada gagal...
study harder! xD

awesome :D
and the music is really awesome xD
what else to say...xDD

thanks for dropping by lol and you're welcome

so you always move or something? 2 schools in a year...
oh so you like those types...and XD never expect to hear beyblade after a while lol
are japanese school like the ones we see in animes? not exactly but roughly xD

there's also a competiton for the earth hour? xD

promotion! FOC! grab while it lasts! <- my imagination /gnee

err yea...practice >_>
yea i mean takziah xD

tapi hol kan terer bab keceriaan ni xDD senanglah sikit kot?

lol k xD

lol you don't live in town like me? xD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 00:47:07 (edited 2009-03-12 01:52:06)
/stfu no fair..i can't play it..
If i know earlier..i would buy the japanese version..but now it ad extinct..and i cant find it anywhere..T.T


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 02:44:24 (edited 2009-03-12 02:52:43)
Hello again everyonee...!!!good morning!!(morning?)..kukukuku...:P..

nintendo ds?you want to buy it? i don't have much money to buy it..(er.. how much that console cost?)..and the only console i have now is ps2 and my broken ps1..huhuhuhu..and i plan to buy computer next sem...kukukuku..anyway i still couldn't find tales of lagendia..last week i ask my friend to buy it at KL but he buy the japan version!!!...oh i so frusttt!!!...T___T...but i don't know if there is any tales of-game in nintendo....

kukukuku...i know i'm answer the right question...kukukuku...that stein sure seem like crazy person some time...

MANGA?CHEAP MANGA? that..that...that..AWESOME!!! sure have many collection..tell me how much colletion you has?also how many languange you can speak anyway?

yeah..after boring play easy stages in orochi warrior 1..i and my little sister play the chaos mode in the 2nd ver...and found it more fun!!..anyway has you play crimson sea or zone of ender?

oh..thats good no failure anyway...anyway don't give up!!also has you decide where to continue your study after this?

oh..that sure really good..and i'm here still haven't play my ps2 for a MONTH you know!!!(oh i really miss him) 1000!FOR REAL?!!..
my mother gonna 'bebel' to me infity times if i buy that much.....anyway how bout your memory card how much you has right now?(uhhh..i can't imagine how much memory card you has..?_?...)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 03:19:09 (edited 2009-03-12 03:22:51)
my story..
today is the day of sadness.x.x.
anyway,i went to take my results at 10.30am tis morning n wen i reach school..
my teachers came to me n say,o wong is here,"congrats".
then i was curious,but wen i took the result..
i cried cuz i oni got 5A-all common subject,4B-all sciences*include est* n 1C-add maths=(10 sub pure science) sad..T.T

its fated wat so ever,cuz our skul is evevtualy not so good as the highest is
(6a4b)=2students which both of them is also my bestfren(as we r in the same skul since standard 1-f5).
so my teac gave us a treat..but its definitely a sad day..
also sad for meh,cuz i can never beat tat 2 frenz of mine which is always higher than meh 1 level.
for exp:
me the sadness character..UPSR-4A1B,PMR-6A1B,SPM-5A4B1C
my 2 BESTfrenz-upsr-5A'S staright,PMR-7A N 8A starigh,SPM-6A4B
however i feel happy for them,at least i try my best too..n all failure..
still tis is not the case as my other frenz from every other skul got straight A's..we feel so shy surely.=.="
*dig a hole n hide*

anyway,i gonna reply u all nx im limited of time here in c.c..
miz u guys n gurls..have a nice day..
b4 i end,a HEARTILY CONGRATULATIONS to all spm takers..(straight A's or even if there is no A)juz have to try harder nx time..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-12 03:37:59

Yeah,i like Death Note too,of corse buy manga at jp is cheap,i like to go JP s' Akihabara 秋業原 is the place of anime,manga,cosplay
i not a OTAKU

Take(steal) it from photobucket
hope u unlock the Orochi X

My favourite character below

Lu Bu
Lu Bu Pictures, Images and Photos

Honda Tadakatsu
Tadakatsu Honda Render Pictures, Images and Photos
My favourite chracter are
Taigong Wang
Taigong Wang Pictures, Images and Photos

Nintendo Ds? wow i like to ply pokemon pearl,diamond and platinum
It cost RM450 here

Oh i live at town >.< X.X lag lag lag

Nope,Chaos mode,boring....but is fun through good high atk makes more exciting

got ply warrior orochi 2 ?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by shaoran86 on 2009-03-12 04:13:22
kenapa "hebat" sangat result exam turrrr...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 05:22:09
i wonder if i am lucky than Azwan..
i heard from my mother,i didn't get any D or fail =x
only A B C =x..
i phail my SPM..
YAY ^^~
*dance like the monkey did*

jjo.. are you feeling sad because of the results?
let me tell you one thing..
i have a cousin..
and guess what,she's not really a booksmart..
Do you know ..
She failed most of her subjects..
and that made her locked herself in the room and kept crying..(i don't do that eventhough i phail duh ._.)
but right now,she's just planning her own future..
hoping one day,she could just live like a real useful person
and of course,i'd love to have her happy with her present life..

one thing is that..
it doesn't matter how results you are going to get..
it all comes from effort..
and even if you have give alot of effort on your tests..
those results are just one way to get your dreams achieved..
and by mean,i don't really mean your dreams that really may come true with ALL As..
just to tell you..
the future.. you have to walk for your own..
the tests,exams are just one step near your future..
even if you are not getting your results,who says you can't go further for your future?

i've known people that walked their life and future with such a bright light without getting their results with all A's..
because of their passion and also the clear direct line and knows what to do and what to have for their own future..

and most of all,they are happy with their current choice..

