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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 05:48:56
@Z: Sankyuu for the compliment~~ but I am not kawaii~~ *shotshotshot by people who beg to differ*

@Tanakaacchi: Omigosh I spelt your nickname wrongly at the other post! D8 Don't worry about me getting nightmares, they rarely happen. XD And I agree... school's REALLY bad - esp. the public examinations I have in my country (almost typed 'world' XD too much Kingdom Hearts and Tsubasa Chronicle *shotshotshot*) that decides if you're going to college or not. ><

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 06:42:23

@z: /hail~ness to teh king~ness.... babeeeeeeehhh!!!!! *ebil laugh*

@engel: *ebil laugh* ~gintama song~ness.. ish it "candy line"? uhh...errr...
~hahahahahah... *imitates engel~ness* *taps feet while typing*

@teh kattness /sbuggle~ness.../shhuuuupperrdduufferr~ness whug~ness .______.
teh giggly part ish teh ebil~ness within me... ~waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

@tanakaacchi: wooott.. finally you post teh song~ness...i tried editing teh
song~ness but teh bzzttt part can't be remove~ness.. TT.TT
~post more song~ness... ^^

i also wuv our trio~ness motteke sailor fuku... ^^

*sees scarlett post~ness* OMgomgomgomgomgOMG!!!!

@scarlett: u wuv teh you singing sakura biyori mic too close and don't gomen... ^^
~song~ness... *remembers teh skype call~ness w/ s

@rEi: /staaaaaaaaabbb~ness... yeah ebil~ness... waaacchhaaa~nyu! me ish ebil...
~chama..chama..chama...chama..chama... *chibi form*

@ICD: OMG!!!! SMAP!!!! =^^= wuv it... ^^

@saru: ~waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... where ish your song~ness.. TT.TT

@claus: whhaaaatt? i think you're in teh wrong place to post..clause.. X____X

*time for me to sleep* *sweet dreams* ^^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Erkun on 2007-07-05 08:21:13 (edited 2007-07-05 08:26:32)
Ok maybe rating songs here is a bad idea after all... I'll stick with my comments.

きゃあああああ!! You're really good! Great songs...

Wow your sister sounded like the real thing... and you did great, too! *thumbs up*

Cute sooong! ^^

Testing, testing...

Hitorijanai (reeeeeally short)

A song from DBGT.

Oops missed someone...

Weird buzzing... but good singing!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-05 10:58:06 (edited 2007-07-05 23:06:26)
Just wanted to leave a quick post, since I heard scarlett's music earlier but then had to run...:(

@Scarlett- You have a pretty voice and the singing was good, but sometimes it gets really loud because of the mic ne....XP Still I like it very much! ^_^

***Will update after I listen to everyone else's songs ne!!***


HELLO!!! I doubt anyone will read this since I updated it so late....*sigh*, gomen.

@Tanakacchi- I liked your singing, but like someone else said the mic at the begining was giving off some scary noises and then while you were singing it buzzed a bit which is sad because I couldn't hear some of your singing :(...why does your mic do you know? Anyway, the singing was vair nice though!

@Erkun- WOW, I really like your singing...I don't know why I just really like it, maybe it is your voice or something. You sing really well and in time (something I suck at :P). I wish it was longer so I could hear more of your singing ne.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-05 13:51:48
OMG!! so mabny posts again X_X

I can't keep it uo with you guys T_T
Is so sad...

@Rixena: i listened to both of your verrsions,
Thank you for sing taht song *GLOMP*
I love that song *Hugs*

You were really good!! *right now listening the ballad version *

I have your part of Ike ike, i will listening later and record it later XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 14:05:46
wwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooowwwwwwww~~~~ u guys so great~ .__. i still can't post any of my songs since i don't like the way i sound nd i hate mah voice >.>''

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 15:00:58 (edited 2007-07-05 15:02:00)
@ Erkun - kyaaa thanks ^_^
I listened to your song omg! You hit such high notes!! OMG!!!! XD I so love your voice. you should make full version for me >_<

Mizukiii- XD yeah yinzhao has a putfile account now XDDDD
That will be where my shit will be on XD (like im going to put that hyoutei file on my soundclick hahahaha omg they'll sue me xD)

Rei & Mizuki - XDD yesh!! make me an awesome avaaaatar xD (please. XD)

Katt - I love you. lol. I just. Love you. XD

Rixena - shut up XD you got a cute voice XD no denying it!! ^__^
and your world. lolololol XD

Tana- cute voice too but the microphone pikes kinda hurt my ears.. >< and your voice sounds reformed or something.. really too bad cuz its pretty cute..

