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Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-13 02:43:59


Howdy-ho, Shuy be crashing back into the singles club and Gendou! o-o;
Gotta hate the fact I have these prolonged vanishing acts, but at least
I wasn't gone for too long this time. Just been bust with getting ready
for SAT's and whatnot, aswellas waiting for my finacial aid to come back.

Other then my net being eratic, I could probably have come around more, if
only I hadn't been busy with some studying and whatnot – since besides that
I feel like I've been pretty lazy lately. Gotta shape up for school ~

And uh, instead of reading back for hundreds of posts, I'll just ask —

How is Everyone? :D

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-13 04:48:21
@Shuyin: DOODE!!! Lol long time no see man haha! I been good dude just makin music and pullin through school :D

@DA: Freelance? Lol i didnt think those types of jobs existed anymore haha! And im also a bit concerned with juggling work with school but after yesterdays 100th lecture from my mom, i dont really have a choice now.

@Kakku: Haha id be more than glad to take you all out 4 food xD and my band is doin fine. We still are puttin finishing touches on our first song and plan on releasing an EPinspring

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-10-13 18:58:49
[@Kakuu] lol, you're almost there man, almost there.

[@kiralight] Of course, they're very common and you can make pretty decent money from 'em.

I might consider it, but not sure as of now (I'm currently unemployed, but still surviving in college).
There's a job fair at my school at the end of the month, and I think I'll check that out.

Freelance is okay to live off of, it just depends on what you do.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-10-13 23:38:12
The pay is 8.25 per hour. And there's a constant overtime every week.
I HAVE to have this job before I fully get another one.
It's just my fingers really hurt after work, since dealing with the boxes and dog beds all day. :c

lol Sounds like more focus on gaming than school work. xD

Wait... you seriously had to make a collage?
That sounds so Middle school. :o

Actually, it's understandable.
Most people actually remember the bad things that happen rather than the good things.

lol It was talking about Taiwan.
And I commented on how you remember the bad thing happening there.
Rather than knowing some good details about it. xD

I'm a bit lazy on trying to find the flash card thing. :x

I never feel like eating anything at work though.
All the food in the machines aren't always so appetizing.
Then, if I decide to go for fast food, I have to drive out and get it.
After that, my time limit to eat the food is just cut in half or more. :\

I prefer the book so much more.
DVD, I have to put in a player or my laptop.
Book is so much more convenient. Sucks that it cost a lot more for you though. :c

...I would like to be a child again. ;_;

*kicks Shuyin for disappearing..AGAIN* :\

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-10-14 09:45:11
[@GM] That's not so bad, you're working full time now, right?
Dude that'd be a nasty paycheck come end of the week though, plus overtime payments, too?

Yeah, I had to, but I didn't even go to class today, so whatever, heh. >:]
I hate skipping class though, this will be my second (technically third) skipped class, but not from english.

There's a job fair at my school end of the month. I'm going to go and see what's available,
but I don't want to work around a schedule because every quarter, my classes changed and I'd have to adjust to working hours.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-14 18:37:56
@Kira —

Rofl, that's good. What kind of music have you been making?

@Gmeis —

Sorry man, haha, just been overly busy and whatnot. I'm aiming to stick around
for as much as I can now. When I get my laptop this Christmas, it will be alot
easier for me to stick around Gendou cause then I can get on when I'm out and such!

Also, good to hear you have a job. Im waiting for my dad to give me his car and
then I'll be applyin for a job probably at the new wal-mart. They have alot of
openings and such, especially for students like myself.

@DA —

I said it in your shoutbox and another thread, but I wanted to wish you another
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you're having a good one ~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 01:12:27
oh my..i am sorry
happy belated birthday DA

if i have a chance,i would rather me hospitalised than you =c

good luck for your job hunting



(..did i just been blown away..?)

bad thing happened there..
now that you tell me..
i do remember some bad things around um..
the earthquake?
um..the politic problem..
etc..i guess

some good details..sorry .-.
guess i am a pessimistic type -.-?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 01:36:02
got an extra day break XD
hope i could finish those online stuffs i need to finish x.x

hmmm what console do you have again? i only know you have a psp...
i would recommend symphonia (because quite a lot of people start here, apparently...) but not me though XD
usually tales fans takes a few times...or a lot of replaying, so i guess it's worth it XD
tales of the abyss and tales of vesperia is definitely worth it, especially vesperia since it has the achievements recorded on your console, so it'll give a satisfaction (well at least that's what i feel XD)

i see..

