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Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-18 22:03:40
uwaaaaaahhhhh!!! *throws it away after 3.8 seconds of screaming "uwaaaaaahhhhh!!!"*

throws a poisoned dart to the next poster

think fast!!!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-19 00:18:22
*dodges & it hits a dog as it dies slowly :\*

*throws my skirt at the next poster*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by hime197 on 2008-03-19 01:36:09 (edited 2008-03-19 01:38:30)
*sells it to the nearest pervert and gets $1000 for it*

*throws $900.67 to the next poster*

"It doesn't matter! The US is in a recession anyway!" :D "I still got $99.33 left!"

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-19 04:24:01
*takes it ^^ and trade it into euro's cause i can't pay with dollars over here*

*Throws the euro's to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-19 09:43:26
*take it....and runaway*

*throws a gold bar to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-20 16:41:05
^kn0cked by gold bar and faints^

throws a truck of worms at the next poster

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by megamanx14 on 2008-03-20 17:30:51
burns the truck of worms while saying "burn in hell"

throw a cookie made of gold at next poster

life is all math and friends.

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-20 18:25:15
*Catch it and Sell it*

*Throw the money at the next poster*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-21 05:14:19 (edited 2008-03-21 05:14:35)
catches it $_$ bwahahah I'm RICH!!!

*Throw a bunch of PSP which will shock you to the next poster*

Tales of FC

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by megamanx14 on 2008-03-21 10:18:25
what the (gets hit by psp the got shocked by them) ahhh (i am dead)

"cut jc kun's head with a sword and throw it at next poster" i am a ghost now and so are you! >:)F

life is all math and friends.

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by hime197 on 2008-03-21 12:51:00
*dodges Jc's head and blood splatters all over the pavement*

"KEWL!" ^w^

*takes a polaroid of it and throws picture to next poster*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-21 23:40:47
*Runs away from it*

*Throws a DVD of Hana-Kimi movie*

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-22 10:33:21
*catch it and quickly watch it*

*throws a broomstick to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-22 22:57:04
*catch it and sweep teh leaves and dirts in front of my house*
*throws a bag of leaves and dirts to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-22 22:58:43
*catch n throws it back to kyo XD*

*throw kyo with hers bag of leaves n dirts to the next poster :P*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-23 04:17:24
step aside.
kyo lands heavily.
throw the bag of dirt and leaves to the next poster

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-23 04:27:45
*sings* I got a jar...(well sort of) Dirt! =3

Throws a Rune to the next poster

Tales of FC

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-23 06:01:34
Ooooohh!! Rune!! *Put it on his Forehead* Yaaaay!! Bright shield Rune XDD

*Throw Easter bunny to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by rin8 on 2008-03-23 15:46:36
*Catches the Easter bunny and steals all it's chocolate*

*throws my paper I have to write at the next poster*

Photobucket Gackt が 大好き<3! Manaさま も 大好き<3! MALICE MIZER が 大好き<3! Please visit my deviantART!

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2008-03-23 23:39:47
*catch it and wipe my nose*

*Throws an angry soul to the next poster*


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