Lei- post something already XD I think my voice sucks always too

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 15:24:40
tutut, I'm so very disappointed too. If you had taken the effort to scroll up you would see Erkun put up some of his singing, and if you would go a page back you'd see me/tana/rixena/mizuki etc etc put up their singing.

so we do post our voice. All the texts are critique. Because, whats the use of posting your voice when nobody will tell what they think about it?

and i've read through the latest posts and nobody had "o my gosh, I luv this thread!" in it.

Go post your songs as soon as possible ne ^^ and the members in here will judge if you got such a damn good voice lol.

ps im not mad or anything. XD its just that. you're wrong! XD

but do post your songs soon I'd love to hear.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 16:12:54
no more "-sama" please T_T

and.. i'll try to listen to all of new songs later,, nee?? ^^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 16:26:40
Argh... so after wandering the streets of Hong Kong for awhile, I finally had time to stop and listen to some music! Then found out my laptop can't hear everything... The first things I heard worked XD and guess who I heard????

^.^ wows thats cool, I haven't ever had some one dedicate a song to me, Thanks! I like the first one, and everyone already said stuff about your high and low thing, but yeah I liked it alot that you'd rather be inaccurate and full of emotion than accurate and robot-like ^^ And about Hyotei...

WEEEES Katsu no wa Hyotei! Makeru no Seigaku!!!!! I do it better... LOL JK That was awesome, sounded really like an instructional audio tape lol

Okies, what else, on to commenting comments lol (I listen to other songs later, I just wanted to get this post up as soon as I can!)

Lol I started the PoT episode, and it won't end until I say so!!!!! Lol so expect more, much more PoT songs ^^

fierce ninja cat:
Lols at your laziness, you should only be disappointed after looking at all 856 posts on this thread (857 now lol) even if you didn't you should realize that a topic that has 856 (857 now) posts means its going on the right track. Oh yeah one more thing, Let us decide if you have a damn good voice, vanity is not a very desirable trait. sorries if this came out a bit mean, but it's just that I think it's funny how unprepared to make such a statement, at least post a song right then, so I don't have to call you vain... ^^

As for me,
My hotel sucks, I sang like one verse and I got complaints that it was too loud... Srsly what are hotels for? to get rid of jet lag right? So nobody should be sleeping at 3 in the morning! ^^ eh, let me get out of here and post more, byes all!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 16:31:24

~yapoooooooooooooooooooooo!!! =^^=
i'm in a good mood this morning~ness.... ^^

@erkun: yeah.. full version~ness of teh song~ness.. *agrees with yinzhao*
~wow... wow... ~kyaaaaaaaaaa... *ebil laugh*

@dn~ness: no rush... *ebil laugh* ~i'm so ebil when i recorded that...
/why delete~ness it... O___________________O ~jk...

@mikoto: *snugggleess~ness* ~nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... TT.TT

@fierce ninja kat: oh... you're new here? if you got time try browsing the pages.
There's lots of song~ness from people~ness. Anywhoooooooo, welcome!!! ~looking
forward to hear you sing....uhhh..errr...


@rEi: ~how about ~chama..chama..chama...chama..? *ebil laugh* /stttaaabb~ness

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 17:01:09
Erkun: I love your make me want to record badly...but since I have no mic I can't...But it says it's coming in the mail soon! So I will be posting new songs soon!! Wohooo...ANyway...Congratulations Erkun.