Jjo shouldn't be sad just because of results..
think about your future..
just keep pursuing them..
i know it's absurd to say so but..
if you don't try it,you will never get..
after all,the results are just a paper just to determine how diligent you are..
actually,it didn't really promise you a better life..or a better future..
just a way to get near to achieve your dreams..
even if you have finally able to study a place you wanted and all..
your dreams,your future,you still have to walk on your own..
=x..and the results can't help you with the future..

(* oh well,you can ignore it since i think i am telling those to myself x_x just to get myself abit um..not too sad xDDD*)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 06:08:53 (edited 2009-03-12 06:17:01)
aww..adeline..good point u have there..
my younger brother is getting his spm result today too..
he got 6A ,no fail and he was so dissapointed with the result and cried when phoning to me..
even i dont know how to confort him..
(lol..i should ask adeline to do that that time..)
actually..he was sad for another reason too..that is losing in a bet with me..
because he thought he could 'overtake' me when my result is far better than him during that

anyway..adeline is right..we cant be sure what our future in store for us just based on our result..many successful people to be surprised..they really dont much were top students in school..but they know how to take opportunity in life and give themselves a chance to their future..on the contrary,students who pass with flying colours still couldnt find a job nowadays..that's wat i think..

so..cheer up,guys...ok?


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 07:41:58 (edited 2009-03-12 07:53:26)
kpd calon SPM 2008 yg lulus cemerlang,ku ucapkan tahniah atau omedeto gozaimasu,yg x berjaya...cuba ujian di bln julai ini....


oklah tu....not bad your resault batter than neighbor got 10A1.and my school more than student got 10A or more,my friend got 10A,and another got 5A and other one got A....but got credit...don't very upset...thank to god...


amboi...menentang2lah dpt A,jgn over....x baik tau...but lucky lulus ada kreadit..7D kira luluslah...yg dpt 9G tu yg sedih.


thanks...but I don't want to enter form senior said enter form 6 are waste 2 year..and the subject are very hard and more memorise....


blum tentu lagi blh masuk IPTA,ingat nk masuk UiTM atau poli...masuk form 6 buang masa...aku tanya kwnku yg lain.ada gagal itu pun add maths dan classmate aku gagal dlm pendidikan moral,maths ngan prinsip akaun dpt A1,tapi BM ngan english dpt D atau C...x sure....skolah aku 10 org dpt 10A atau lebih...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by ✿αℓιcɛ✿ on 2009-03-12 07:48:41
Hi minnasan, konbanwa(whatever)-long time I already not been here-how are you all malaysian!!looks like many of them are new -it that true??

Δ ƨσғт αиƨωɛя тʋяиɛтн αωαʏ ωяαтн

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 07:54:41

yup,I am new here...welcome back...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-12 09:48:43
azwan- At most I stay in Japan 6 weeks in the summer. But I go there every year. At most, I go to Japanese School. I also go to other cities such as Tokyo(東京), Nagasaki(長崎), Takamatsu(高松), Osaka(大阪) and Kyoto (京都) as examples.

Adeline- I can read and write Japanese. I've started learning Japanese since I was 16. After my GCSEs at High School. 毎週の月曜日、私はロンドンの日本学校に行きます。

Kira- Last year, I was so busy, because I've been recently learning Japanese. My dad took me to the Japanese school called Asahi Nihongo (朝日日本語)in Fukuoka. or you want more information about this school there. Another Japanese school is in Shinjuku,Tokyo. for more information.

dean- Yes! There's cheap manga in Japan. Akihabara is one of the cities that you can buy cheap manga. Death Note is my first collection. I have 9 volumes of it so far. I have Death Note, Beyblade (I have volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. Need to get volumes 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14), Naruto (3 volumes) and Nana (I only have 1 volume). I speak 3 languages. English, French and Japanese. I know a little bit of mandarin from my relatives in Malaysia.

SRS- Yep. Akihabara is one place that you can buy cheap manga. There are also book-off shops in Japan. There are very popular. There are everywhere in Japan cities.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by ✿αℓιcɛ✿ on 2009-03-12 15:58:39
@ Azwan
~nice to meet u here!!

@ animestar18
~great! u know french too,how long u take to learn french(for the truth-I only knew a few words)and the pronounciation it really hard too!

Δ ƨσғт αиƨωɛя тʋяиɛтн αωαʏ ωяαтн

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 20:37:14

(seronoknye...)during new year go back to japan...are using malaysian airline or japan airline and how much the ticket?maybe I want going at there and stay at there...can you speak malay?I am so jelous you going at deram to stay at japan....



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 21:48:58

Omg! Whats happenin in here! Sumone plish tell meh!
Hishashiburi desu ne~ ore no compy won't connect! Baka, baka! Kuyashi~!
I'm using me fon 2 connect. Lucky I got some moneyy..

Hi 2 newcomers! I'm quite old here.. Hehe..
Hi azwan n animestar!

Exam's over! yeah! But the spm is not yet.. Have you got your test result? Mine is after holiday.. So cuti ni kira blk kg ke? Duk umah ke?

~baby holkie!
I want to fight with you! Prepare! *saving energy*

Jaa~ later!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by ✿αℓιcɛ✿ on 2009-03-12 22:04:39
@ Adera
~omg your pc not connected , yup using phone is much expansive that the internet.It count on byte-hope u soon can get connected!! I also get the internet problem already more 3 weeks and very much miss on here-hug!

@ Azman & Animestar
~ where you from-I forget to ask!!

@ To all the SPM sit'er
~hope you all got great result and get enjoy !!

Δ ƨσғт αиƨωɛя тʋяиɛтн αωαʏ ωяαтн

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-12 22:27:24
ok quick stop...i need to balik kampung NOW!!!
congrats to all those who got their results!
and happy holidays!

i'll reply everyone when i can get here...which is prolly next week >_<

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