500$ my country...3.5 times >.>
so since you're into macs...they're really good?
i rarely see macs around my place though, guess it's not popular enough :/

just hope nothing bad happens to your collection xD

oh you can't...guess only some has it, eh.
i hate seeing people's sigs friggin big, and some persistent people keeps putting 3-4 sigs(more like, i saw a few, wallpaper resized) at once even after they got zapped, friggin' annoying ._.

lol, even someone older than you? they'll feel hurt *cough*

what did you do really? XD

welcome back~
how am i? read my previous reply...XD
but now, am busy with requests and exams, not to mention i still haven't recover from my sickness...

food in machines...definitely not appetizing ._.
eating too much fast food is bad, lol

lol yeah, sucks to be me...xD
when it comes to anime and games though, i never hesitate to spend my money...but of course, look for a cheaper one 1st :x

better don't. lol

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 08:59:12
@Adel:: Well, if I can find a nice rich man who loves me... I don't think I'll mind marrying him... but then of course there are other things to consider but either way... <--this, is only thought. Is not even like I'll action on it! >.<

As for the thinking wise... you are right. Is good to be able to think positively cause then even things that doesn't seem possible may become possible! Pessimist are bad for health.

@Kira Yeah... I quit my job and am in search of the next one now... though I did find something I am interested to do but... well... I don't even know if I can get into the program (which consist of them sending you for 3 yrs of full time diploma course and paying you during that period then bond you for 3 yr with that institute that gave u the chance to enter into the program)... also, the details of the program is not out yet T_T
And... I think I missed sth... why are you in the hospital??!!

@Shuy:: Welcome back!! Noticed that you were missing from MH too... >.<

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-10-15 12:33:38
[@Ki-run] Yeah the original price is over 1,000$.
I'm starting to get more into my Macbook, cause I've barely used it since I've had it.
I've had it for a bit over a month now perhaps, and I haven't tapped into shortcuts and other stuff yet.

I gotta figure out like, iTunes and media players to play anime, etc.
Eventually use either Safari or Firefox (Safari 4.0 is pretty nice but doesn't remember passwords and Firefox is nice but werid for certain things).
Like once I get used to the little stuff I'll be on my Macbook more often perhaps, but I still have my PC,
so until then I'm still going to use it like regular: dL anime, watch videos, etc.
I hate the Macbook's volume level, it's so low and my PC speakers are awesome as hell.

Eventually I'll get an iMac, and maybe dual monitor with my PC screen and keep the speakers (if possible), who knows.

I tried hooking up the eSATA collection and I can't figure it out, I gotta open up my DVR or something.
I have the USB, which takes longer to transfer files,
or maybe it's just the one day I moved over 100 GBs of anime at the same time, rofl!
There's no more anime on my PC now, but I made a desktop dock shortcut that leads to my ex-HD that stores it all.
I've kept it on all this time, so far no issues, but the little night at night is really bright (like a night light :D).

Well yeah they're like total n00bs. I might eventually get back into sigs, but I love little stuff like logos for now, better.
And yeah once I figure it out I'll eventually work on my profile (which I've said forever now, but yes, haha).