Fierce Ninja: Check out the pages and you will find a lot of songs...Now I get really interested when people say the are pretty damn good...I mean No offense...but most of the time when people say that it's because they are not...and maybe some people will take it as concedeed...sometimes humillity is good you know? Anyway... I really want to hear you sing now...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 18:06:19
ack... I don't know what is happening~~ never had this prob b4 but ur song is lagging on this office PC... very badly... i can barely finish hearing one word before is lags again... sorry... can't comment much... not with this lag~

Hee~~~ =D thanks for ur avi~~ in advance~~

*shoots shoots* this is fun~ *hugz*

SMAP!! yeah! wait... did I hear 2 person at the starting of the song?
U did great~ lovely song... lovely voice~

OK... so there was ppl speaking (from the TV)... it scared me for a while thr... ahahahaha
Is good to scream out to relief stress at times... but be careful not to over strain ur voice coz i still wanna hear more songs from ya~~~
(PS:: thr's a part in God Knows that's good for screaming... hahhaa)

Erm... I'm sorry but I don't get you...

*listens to candy line* Hmm... i don't think is this one... but I was half asleep when I heard the song.. that's why I can't rem... wait.... it seems like it is this song... damn!!! *shouts: chikusho!!* >_< I can't rem!!!!!!!! Ya... I think is this song~ becoz when i was listening to the song... it reminded me of ur voice... hahahaha

Nice... but too short~ will u be doing a full ver soon?

actually... u should try posting... coz most of us (OK... at least me n myself) don't really like how we sound ourselves...
worst come to worst... u might be recruited by the SOD~ i'm jk~~~ jk~~~ ><

Am I missing something here... I don't get it...Who's "wrong"?

wow!! u're in Hong KOng!! Thats nice~~~ try lotsa food there! Is known to be a food heaven~ But.. DO NOT STEP INTO THE ALLEYS... coz after u do... u might not dare to eat the food =X *still feel as if I'm missing out on sth..... =.=*

hahahahah... chama datto~~~ hahahhaha... cute~~~~


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 18:13:17
XDDD nope i cant se it anymore either.. its deleted..


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Erkun on 2007-07-05 18:35:09
Whoops azn_ninja_kat got banned...

I can't record full songs yet T_T

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 19:11:48
eeee.... wat happened... guess the person was too harshed! though I totally have not had a chance to see that post~ But oh well.. at least I know what I'm been missing.... a missing post~~

Love ur avatar.... soooo cute... *blink blink*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 19:23:16 (edited 2007-07-05 19:23:49)
yeeeeees!!!! I love it!!! I love ReiRei for it too xD *wuggles Rei*
he made it for me ^_______^

and I didnt get the feeling ninja something was harsh but just.. saying a couple of things he/she didnt know anything about so.
plus he/she said he/she had a damn good voice but well. XD no prove to go with it.

oh @ mizuki - what kind of chibi? i love chibi's xD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 19:33:06
I see... so basically the person juz barged in here and advertise his voice (w/o evidance) and spoke of some nonsense (ok... think it might be me being harshed~~)
Is totally cute!! remind me of the shiroi maju from Clamp (thinks Tsubasa Chronicles) and... I luv Chibi too!!!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 19:40:07

OMG!!! rEi beat me making yinzhao's avy~ness... >_________<
@yinzhao: girly chibiness...? w/ lots of pink~ness...

/staaaaaabbb~ness rEi.... more... ~chama...chama...chama...

@engel: chikusho? < - - - - title of teh song~ness.. ? @_@ ~just finished chores~ness..
so i can't think straight~ness... @_________@ ..want a blinky... blinky.. avy?
~with ebil~ness under teh wing~ness on it? jk

@mystuhmusic: woah.. hong kong~ness... gaaahh i missshhh hong kong... uhh..errr..
*me wants to go back to disneyland* *goes back to teh darkness*

*will try singing more silly~ness songs later on*

*ebil laugh*


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 19:49:45
engelwings - its uizu from D.N. Angel XDD

mizuki - you can still make me one ^_^ I can switch avi's every once in a while XD
plus im curious what kind of one you'd make me XD

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