I was pissed yesterday, I had my smiley faces on my shoutout box from an old photobucket account and the links expired.
I don't know where the original ones are, and I tried finding them, but I might just go /no emotes :/


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-10-15 14:12:02
WOOT I'm actually back on my laptop.
*smacks shuy with a newspaper* wb shuy~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 18:14:32
hmmm full diploma course, then contract with them eh...might be worth it, but best if you wait for the full details or something. what are you interested in btw?

well, something kinda bad happened...not gonna elaborate, meh, i'm fine now, just haven't recovered my voice though XD

...SO BLOODY EXPENSIVE? get to my currency..times 3.5...

remember password thingy, i'm somehow afraid to use it, lol.
low volume tha's what i don't like, i like playing my music loud. so loud i end up having some sorta...wound in my ear, somehow. i think it's because of the earphones XD

100GBs in a day, no wonder XD
night light, nice. i like some...xD here i think it's DA-ish XP
people still prefers sigs over logos so that feels original eh danchou? XD

custom smiley faces? that's bad then...
i thought you can set it back to the original smileys? since you're using shoutmix, there's a way to get em back i suppose.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 18:22:09
@Twinneh: Im stuck with psp :O So ill start with Symphonia then play the other games after that. How is the gameplay/storyline? Im a sucker for good stories and gameplay.

@Naru:!! I dont have a word 4 u lol Whats up? How u been man? Its been a few weeks since i seen u.

@DA: I honestly thought freelance only existed in anime tbh no joke haha! Gl with the job hunt man. I filled out a few apps and im bringin em in tomorrow.

@Adel: Thanks :3 We gotta chat it up on MSN again sometime ^^

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-10-15 19:34:25
@Gackt/Ennis I've been good you?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 19:41:11
@Naru: Pretty good man, just dealin w/ school and music. Also our beloved PR thread has died...Dx

@Shuy: Metalcore!! xDD. Im the drummer/2nd leader of the group haha.

Happy Blated Bday DA!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-10-15 19:55:27
aww that thread was fun. ; w; R.I.P PR thread.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-15 23:42:28
Kyaa!! I'm in trouble now... An interview I went for ealier this week as HR Assistant actually have the intention to hire me. And at the same time, the programe which I'm interested to take on is starting it's application on 01 Nov 2009 (school only starts in Apr 2009 though). If I accept this job (a temporary to permanent job), and then later get accepted into the program, I'll feel guilty for betraying/using them cause then I'll have to quit the job. But if I don't get the job and I don't take the job and don't get accepted into the program, I'll be in a lose-lose situation.
Originally, I thought of getting a temp job if I get accepted into the school so that I can survive till school starts and don't have to be worried about betraying no company. What am I to do now?!?! T__T

Well Kira. I was looking into the jobs occupational therapist or physiotherapist (think most likely I'll go for the former though)... seems interesting and I think I'll be able to like them since is about helping people and Engel loves to help people though I also have the tendency to get myself hurt in the process...
Bad thing eh.... I'm just glad you are fine now~ been worried cause I noticed that you were suddenly not on facebook (or at least it seems like to me) for a while...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-10-17 02:17:27
oh nice~
extra day break :l

why not?
actually..i think i am kinda feel relaxed in hospital ._.ll..

i was shocked when you have a thought of marrying a rich man..
i mean..
it just reminds me those Japanese ladies..
the statistics..

but um..never mind..

hmm..if i am right,would you change your pessimistic thinking and at least be a little optismistic +_+?

so someone wants to hire you but at the same time your programme is going to start?
well,there is the only way..
the way is..
to tell the person that hires you about the programme before you accept the job
tell the person the whole thing
i don't think it's a bad thing at all to let people know..
o.o i think you should tell the person about the programme you are going to enter so if you are going to quit or the person is going to take someone else,it's the person's choice(or if you are going to quit,at least..the person will have another person to replace you by the time you leave..well..just make things smooth)

since the wanted to join right?

the thing is..
just be honest and everything will be fine
don't think of losing any of them..
just tell ;x

i haven't sign in skype or MSN for a long time.. x.x sorry..

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-10-17 08:34:48
@Engel you should do what you think is best of your interests...don't worry about the other stuff until later. ^_^

@adel why are you in the hospital? o_o

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-10-17 09:39:31 (edited 2009-10-17 09:40:53)
I like to join in this club. I like to sing, but I'm gonna be busy in Japan due to Japanese lessons this year. i had a bf, but not anymore.

anime19 (sometimes being single can bring you happiness if you don't fall in love with someone)

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